次: , 前: Basic usage, 上: Basic usage

3.1 Windows

By default, Riece uses 5 windows to inform user of his status:

     |     |                 |
     |     |                 |
     | (1) |       (2)       |
     |     |                 |
     |     |                 |
     |     |       (4)       |
     |     +-----------------+
     | (3) |                 |
     |     |       (5)       |
     |     |                 |

Each window is used for different purpose:

  1. "user list window" (*Users XXX*). Users on the current channel are listed in this window.
  2. "channel window" (*Channel XXX*). This window keeps dialogues on the current channel.
  3. "channel list window" (*Channels*). All channels you are joined are listed in this window.
  4. "command window" (*Commands*). This window is used for either sending messages or issueing commands.
  5. "others buffer" (*Others*). This window displays dialogues on channels except the current channel.