
The latest stable version of DataExplorer is 3.9.0
Please select the file appropriate for your platform below.
Last supported 32 Bit version 3.8.6, excluding ARM32, require installation of a Java runtime environment, may be download here. All Linux versions can install the runtime environment using the distribution software repository. In any case of trouble please refer to Troubleshooting.

Windows Operating system logo Windows

DataExplorer_Setup_3.9.0_win64.exe  -  signature file  -  md5 hash file
Supported are Windows 7 to Windows 11 as 64 bit version and has an integrated Java runtime.

MacOS Operating system logo Mac OS X

DataExplorer-3.9.0_Mac_64.dmg  -  signature file  -  md5 hash file
An installation of Java runtime is not needed.
M1 processor: execution of DataExploreer using Rosetta. Actual there is no version which supporting AArch.
Use 32 Bit version only on a 32 Bit MAC OS running on Power processor and download here.

GNU/Linux Operating system logo Linux

dataexplorer-3.9.0-bin_GNULinux_x86_64.tar.gz  -  signature file  -  md5 hash file
dataexplorer-3.9.0-bin_Linux_ARM_32.tar.gz  -  signature file  -  md5 hash file
dataexplorer-3.9.0-bin_Linux_ARM_64.tar.gz  -  signature file  -  md5 hash file
Attention! There are Linux system without GTK installed. To enable DataExplorer execution GTK installation is required.

Source code

Executables can be build and installed using configure and make. Required is a Java SDK and Ant.
dataexplorer-3.9.0-src.tar.gz  -  signature file  -  md5 hash file

Documentation and helper files

The documentation is also available in large parts during the runtime of the program via the question mark. It is recommended that you skim the documentation once so that the user concept and the possibilities become accessible.
DataExplorer - Users Guide.pdf  -  signature file  -  md5 hash file
Files list

How to verify signatures of the download

You need to have GnuPG installed before you can verify signatures.
To verify download, download the corresponding sig file as well an execute:
$ gpg --verify foo.tar.gz.sig
(To do this, Download Public Key and import "pgp --import KEY.pgp" to add the key to the key ring)