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9.6 Showing ISIS information

Command: show isis summary

Show summary information about ISIS.

Command: show isis hostname

Show information about ISIS node.

Command: show isis interface
Command: show isis interface detail
Command: show isis interface <interface name>

Show state and configuration of ISIS specified interface, or all interfaces if no interface is given with or without details.

Command: show isis neighbor
Command: show isis neighbor <System Id>
Command: show isis neighbor detail

Show state and information of ISIS specified neighbor, or all neighbors if no system id is given with or without details.

Command: show isis database
Command: show isis database [detail]
Command: show isis database <LSP id> [detail]
Command: show isis database detail <LSP id>

Show the ISIS database globally, for a specific LSP id without or with details.

Command: show isis topology
Command: show isis topology [level-1|level-2]

Show topology IS-IS paths to Intermediate Systems, globally, in area (level-1) or domain (level-2).

Command: show ip route isis

Show the ISIS routing table, as determined by the most recent SPF calculation.