ctlseqs_match - match control sequence
#include <ctlseqs.h>
ssize_t ctlseqs_match(
struct ctlseqs_matcher const *matcher,
char const *str,
size_t str_len,
union ctlseqs_value *result
Matches string str against the patterns specified in matcher,
until a valid control sequence is found, or str_len number of
characters are processed.
For a NULL matcher, the function behaves as if a matcher
configured with 0 npatterns is specified.
Argument result is the buffer where the function stores
match results. If str contains a control sequence (or part of a
control sequence), the length of the sequence is stored in buffer at
offset 0, and the pointer to the starting ESC character at offset 1.
Otherwise, buffer value at offset 0 and 1 is unspecified.
If the control sequence matches a pattern in matcher, a group of values
is extracted from the sequence for each placeholder, and stored into
result sequentially, starting at offset 2.
An extracted value can be either a string (not guaranteed to be
NUL-terminated), or an unsigned integer, as in union
union ctlseqs_value {
char const *str;
size_t len;
unsigned long num;
A group can contain one or multiple values, depending on different
- The integer is stored in field num.
- The number of integers is stored in field len, followed by that
many integers stored in field num.
- The length of the string is stored in field len, followed by a
pointer to the first character of the string stored in field
If seq contains a valid control sequence, and matches at least one
pattern in matcher, returns a non-negative integer representing the
offset of a matching pattern.
Otherwise, returns a negative value:
- A valid control sequence is found, but fails to match any pattern in
- The string can be recognized as part of a control sequence, but is not yet
- No valid control sequence is found in the given string.
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