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Names in use:
  • aaron
  • ais523
  • Ale
  • alfix
  • alpha_514
  • Angolino
  • Another
  • archcorenth
  • BigSlick
  • brynn
  • Chib
  • Craven
  • Crystalicum
  • Daisy
  • daydreamer
  • dev0
  • Fata1ist
  • Fifi
  • FoxyLady
  • Francis I
  • Gabian
  • gorg
  • gpc
  • grimes
  • H-J.Epting
  • hadanie7
  • Hangaro
  • harganaxki
  • InkretBear
  • Jambo1990
  • Jens
  • jonatan_h
  • Kaleta
  • Kaptain Korny
  • Kejvi
  • kenanbit
  • Klaus
  • Klausi
  • l'ane
  • LEV
  • LukaszWiackowski
  • maggie
  • Mark P.
  • Martin
  • Maulwurf
  • Medimaster
  • misterSD
  • mnemosyne2
  • Moneymaker
  • NaPompie
  • Pierre
  • Pierre_63
  • Raoul
  • RigMor
  • Seraphina
  • shoki
  • slowhand
  • spica
  • StasAlexeevka
  • Taztunes
  • Telnaior
  • the_candyman
  • tonicx
  • U-Punkt
  • Valkyrie2
  • vasudeva
  • Velstadt
  • Volker
  • Zecks

Score Statistics

Worldrecord Statistics of June 2024
usertotalshareddifficultalone + sharedeasyalone + shared
Medimaster191739716601335 + 325257185 + 72
Kaptain Korny419101335253 + 828465 + 19
Gabian408147326213 + 1138248 + 34
Moneymaker26920023460 + 174359 + 26
daydreamer217101188106 + 822910 + 19
dev01706014396 + 472714 + 13
l'ane1661571387 + 131282 + 26
Volker83438340 + 4300 + 0
Angolino7876632 + 61150 + 15
Craven74557019 + 5140 + 4
Crystalicum6666540 + 54120 + 12
misterSD61434814 + 34134 + 9
LEV5552462 + 4491 + 8
InkretBear51353513 + 22163 + 13
tonicx5084537 + 855 + 0
Daisy4741353 + 32123 + 9
H-J.Epting2929240 + 2450 + 5
Another2727220 + 2250 + 5
Zecks2722213 + 1862 + 4
spica2624201 + 1961 + 5
StasAlexeevka2231412 + 287 + 1
alpha_514168147 + 721 + 1
Taztunes11584 + 432 + 1
Pierre8572 + 511 + 0
alfix7770 + 700 + 0
U-Punkt7352 + 322 + 0
ais5236540 + 421 + 1
Klausi6066 + 000 + 0
hadanie75540 + 410 + 1
harganaxki4022 + 022 + 0
Jambo19904440 + 400 + 0
Pierre_634132 + 111 + 0
Raoul4440 + 400 + 0
Francis I3330 + 300 + 0
gpc3320 + 210 + 1
Hangaro3330 + 300 + 0
vasudeva3033 + 000 + 0
Velstadt3330 + 300 + 0
Fifi2220 + 200 + 0
gorg2022 + 000 + 0
grimes2210 + 110 + 1
Kaleta2220 + 200 + 0
Ale1100 + 010 + 1
jonatan_h1110 + 100 + 0
Kejvi1110 + 100 + 0
kenanbit1110 + 100 + 0
Mark P.1110 + 100 + 0
NaPompie1110 + 100 + 0
Telnaior1110 + 100 + 0
the_candyman1011 + 000 + 0
Solved Level Statistics of June 2024
tonicx97.73 %2572/262897.87 %435/44996.88 %
Gabian94.12 %2501/262895.17 %395/44987.97 %
Craven92.75 %2467/262893.87 %387/44986.19 %
dev090.41 %2376/262890.41 %406/44990.42 %
Kaptain Korny83.78 %2185/262883.14 %393/44987.53 %
daydreamer80.99 %2136/262881.28 %356/44979.29 %
Volker80.44 %2130/262881.05 %345/44976.84 %
Taztunes76.44 %1987/262875.61 %365/44981.29 %
H-J.Epting73.97 %1949/262874.16 %327/44972.83 %
Ale72.83 %1920/262873.06 %321/44971.49 %
Medimaster70.75 %1868/262871.08 %309/44968.82 %
Daisy68.41 %1820/262869.25 %285/44963.47 %
StasAlexeevka65.23 %1605/262861.07 %402/44989.53 %
Klausi61.10 %1768/262867.28 %112/44924.94 %
gorg57.26 %1428/262854.34 %334/44974.39 %
Jambo199053.04 %1415/262853.84 %217/44948.33 %
ais52352.62 %1404/262853.42 %215/44947.88 %
Kejvi51.15 %1336/262850.84 %238/44953.01 %
Klaus47.29 %1321/262850.27 %134/44929.84 %
U-Punkt45.63 %1162/262844.22 %242/44953.90 %
Valkyrie244.91 %1343/262851.10 %39/4498.69 %
Zecks42.25 %1061/262840.37 %239/44953.23 %
brynn42.12 %1244/262847.34 %52/44911.58 %
shoki41.47 %1096/262841.70 %180/44940.09 %
mnemosyne240.59 %1071/262840.75 %178/44939.64 %
Moneymaker40.43 %1005/262838.24 %239/44953.23 %
Another38.64 %1026/262839.04 %163/44936.30 %
maggie37.47 %816/262831.05 %337/44975.06 %
Seraphina36.53 %797/262830.33 %327/44972.83 %
Angolino34.68 %927/262835.27 %140/44931.18 %
hadanie733.73 %925/262835.20 %113/44925.17 %
archcorenth32.63 %953/262836.26 %51/44911.36 %
kenanbit32.17 %832/262831.66 %158/44935.19 %
BigSlick30.00 %775/262829.49 %148/44932.96 %
alpha_51429.28 %799/262830.40 %102/44922.72 %
aaron29.25 %771/262829.34 %129/44928.73 %
Raoul27.56 %689/262826.22 %159/44935.41 %
vasudeva25.61 %763/262829.03 %25/4495.57 %
Maulwurf25.35 %778/262829.60 %2/4490.45 %
the_candyman25.22 %694/262826.41 %82/44918.26 %
l'ane23.27 %618/262823.52 %98/44921.83 %
harganaxki23.14 %560/262821.31 %152/44933.85 %
Velstadt22.52 %648/262824.66 %45/44910.02 %
Pierre22.49 %609/262823.17 %83/44918.49 %
Mark P.21.35 %523/262819.90 %134/44929.84 %
grimes19.37 %543/262820.66 %53/44911.80 %
misterSD16.77 %394/262814.99 %122/44927.17 %
Jens16.09 %335/262812.75 %160/44935.63 %
Francis I14.72 %431/262816.40 %22/4494.90 %
gpc13.71 %333/262812.67 %89/44919.82 %
LEV13.00 %314/262811.95 %86/44919.15 %
Pierre_6312.90 %330/262812.56 %67/44914.92 %
InkretBear12.64 %370/262814.08 %19/4494.23 %
Crystalicum12.19 %309/262811.76 %66/44914.70 %
RigMor11.83 %338/262812.86 %26/4495.79 %
Martin11.31 %276/262810.50 %72/44916.04 %
Fifi11.24 %337/262812.82 %9/4492.00 %
jonatan_h10.76 %289/262811.00 %42/4499.35 %
spica7.41 %204/26287.76 %24/4495.35 %
alfix7.05 %200/26287.61 %17/4493.79 %
Chib6.66 %205/26287.80 %0/4490.00 %
Hangaro6.66 %203/26287.72 %2/4490.45 %
Telnaior5.65 %134/26285.10 %40/4498.91 %
FoxyLady4.94 %83/26283.16 %69/44915.37 %
Kaleta4.09 %126/26284.79 %0/4490.00 %
Fata1ist3.57 %87/26283.31 %23/4495.12 %
LukaszWiackowski1.43 %44/26281.67 %0/4490.00 %
slowhand1.07 %15/26280.57 %18/4494.01 %
NaPompie0.84 %12/26280.46 %14/4493.12 %
Rating Statistics of June 2024
usercountcount %average
tonicx2585/262898.36 %4.97
Craven2507/262895.40 %3.66
Gabian2505/262895.32 %4.99
dev01979/262875.30 %4.33
Taztunes1742/262866.29 %4.96
daydreamer1169/262844.48 %4.77
StasAlexeevka1130/262843.00 %5.07
Another979/262837.25 %5.37
U-Punkt885/262833.68 %5.16
gorg878/262833.41 %5.19
Medimaster860/262832.72 %4.91
Crystalicum765/262829.11 %4.72
maggie649/262824.70 %4.87
Volker639/262824.32 %5.1
Seraphina633/262824.09 %4.86
shoki514/262819.56 %4.17
gpc369/262814.04 %5.03
Kaptain Korny363/262813.81 %3.34
Maulwurf191/26287.27 %5.57
Angolino180/26286.85 %5.06
Raoul149/26285.67 %5.39
FoxyLady111/26284.22 %5.12
ais52378/26282.97 %4.85
Mark P.63/26282.40 %4.94
archcorenth54/26282.05 %5.57
kenanbit44/26281.67 %5.34
Ale35/26281.33 %6.11
Zecks35/26281.33 %4.37
Hangaro27/26281.03 %3.56
spica25/26280.95 %4.92
the_candyman18/26280.68 %6.56
slowhand12/26280.46 %6.33
Valkyrie211/26280.42 %9.36
Pierre_6311/26280.42 %5.91
Kejvi4/26280.15 %4.5
Velstadt3/26280.11 %3.33
InkretBear2/26280.08 %4
Francis I2/26280.08 %5
Fata1ist1/26280.04 %8
Jambo19901/26280.04 %5
Klaus1/26280.04 %10
Klausi1/26280.04 %10
aaron1/26280.04 %3

Other Statistics


68622 single level scores have been registered.


22211 single level ratings have been registered with an average of 4.75 and the following distribution:



All distributed levels are counted for a total. If a level provides an easy mode both versions are taken into account. Levels that appear several times in different levelpacks are just counted once.


Scores are measured by a resolution of 1 second. If two or more users finish a level within the same second they will both have the same score and they share the world record. The world record is taken into account for the total world record count for both competitors.

Copyright © 2003 - 2022 by Daniel Heck and contributors. The textual content is available under the Creative Commons License.