This list is NOT exhaustive. It will be complete as soon as we have new strange ideas to put in.
We have chosen a hierarchical order. If something can be classified in several branches, several Events will be produced.
We choose not to detail too much: such a list is part of the game instance, not of the framework. We won't detail PlayerEvents into PlayerEntranceEvent, PlayerLeavingEvent, PlayerDeletionEvent, PlayerBanningEvent, PlayerIdleEvent, etc. Some instances can, for example, propose a chat between Players and use Events to manage it.
WeatherEvents represent changes in the weather. They are local to one Place.
TemperatureEvents (increase, decrease, etc)
PrecipitationEvents (dryness, normal, etc)
PressureEvents (low, normal, high, etc)
TimeEvents represent the course of time. They are local to one World. They are thrown by the Game timer.
DayEvents (today is a next day)
MonthEvents (today begins a new month)
YearEvents (today begins a new year)
SeasonEvents (today begins a new season)
TideEvents (rising/ebb/low/high tide)
CosmologicalEvents represent changes in the World that are due to cosmos.
SunEvents (sunset, zenith, sunrise)
SatelliteEvents (moonset, moonrise)
StarEvents (evolution far in the sky)
EcologicalEvents represent major changes in the Ecology domain.
DisasterEvents (pollution, flood, tsunami, etc)
SpeciesEvents (species birth, species death)
PlaceEvents (major changes in a Place (desert became plain))
PoliticalEvents regroup changes in politics.
FunctionEvents (elections, putsches, death, etc)
RelationEvents (treaties, negotiations, etc)
EcosystemEvents represent changes in a local ecosystem.
FloraEvents (growing, etc)
FaunaEvents (Population increase, decrease, etc)
Events linked to Deities or Cults.
DeityEvents (divine intervention, divine appearance, etc)
CultEvents (celebrations, etc)
Events linked to magic
Events linked to justice
IllegalActionEvents (to steal, to rape, to kill, etc)
JusticeCourtEvents (judgements, etc)
Events linked to armies (wars, fights, etc)
Events linked to Economy (Stock Exchange evolution, products prices evolution, etc)
Events linked to Creatures (birthday, death, etc)
Events linked to activity in a Place (building, etc)
Events linked to Items