Stufe Homepage
Welcome to Stufe homepage,
this web page contains all the informations about Stufe you might need
to be able to start with Stufe. If you have any questions, if you find
bugs, if there is things you don't like (or do like) or if you have
new ideas, then you can contact me on
What Stufe is for ?
Why would I need Stufe ?
Stufe tries to make things easier when developing with GNU/Emacs. It
simplifies things that already exist in Emacs (at least on my point
of view) by setting default values, behaviors or shortcuts to Emacs
functions. It also aims to make available functionalities that exist
in Emacs but that people don't know about them.
What can Stufe do for me ?
Stufe implements some different things that might be useful for people
using Emacs. Stufe makes also available some functions that exists in
Emacs but that a beginner can't know unless he spends some time in the
manual/forums/sources code. Here is a list of what Stufe can do for :
- Stufe will create makefile for your new C/C++, Java and LaTeX
project, following templates you can redefine.
- In C/C++, Java and LaTeX mode, it is possible to compile only the
necessary file and test the result with only one menu item or one key
- In C/C++, Java, LaTeX, Perl, it activates the imenu item allowing
the developer to jump directly to a function declaration from a list
without activating the speedbar (I just added it, so this is only in
the CVS version of Stufe).
- The makefile created by Stufe contains useful and easy to change
options (for example to compile a LaTeX source in dvi, ps or pdf, to
compile C/C++ code in an executable or a shared object, to activate
debug information or optimizations...).
- Stufe starts the debugger on your project and sets breakpoints
automatically from a menu item.
- In C++/Java, Stufe creates class files from customizable template.
- In Java, C/C++, Stufe can, from the declaration of a function,
write a template of the documentation of the function (in a Java/Doxygen
- In C++, Stufe writes the function declaration in the header file
of the class but also in the implementation file of the class: the
developer doesn't lost time duplicating declarations.
- Stufe activates the mouse wheel.
- Stufe does other quite useful but not important enough to figure
in this list (as switching between the header file and the
implementation with one key pressed or define regions with the shift
Installing Stufe
Where can I find the latest version of Stufe ?
You can find some more information about Stufe on the project page.
Stufe is a project hosted by Savannah (thanks to GNU). Also, you can download Stufe from
the file
project page. I would strongly advice not using the release files
of Stufe because they are not up to date. The CVS access is
quite better: you will have bug fixes and new functionalities as soon
as they are committed. So, you can download Stufe in your current
folder by using these two commands :
export CVS_RSH="ssh"
cvs -z3 co stufe
When prompted for a password, type anoncvs. You should now have
Stufe in your current folder. If you want to update Stufe, then just
type the command:
cvs update
in the Stufe folder and it will download new files versions (you also
have an 'Update Stufe' options in the Stufe menu that does that for
How do I install Stufe ?
Please see the INSTALL file in the Stufe folder.
Using Stufe
How do I access to Stufe functions ?
Stufe functions are accessible from the menu-bar of Emacs. When Stufe
is loaded, you should have a 'Stufe' menu item in your menu item
listing the different functionalities of it. Also, for some Emacs
major-mode supported by Stufe (C/C++/Java/Perl/Makefile/LaTeX/ELisp),
you should have a 'Project' menu item listing Stufe functionalities
specific for the current major-mode. Using the IMenu package, Stufe
also adds a new menu item (named as the file name opened in the
current buffer) listing the different declarations in it (functions
and variables for C/C++/Java/Perl for example, sections and
subsections for LaTeX).
If you deactivate this menu-bar, then you can see what Emacs proposes
when you use the completion for evaluating a function (all the
functions of Stufe starts by 'stufe-'). A help string is associated to
these functions if you want to find out what the function is for. The
help of a function is accessible from the ctrl-h shortcut within
Beeeeeaaaark, I don't like Stufe color, I want to keep mine, how do I do ?
Add the line :
(setq stufe-no-color-theme 't)
in your .emacs before to load Stufe.
Have fun with Stufe,