This example shows, how frames are received and retransmitted if their CRC was correct. This example is esentially a combination from xmpl_trx_tx.c - Transmitting Frames and xmpl_trx_rx.c - Receiving Frames. The retransmission of the frames is initiated within the transceiver interrupt routine without any CCA.
/* $Id: pgXmplTrxEcho.html,v 2013/04/09 21:11:37 awachtler Exp $ */ /* Example for echoing received frames */ #include "board.h" #include "transceiver.h" #include "ioutil.h" #include <util/crc16.h> #include "xmpl.h" static uint8_t rxfrm[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; static volatile uint8_t rxcnt; static uint8_t state; int main(void) { trx_regval_t rval; /* This will stop the application before initializing the radio transceiver * (ISP issue with MISO pin, see FAQ) */ trap_if_key_pressed(); /* Step 0: init MCU peripherals */ LED_INIT(); trx_io_init(SPI_RATE_1_2); LED_SET_VALUE(LED_MAX_VALUE); LED_SET_VALUE(0); /* Step 1: initialize the transceiver */ TRX_RESET_LOW(); TRX_SLPTR_LOW(); DELAY_US(TRX_RESET_TIME_US); TRX_RESET_HIGH(); trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_TRX_OFF); DELAY_US(TRX_INIT_TIME_US); rval = trx_bit_read(SR_TRX_STATUS); ERR_CHECK(TRX_OFF!=rval); LED_SET_VALUE(1); /* Step 2: setup transmitter * - configure radio channel * - go into RX state, * - enable "receive end" IRQ */ trx_bit_write(SR_CHANNEL,CHANNEL); trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_RX_ON); #if defined(TRX_IRQ_TRX_END) trx_reg_write(RG_IRQ_MASK,TRX_IRQ_TRX_END); #elif defined(TRX_IRQ_RX_END) && defined(TRX_IRQ_TX_END) trx_reg_write(RG_IRQ_MASK,TRX_IRQ_RX_END | TRX_IRQ_TX_END); #else # error "Unknown IRQ bits" #endif sei(); LED_SET_VALUE(2); /* Step 3: Going to receive frames */ rxcnt = 0; LED_SET_VALUE(0); while(1); } #if defined(TRX_IF_RFA1) ISR(TRX24_RX_END_vect) { uint8_t *pfrm, tmp, flen; uint16_t crc; LED_SET_VALUE(0); /* upload frame and check for CRC16 validity */ pfrm = rxfrm; flen = trx_frame_read(pfrm, sizeof(rxfrm), NULL); tmp = flen; crc = 0; do { crc = _crc_ccitt_update(crc, *pfrm++); } while(tmp--); /* if crc is correct, update RX frame counter */ if (crc == 0) { rxcnt ++; /* echo the frame if CRC is valid*/ trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_FORCE_TRX_OFF); trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_PLL_ON); /*invert sequence number, just to show if it is from pinger */ rxfrm[2] ^=0xff; DELAY_US(16); /* wait 1 symbol, XXX check this timing */ TRX_SLPTR_HIGH(); TRX_SLPTR_LOW(); trx_frame_write(flen,rxfrm); state = STATE_TX; } /* display current frame count */ LED_SET_VALUE(rxcnt); } ISR(TRX24_TX_END_vect) { trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_RX_ON); state = STATE_RX; } #else /* !RFA1 */ ISR(TRX_IRQ_vect) { static volatile trx_regval_t irq_cause; uint8_t *pfrm, tmp, flen; uint16_t crc; irq_cause = trx_reg_read(RG_IRQ_STATUS); if (irq_cause & TRX_IRQ_TRX_END) { if (state == STATE_TX) { trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_RX_ON); state = STATE_RX; } else { LED_SET_VALUE(0); /* upload frame and check for CRC16 validity */ pfrm = rxfrm; flen = trx_frame_read(pfrm, sizeof(rxfrm), NULL); tmp = flen; crc = 0; do { crc = _crc_ccitt_update(crc, *pfrm++); } while(tmp--); /* if crc is correct, update RX frame counter */ if (crc == 0) { rxcnt ++; /* echo the frame if CRC is valid*/ trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_FORCE_TRX_OFF); trx_reg_write(RG_TRX_STATE,CMD_PLL_ON); /*invert sequence number, just to show if it is from pinger */ rxfrm[2] ^=0xff; DELAY_US(16); /* wait 1 symbol, XXX check this timing */ TRX_SLPTR_HIGH(); TRX_SLPTR_LOW(); trx_frame_write(flen,rxfrm); state = STATE_TX; } /* display current frame count */ LED_SET_VALUE(rxcnt); } } } #endif /* RFA1 */ /* EOF */