use the data processing programm
This programm is used to read datas stored by the monitoring programm. It is able to generate charts to view datas over time using GnuPlot. It's implement a simple query langage to select data.
Important options
- -d Specify the sqlite database to use
- -o Set the name of the output file
- -f Set a format for output. Allowed formats are png, jpg or svg for GnuPlot charts, cvs and data (for raw datas in hexadecimal notation)
- -q Specify a query of data to put in the output file
To have more informations on possible options run "pyP2_monitor -h"
Query syntax
Each '-q' option take a string in argument that represent a simple query to select datas. Queries consist of multiple couple of option and value in the form option=value separated by coma.
Queries example
$ ./pyP2_dprocess -d ./p2.db -q 'begin=-26h,end=-24h,format=diff,n=5' -q 'b=-26h,e=-24h,f=diff,n=7'
Query options list
Each options has a shortcut ( for example begin= can be written as b= )
- b or begin : begin_date (special value "now" and "first")
- e or end : end_date (special value "now" and "first")
- t or time : numeric time length with unit suffix (s seconds, m minutes, h hours, d days)
- f or format : diff or DATEFORMAT diff mean that ou will use relatives notation like now , first (the date of first data), 10m (10 min in future) or -1h ( 1 hour in the past) DATEFORMAT is a date format like date use ( man 1 date ) to specify end and begin dates
- d or data : data name
- n or num : data number id (see pyP2_dprocess –list-field )
- y or yaxe : Set the associated autoscale and y range (can be 1 for right y axe or 2 for the left y axe)
- s or style : gnuplot graphic style (line, dots, pulse...)
- sc or scale : graphic scale as a float value
- a or add : integer to add at the graphics value
- c or color : graphic color (with color name or in hex notation : #rrggbb )
- l or label : graphic label