Yogi is a GTK based clens graphical frontend. This project was created and maintained by Jean Bréfort.
All files available on this site are licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Yogi is a GTK based graphical front end to the image corrector clens.
Clens utility is a command-line version of PTLens, an add-on for Panorama Tools that corrects for vignetting and lens pincushion and barrel distortion only available for Windows. Clens Compares your JPEG images with a lens database and automatically corrects lens barrel distortion.
Yogi provide widgets for all command line options of clens, and display both the original photo and the processed one.
October 6, 2006: version 0.2. The main new features are the batch processing and translation in french and partial in russian.
June 1, 2006: first public release of Yogi : 0.1.
Yogi is a GTK application. The software required are :
All versions of Yogi are available from savannah file downloads.
Under developpement version available on CVS :
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/yogi co yogi