3.2 Code Completion

When typing a @-command in a Texinfo document, vscode-texinfo can display a completion list so that you don’t have to type the entire command.

There are two kinds of completion items: The command itself, and code snippets related to that command.

A typical example of code snippet is the completion of a block command, say, @example. When applying completion, the generated code looks like:


@end example

The cursor falls between @example and @end example, where you can finish the content of the @example block. After that, press Tab to bail out of the block.

Code snippet completion can be disabled by switching off the configuration item texinfo.completion.enableSnippets.

When code snippet completion is enabled, completion of commands which relate to code snippets is disabled by default. You can re-enable it on by switching off texinfo.completion.hideSnippetCommands.

Note: Code completion provided by vscode-texinfo does not recognize much of Texinfo’s semantics, and completion may appear in contexts where it should not exist. This is a known bug (which cannot be fixed in near future, unless a language server for Texinfo is implemented, which is not trivial).