


Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (squeeze)

1. Download the .DEB package

Releases are found at http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/wp-mirror/. Select the most recent .DEB package.

2. Install the .DEB package

WP-MIRROR provides a patched version of one file in the MEDIAWIKI package (/usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Import.php). In other words, installing WP-MIRROR involves overwriting that file with the patched version. For this, the DPKG utility requires an extra command-line option.

(shell)# dpkg --install --force-overwrite wp-mirror-0.3-1_all.deb

The install process copies over a dozen files to the appropriate directories and sets permissions. Note that `/etc/wp-mirror/local.conf.template' must be manually copied to `/etc/wp-mirror/local.conf'. This is done to avoid inadvertently overwriting any modifications that you might have previously made to `/etc/wp-mirror/local.conf'.

(shell)# cd /etc/wp-mirror/
(shell)# cp local.conf.template local.conf

3. Configuration

To configure `mysql', `mediawiki', `curl', and `wp-mirror', please refer to the Configuration section below.

Install from Tarball

1. Download the tarball

Releases are found at http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/wp-mirror/. Select the most recent tarball (e.g. wp-mirror-0.3.tar.gz) and its checksum (e.g. wp-mirror-0.3.tar.gz.sig). Then verify the integrity of the download.

(shell)# gpg --verify wp-mirror-0.3.tar.gz.sig

2. Install clisp

On Debian systems (or derivatives thereof) first install the build dependencies.

(shell)# aptitude install clisp cl-asdf cl-getopt cl-md5

Check that you have CLISP 2.48 or higher.

(shell)$ clisp --version
GNU CLISP 2.48 (2009-07-28) (built 3487543663) (memory 3534965158)

Earlier distributions, such as Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (lenny) and its derivatives such as Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (lucid), provide older versions of CLISP that lack some of the functions called by WP-MIRROR.

3. Configure cl-asdf

All modern language systems come with libraries and packages that provide functionality greatly in excess of that needed for standards compliance. Often these packages are provided by third parties. Lisp systems are no exception. For Debian distributions, third-party libraries and packages are installed under `/usr/share/common-lisp/source/', and symbolic links to said source files are collected under `/usr/share/common-lisp/systems/'.

Another System Definition Facility (ASDF), is the link between a Lisp system and any libraries and packages that it calls. ASDF is not immediately usable upon installation. Your lisp system (CLISP in this case) must first be made aware of its location. ASDF comes with documentation that discusses configuration.

(shell)$ less /usr/share/doc/cl-asdf/README.Debian
(shell)$ lynx /usr/share/doc/cl-asdf/asdf/index.html

Before configuring, first note that WP-MIRROR will be run as `root', so the configuration file `.clisprc', must be put in the root directory, rather than the user's home directory. To configure CLISP to use ASDF, append the following lines to `/root/.clisprc'.

(load #P"/usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-asdf/asdf.lisp")
(push #P"/usr/share/common-lisp/systems/" asdf:*central-registry*)

CLISP should now be ready to use ASDF. Check this by running

(shell)# clisp -q
[1]> *features*
(:ASDF2 :ASDF ...
[2]> (asdf:asdf-version)
[3]> asdf:*central-registry*

4. Unpack WP-MIRROR

(shell)# tar --extract --gzip --preserve-permissions --file wp-mirror-0.3.tar.gz
(shell)# cd wp-mirror-0.3

5. Install WP-MIRROR

(shell)$ make build
(shell)# make install
(shell)# cd /etc/wp-mirror/
(shell)# cp local.conf.template local.conf

6. Configuration

To configure `mysql', `mediawiki', `curl', and `wp-mirror', please refer to the Configuration section below.


1. Trial Run

WP-MIRROR is designed to be launched from a command-line interface (CLI). This is so that one may set up a mirror farm on a remote server accessed via SSH (servers usually do not have a GUI installed).

Open two consoles (terminals), and then in separate consoles (terminals) execute:

(shell)# wp-mirror --mirror
(shell)# wp-mirror --gui

The first time you try this, you will get an error message. This is because WP-MIRROR first asserts hardware and software prerequisites. Hardware prerequisites include adequate memory and disk space, and internet connectivity. Software prerequisites include MySQL and MediaWiki configuration, directory and file permissions, etc. If anything is amiss, WP-MIRROR will exit with a neatly formatted error message. In most cases the error message requests that you install or configure something. So please proceed directly to the next step.

2. System planning

At this point you should pause to study the README file.

(shell)$ less /usr/share/doc/wp-mirror/README

This document contains highly valuable advice that could save you weeks or months of time. Why?

But the best reason to study the README is this: If you intend to build a mirror of any of the largest wikipedias, you will greatly benefit by first going down the learning curve with a small wikipedia.

The README treats both projects (`simple' and `en') in detail.

3. Install mysql (if not already done)

(shell)# aptitude install hdparm mysql-client mysql-server

These need to be configured as described in the README.

4. Install mediawiki (if not already done)

(shell)# aptitude install graphicsmagick gv librsvg2-2
(shell)# aptitude install mediawiki mediawiki-extensions mediawiki-math
(shell)# aptitude install php5-suhosin texlive-latex-base tidy

The mediawiki* packages need to be configured as described in the README.

5. Install file handling packages (if not already done)

(shell)# aptitude install bzip2 curl openssl wget

CURL needs to be configured with a timeout as described in the README.

6. Configure WP-MIRROR

Finally, choose the wikipedias that you wish to mirror. This is done by editting `/etc/wp-mirror/local.conf'. By default, WP-MIRROR builds a mirror of `simple'. The config file contains several additional examples (all commented out). If you like the classics, try

(defparameter *mirror-languages* '("el" "la" "simple"))

If you want to start very small, build a mirror of the `zu' wikipedia (isiZulu). For it has just a few hundred articles, and some nice animal photos (category:isiLwane).

(defparameter *mirror-languages* '("zu"))

Then click a few times on the "Special:Random" link to get an idea of what is there.

