% Everything written after the percentage sign is a comment % This is a plain text file with the format below % distance from ridge(km) depth(km) magnetic anomaly(nT) -10.000000 0.76 14.91 -9.000000 0.831 358.37 -8.000000 0.744 1044.42 -7.000000 0.557 1745.77 -6.000000 0.528 1691.73 -5.000000 0.641 803.62 -4.000000 0.653 559.79 -3.000000 0.741 642.65 -2.000000 0.732 745.36 -1.000000 0.75 977.09 0.000000 0.86 639.72 1.000000 0.806 311.57 2.000000 0.703 496.94 3.000000 0.709 439.74 4.000000 0.723 351.59 5.000000 0.604 -19.61 6.000000 0.724 1066.69 7.000000 0.666 1695.18 8.000000 0.679 2128.43 9.000000 0.724 956.99 10.000000 0.722 494.87
The depth is always positive (due to the Cartesian coordinate system used, described in the section above). The distance between data points is up to the user and the resolution is never greater than the spacing of data points, i.e. if the spacing is 3 km then Magellan will arrange the magnetized blocks every 3 km so smaller reversal periods might not be detected (NOTE: This is a present defect in Magellan and will be fixed).