/* $Id: pgXmplLed.html,v 2013/04/09 21:12:16 awachtler Exp $ */ /* Example use of the LED macros */ #include "board.h" #include "ioutil.h" #include "xmpl.h" #ifdef NO_LEDS # error "No LED Interface defined" #endif int main(void) { volatile uint8_t c,x; LED_INIT(); /* step 1: test the LED_TOGGLE macro */ LED_SET_VALUE(0); WAIT_MS(500); for (c=0; c<LED_NUMBER; c++) { for (x=0; x<16; x++) { LED_TOGGLE(c); WAIT_MS(100); } } /* step 2: set each individual LED to on */ LED_SET_VALUE(0); WAIT_MS(500); for (c=0; c<LED_NUMBER; c++) { LED_SET(c); WAIT_MS(500); } /* step 3: set each individual LED to off */ for (c=0; c<LED_NUMBER; c++) { LED_CLR(c); WAIT_MS(500); } /* step 4: dislay BCD coded numbers from 0 to LED_MAX_VALUE */ LED_SET_VALUE(0); WAIT_MS(500); for (c=0; c<=LED_MAX_VALUE;c++) { LED_SET_VALUE(c); WAIT_MS(500); } /* step 5: terminate in endless blinking loop */ do { LED_SET_VALUE(0x55); WAIT_MS(500); LED_SET_VALUE(0xaa); WAIT_MS(500); }while(1); } /* EOF */