The PyHLA module requires
A binary installer is provided for the latest CERTI and Python release.
The wizzard will guide you through the installation process. The PyHLA module should be installed into the Python site-packages directory. When prompted for a destination folder, you should enter something like C:/Program Files/Python2.5/Lib/site-packages.
The PyHLA source codes can be obtained from the CERTI applications repository.
cvs co applications/PyHLA
To build the PyHLA module you must provide a path to the Python site-packages directory.
If no CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is provided, the path is determined automatically. The source codes can be compiled and installed using
cmake . make install
Alternatively, you may provide the path to the site-packages directory in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX cmake variable.
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages make install