
You should read The Idea Behind It (Abstract) as well as Supported Platforms and Tips to see if storeBackup fits to your needs.

Installation is straightforward:
Download the archive from and go to a directory where you want to unpack it.
If you are not sure where to unpack it, allow me to suggest /opt. (You need root permissions to write at /opt.) If you chose /opt, then in the example below path is equal to /opt.

$ cd path
$ tar jxvf pathToArchive/storeBackup-3.3.tar.bz2

This will create a directory "storeBackup" where you will find four sub-directories: bin, lib, man, and doc.
If you do not want to type the whole path every time to start (or any of the programs in bin), there are two easy choices.
One choice is to set your $PATH variable:

$ cd storeBackup/bin
$ export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH

(The quotes around the pwd must be back quotes, ascii code 96; some pdf readers will render them as them as normal quotes in this document!)

Also set $PATH in your .bashrc or whatever shell you are using.
The second choice is to make symbolic links from a place where $PATH is already set. For instance, if your $PATH also points to /usr/local/bin (and you have write permissions), you can do:

# cd /usr/local/bin
# ln -s path/storeBackup/bin/* .

Don't use hard links for that. StoreBackup will not find it's libraries if you do so.

If you want to have access to the man pages via the man command, you should set MANPATH:

$ cd storeBackup/man
$ export MANPATH=`pwd`:$MANPATH

Naturally, you have to change the path after cd depending on your location in the filesystem.
Also, you should set MANPATH in your .bashrc or whatever shell you are using.

Please have a look into the file README.1ST which is located in the doc folder.

Heinz-Josef Claes 2014-04-20