Definition of Radio Controller Breakout Board (light and normal) from Dresden Elektronik. More...
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Definition of Radio Controller Breakout Board (light and normal) from Dresden Elektronik.
The Breakout board is a carrier board for the radio controller board family. The transceiver wiring fits the common RCBs. The wiring of the radio and the ATmega is shown below:
AVR AT86RF230 --- --------- PB4 --> SLPTR XTAL1/PD6 <-- CLKM PD4 <-- IRQ (ICP1) PB5 --> RSTN PB0 --> /SEL PB2 --> MOSI PB3 <-- MISO PB1 --> SCK
DBG: PA0 - connector J3:1 (ground J3:10)
Fuses/Locks: LF: 0xe2 - 8MHz internal RC Osc. HF: 0x11 - without boot loader HF: 0x10 - with boot loader EF: 0xff LOCK: 0xef - protection of boot section
Bootloader: Start at byte=0x1e000, address=0xf000, size = 4096 instructions/ 8192 bytes
#define SLEEP_ON_KEY | ( | ) |
do{\ EIMSK |= _BV(INT5);\ set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);\ sleep_mode();\ EIMSK &= ~_BV(INT5);\ } while(0)
#define TIMER_INIT | ( | ) |
do{ \ TCCR1B |= (_BV(CS10)); \ TIMSK1 |= _BV(TOIE1); \ }while(0)