- Method resolution order:
- MessageRouter
- threading.Thread
- threading._Verbose
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, queueSize=10)
- queueSize definit le nombre max. de messages en attente
- addHandler(self, handler)
- handler doit repondre a handleMessage(message)
- put(self, message)
- enqueues the message for routing
This function could block
- rmHandler(self, handler)
- run(self)
- ***should not be called***
wait for incoming messages and route them to all handlers
- stop(self)
- Ends the running thread
this function returns immediately but the running thread
will not end immediately
Data and non-method functions defined here:
- STOP = '__MessageRouter__die__'
- __doc__ = ' This class routes message on a queue to several...andler() )\n mr.put(message)\n mr.stop()\n '
- __module__ = 'common.messagerouting'
Methods inherited from threading.Thread:
- _Thread__bootstrap = __bootstrap(self)
- _Thread__delete = __delete(self)
- _Thread__stop = __stop(self)
- __repr__(self)
- _set_daemon(self)
- getName(self)
- isAlive(self)
- isDaemon(self)
- join(self, timeout=None)
- setDaemon(self, daemonic)
- setName(self, name)
- start(self)
Data and non-method functions inherited from threading.Thread:
- _Thread__initialized = 0
Methods inherited from threading._Verbose:
- _note(self, format, *args)