

is Beaver? Beaver is a recursive acronym for Beaver is an
Early AdVanced EditoR. It is intended for Linux and other Unices (even
Windows eventually). It is licensed under the GNU GPL v.2 and intended to
be lightweight, but full of useful features for programming, from
website editing to coding. It is based upon the GTK+ 2
toolkit, supports many languages through config files and offers
functions such as automatic indentation, completion and correction, as
well as syntax highlighting. It even has its own mini macro language.
Please see the menu on the left for more information. If you are
interested in the development of Beaver, made a patch or want to report
a bug, please subscribe to the main mailinglist beaver-devel
at nongnu dot org.
choose Beaver? We hear this question often, but actually there are quite a lot of reasons to choose Beaver:
- Beaver
fights bloat. Beaver is committed to the idea of lean and
powerful software. Why should an editor be fat and slow if it could also be lightweight and fast?
Our source is written entirely in C to maintain the
smallest footprint possible. We are committed to the small and micro
distribution community.
- Beaver has staying power.
To date it has survived two different administrative change-overs, and
it remains the text-editor of choice in some of the world's smallest
Linux distributions.
- Beaver is flexible.
Features like syntax highlighting for several languages (C/C++, Html,
Perl, Bash, Javascript, Java2, PHP, Python), baseline converter, a color
picker and many
more! Everything you expect from an advanced editor, while still being
- Beaver is a small project.
This may not seem like an advantage at first, but think about it.
Suppose for a moment that you're using Beaver and you think to yourself
"wouldn't it be nice if Beaver could do...". Do you really think that a
large editor project is going to pay any attention to your
feature request? There are probably hundreds of suggestions every day,
and the project is simply too big to pay any real attention to them.
With Beaver it's different. There is just a small development team and
we love new ideas.

Version released!
We are announcing the availability of the release. This release is a general bugfix release based on the former 0.3.0 codebase.
The primary changes for this release are:
- compiling - Beaver actually compiles now
- stability - Far fewer segmentation faults
- scaled back - Some features have been removed or limited to decrease the memory footprint
- and as a bonus, Beaver also has Python syntax highlighting now!
You can download this release through our Downloads page.
Hi, I'm Double 12, a new developer
here at the Beaver project. We're planning to release a totally new
version of Beaver in the future, using new GTK-functions and including
several new features. It will be based on Beaver 0.3.0, so there's no
need for our users to install GtkSourceView as dependency.
In the very near future, we are hoping
to release a 0.3.0 bugfix release, replacing the current 0.3.0 and
0.3.1 releases, that cause segmentation faults on most
systems. The 0.3.0 bugfix release won't introduce many new features. It
will mainly fix the segmentation faults, so everyone is able to get to
know the 0.3 branch.
By the way, Beaver now also has an IRC
channel! #beaver-project on irc.freenode.net.
for developers
If you would like to be a part of a
legendary (at least in the micro-distro world) text-editor project,
contact Aelthwin (Trevor) on trevor at brownfamily dot homedns dot org.
I'm still working on a roadmap, standardizing the coding style, and
documenting the code-base. If you have any neat ideas you want to try,
this might be the place to do it!
After three years of latency, Beaver
is being revived. Look here for updates to the code-base, news, and
other updates. A new roadmap for the project has been started, and
we're looking for developers.
0.2.7 released
This is a bugfix release of the
stable (old) branch, made by Ender.
Get it on the download page.
0.3.1 released
This release features new syntax
highlighting with GtkSourceView, line numbers, variable tab width and
better Gnome HIG compliance as well as some minor fixes. Download it here.
maintainers, new branch, and new hosts
Hello everybody. My name is Michael
Terry and I have taken over the development of the Beaver project.
Another developer, Leslie Polzer, will soon join the team.
To get the ball rolling, I have
released a new version, 0.3.0. The main goal of this release was to
update the code to GTK+ 2 and to update the interface to follow the
GNOME HIG. In addition, I rewrote the syntax highlighting engine
(unfortunately, it's a bit slow right now). There is a lot of new code
in this release, and it probably won't work right. So, I'm going to
label the 0.3.0 branch an unstable branch. Use it with caution, and
please let us know of any bugs.
Also, we are now hosted by the Free
Software Foundation, where this website is now located.