Adding a new RAPID widget

This page will give you a step-by-step description of how to add a new widget to RAPID, recompile it and generate a new version that can create GUIs with your new widget. If you create a new widget, we'd appreciate it if you'd share it with others. Send an email to the rapid-devel mailing list so that your widget can be included in the next release.

RAPID relies heavily on the object-oriented features of Ada 95 to reduce code size. If you are unfamiliar with OO programming, you may want to do some background reading before continuing.

  1. Copy the RAPID sources to a working directory. Since you will be using RAPID to "bootstrap" itself (i.e. a large portion of the RAPID source code is generated by RAPID itself), it is important to keep a clean backup copy of the source code.
  2. Decide whether your widget will extend a previous widget, or be totally new. Most widgets will probably descend from GUI_Widget directly; however, on occasion, it is beneficial to have intermediate classes. Buttons are a good example of this. Picture buttons and text buttons share many properties, and so an abstract Button class is between these and GUI_Widget. See[sb] for more detail.
  3. Add a name for your new widget to the Keyword enumeration type in
  4. Add a new "when" clause to the case statement in the function "Allocate_Widget" in gui_enum.adb. This function allocates a widget of the appropriate type based on the keyword. At this point, you will need to pick a name for your new widget package. The convention is Gui.Widget.Widget_Type.Widget_Type.
  5. Add a "with" clause at the top of gui_enum.adb for your new package.
  6. Add a constant declaration for the new widget to
  7. Add an entry to Tool_Button_Widget_Names in Toolbar.adb
  8. Design a dialog for entering the widget properties using RAPID. Copying one from another widget is a good place to start.
  9. Write your new widget package as a child of Gui.Widget. It is probably easiest to copy another widget and modify it to fit your needs. Click here for more details.
  10. Design a picture to go on a button in RAPID. Make sure it is the same size as label_gif.gif
  11. Open tool.gui using RAPID and add a button to the widget selection toolbar. The action should be: Toolbar.Select_Widget.