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4.1 How to define new macros

The normal way to define or redefine macros is to use the builtin \define:


which defines name to expand to expansion.

The following example defines the macro \foo to expand to the text `Hello World.'.

\define\foo{}{Hello world.}
=>Hello world.

parameters is used to tell how the macro accepts arguments. It consists of numbers followed by #. Each argument is referred by #-number in expansion. For example:

\define\bar{#1}{Good #1.}
=>Good morning.

A parameter can be followed by an optional delimiters (a character). If an optional delimiters is given, text from point to the character is regarded as an argument. For example:

\baz This is an argument/
=>This is an argument.

A macro definition can be removed with undefine:


which removes the macro name.

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