U6A(1) U6a User Manual U6A(1)

u6a - Runtime for the Unlambda programming language

u6a [options] bytecode-file

Load and execute Unlambda bytecode from the given bytecode-file, or STDIN if "-" is given.

-s, --stack-segment-size=elem-count
Specify size of each stack segment of Unlambda VM to elem-count. Default: 256.
-p, --pool-size=elem-count
Specify size of object pool of Unlambda VM to elem-count. Deafult: 1048576.
-i, --info
Print info (version, segment size, etc.) corresponding to the bytecode-file, then exit.
-f, --force
Attempt to execute even when the bytecode-file version is not compatible. Meanwhile, ignore unrecognizable instructions and data during execution.
-H, --help
Prints help message, then exit.
-V, --version
Prints version number, then exit.

Version compatiblility:
Definition of Unlambda bytecode may differ across multiple versions of u6a. Execution result is guaranteed to be consistent when both major and minor versions of bytecode file and the interpreter matches. Otherwise, the code may not work as expected and the interpreter will refuse to execute unless -f option is provided.
Redundant data:
While reading data from bytecode-file, any bytes before the first occurrence of magic number 0xDC is ignored. The same is true for bytes after .rodata segment, however, if read from STDIN, they could be read by the current Unlambda program.


Copyright (c) 2020 CismonX <admin@cismon.net>

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty, provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.

January 30, 2020 0.1.1