After unpacking the archive file, you'll find the following directory structure.
uracoli | +---Src ............................. Sources | +---Lib ......................... Library source code | | +---Inc | | | \---boards | | +---Ioutil | | \---Rf230 | +---App ......................... Application source code | | +---Inc | | \---Sniffer | \---Xmpl ........................ Example source code | +---Contrib ......................... PC Applications, that interact | with firmware applications | \---PacketCapture ............... Sniffer Interface | +---Doc ............................. Doxygen Sources | +---App | +---Contrib | +---Dev | +---Images | \---Usr | +---Templates | +---Tools | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | All directories below this line can be erased, they just contain | stuff, which is generated during the build process. | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | +---build ........................... temporary build directories | \---install ......................... compiled/generated files +---bin ......................... elf/hex files +---doc ......................... html doc | +---app | +---contrib | +---dev | \---usr +---inc ......................... include files, interface for the libs | \---boards +---lib ......................... static libraries \---xmpl ........................ all example, make- and project files