Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer
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Thank you in order supporting me to buy a work-station. I hope with this investment we can pin point performance issues. It is interesting how GSequencer behaves with more physical threads. For now I can say it runs much smoother ... read more
Download recent source tarballs.
Microsoft Windows EXE, Apple OS X DMG and universal Linux binary available from Pling!
GSequencer Package in OpenSUSE Build Service
Read online reference manual of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer API:
User's handbook available online in html-help format.
developer's handbook available online in html-help format.
OSC server handbook available online in html-help format.
Explained in a few words
GSequencer does audio output on GNU/Linux by ALSA. Avoid additional layers on ALSA like arts, esd or pulseaudio. The output to the soundcard is usually done by AgsPanel sink. Sounds are created by sequencers like AgsDrum, AgsMatrix and alike. Such sources can be bundled by AgsMixer and finally write to hardware by AgsPlayChannelRun recall.
Lost Prototype - Demo
Lost Prototype 2nd stage - Demo

Last modified: Fri Oct 15:22:48 UTC 2024 by joelkraehemann