rc_vec_api.h File Reference

RAPP Vector Abstraction Layer API. More...

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Performance Hints

 Hint to use CMPGT instead of CMPGE when possible.
 Hint to use CMPGE instead of CMPGT when possible.
 Hint to use AVGT/SUBHT instead of AVGR/SUBHR when possible.
 Hint to use AVGR/SUBHR instead of AVGT/SUBHT when possible.
 Hint to use GETMASKW instead of GETMASKV when possible.
 Hint to use GETMASKV instead of GETMASKW when possible.
Vector State

#define RC_VEC_DECLARE()
 Global declarations needed for the vector operations.
#define RC_VEC_CLEANUP()
 Global clean up after we are done with the vector computations.
Memory Access

#define RC_VEC_LOAD(vec, ptr)
 Aligned vector load from memory.
#define RC_VEC_STORE(ptr, vec)
 Aligned vector store to memory.
Misaligned Memory Access

#define RC_VEC_LDINIT(vec1, vec2, vec3, uptr, ptr)
 Initialize a sequence of misaligned loads.
#define RC_VEC_LOADU(dstv, vec1, vec2, vec3, uptr)
 Misaligned vector load from memory.
Field Relocation

#define RC_VEC_SHINIT(shv, bytes)
 Initialize a field shift.
#define RC_VEC_SHL(dstv, srcv, shv)
 Shift all fields to the logical left.
#define RC_VEC_SHR(dstv, srcv, shv)
 Shift fields to the logical right.
#define RC_VEC_SHLC(dstv, srcv, bytes)
 Shift all fields to the logical left by a constant value.
#define RC_VEC_SHRC(dstv, srcv, bytes)
 Shift fields to the logical right by a constant value.
#define RC_VEC_ALIGNC(dstv, srcv1, srcv2, bytes)
 Align srcv1 and srcv2 to dstv, starting at field bytes into concatenation of srcv1 and srcv2.
#define RC_VEC_PACK(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Pack the even fields of srcv1 and srcv2 into one vector, with fields 0, .
Bitwise Logical Operations

#define RC_VEC_ZERO(vec)
 Set all bits to zero.
#define RC_VEC_NOT(dstv, srcv)
 Bitwise NOT.
#define RC_VEC_AND(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Bitwise AND.
#define RC_VEC_OR(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Bitwise OR.
#define RC_VEC_XOR(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Bitwise XOR.
#define RC_VEC_ANDNOT(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Bitwise AND NOT.
#define RC_VEC_ORNOT(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Bitwise OR NOT.
#define RC_VEC_XORNOT(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Bitwise XOR NOT.
Arithmetic Operations

#define RC_VEC_SPLAT(vec, scal)
 Splat a scalar variable.
#define RC_VEC_ADDS(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Saturating addition.
#define RC_VEC_AVGT(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Average value, truncated.
#define RC_VEC_AVGR(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Average value, rounded.
#define RC_VEC_AVGZ(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Average value, rounded towards srcv1.
#define RC_VEC_SUBS(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Saturating subtraction.
#define RC_VEC_SUBA(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Absolute-value subtraction.
#define RC_VEC_SUBHT(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Half subtraction with bias, truncated.
#define RC_VEC_SUBHR(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Half subtraction with bias, rounded.
#define RC_VEC_ABS(dstv, srcv)
 Absolute value.
#define RC_VEC_CMPGT(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Comparison greater-than.
#define RC_VEC_CMPGE(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Comparison greater-than-or-equal-to.
#define RC_VEC_MIN(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Minimum value.
#define RC_VEC_MAX(dstv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Maximum value.
#define RC_VEC_BLEND(blendv, blend8)
 Generate the blend vector needed by RC_VEC_LERP().
#define RC_VEC_LERP(dstv, srcv1, srcv2, blend8, blendv)
 Linear interpolation.
#define RC_VEC_BLENDZ(blendv, blend8)
 Generate the blend vector needed by RC_VEC_LERPZ().
#define RC_VEC_LERPZ(dstv, srcv1, srcv2, blend8, blendv)
 Linear interpolation rounded towards srcv1.
#define RC_VEC_BLENDN(blendv, blend8)
 Generate the blend vector needed by RC_VEC_LERPN().
#define RC_VEC_LERPN(dstv, srcv1, srcv2, blend8, blendv)
 Linear interpolation rounded towards srcv2.
Binary Mask Operations

#define RC_VEC_GETMASKW(maskw, vec)
 Get a binary mask word of the most significant bits.
#define RC_VEC_GETMASKV(maskv, vec)
 Get a binary mask vector of the most significant bits.
#define RC_VEC_SETMASKV(vec, maskv)
 Set 8-bit vector fields from a binary mask vector.

#define RC_VEC_CNTN
 Count bits in all vector fields, iteration count.
#define RC_VEC_CNTV(accv, srcv)
 Count bits in all vector fields, accumulation step.
#define RC_VEC_CNTR(cnt, accv)
 Count bits in all vector fields, reduction step.
#define RC_VEC_SUMN
 Sum all 8-bit vector fields, iteration count.
#define RC_VEC_SUMV(accv, srcv)
 Sum all 8-bit vector fields, accumulation step.
#define RC_VEC_SUMR(sum, accv)
 Sum all 8-bit vector fields, reduction step.
#define RC_VEC_MACN
 Multiply and accumulate all 8-bit fields, iteration count.
#define RC_VEC_MACV(accv, srcv1, srcv2)
 Multiply and accumulate all 8-bit fields, accumulation step.
#define RC_VEC_MACR(mac, accv)
 Multiply and accumulate all 8-bit fields, reduction step.

Vector Data Type

#define RC_VEC_SIZE
 The number of bytes in a vector.
typedef arch_vector_t rc_vec_t
 The vector type definition.

Detailed Description

RAPP Vector Abstraction Layer API.

Generated on 1 Jun 2016 for RAPP Compute by  doxygen 1.6.1