ARIFY(1) ARIF User Manual ARIFY(1)

arify - execute program with input methods

arify [options] pathname [args]

Executes the program referred to by pathname, passing args as its command-line arguments.

If the program uses a line editor supported by ARIF, it will be provided with the ability to interact with input method engines. The exact behaviour depends on the frontend specified.

Overrides the ARIFY_ENGINES environment variable with engines.
If multiple -e options are provided, the resulting value is a concatentation of each engines, with an ASCII Space character as separator.
Overrides the ARIFY_FRONTEND environment variable with frontend.
Overrides the ARIFY_LOG_FILE environment variable with log-file.
Overrides the ARIFY_PAGE_SIZE environment variable with page-size.
Path to the preload library (e.g. "/usr/local/lib/").
Default value depends on the specified install directory when building ARIF.
Prints the version number of ARIF, and then exits.

If an error occurs before pathname is executed, the program exits with status 1. Otherwise, the exit status equals to that program's exit status.

The frontend program to use.
If the variable is unset or empty, value "readline" will be used.
Whitespace-separated list of input method engines to use. At least one engine should be specified.
Path to the file where error logs (and debug logs, if enabled) will be written to.
If the variable is unset or empty, value "/dev/null" will be used.
Maximum number of candidates per page (at most 99).
If the variable is unset or empty, value 5 will be used.

This manual page only contains part of arify's usage. For anything not covered here, please refer to ARIF's Info entry.

Copyright (C) 2023 CismonX <>

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arif_set_engine(3), readline(3)

The Info entry for ARIF

January 2, 2023 0.1.0