Source code for opengl.canvas_settings

##  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <>
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##  This file is part of pyFormex 3.4  (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
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"""This modules defines the CanvasSettings class

import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import utils
from pyformex import arraytools as at
from pyformex import colors
from pyformex.mydict import Dict
from .sanitize import saneColor

############### OpenGL Lighting #################################

class Material():
    def __init__(self, name, ambient=0.2, diffuse=0.2, specular=0.9,
                 emission=0.1, shininess=2.0): = str(name)
        self.ambient = float(ambient)
        self.diffuse = float(diffuse)
        self.specular = float(specular)
        self.emission = float(emission)
        self.shininess = float(shininess)

    def setValues(self, **kargs):
        #print "setValues",kargs
        for k in kargs:
            #print k,kargs[k]
            if hasattr(self, k):
                #print getattr(self,k)
                setattr(self, k, float(kargs[k]))
                #print getattr(self,k)

    def dict(self):
        """Return the material light parameters as a dict"""
        return dict([(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in ['ambient', 'diffuse', 'specular', 'emission', 'shininess']])

    def __str__(self):
        return """MATERIAL: %s
    ambient:  %s
    diffuse:  %s
    specular: %s
    emission: %s
    shininess: %s
""" % (, self.ambient, self.diffuse, self.specular, self.emission, self.shininess)

def getMaterials():
    mats = pf.refcfg['material']
    return mats

def createMaterials():
    mats = getMaterials()
    matdb = {}
    for m in mats:
        matdb[m] = Material(m, **mats[m])
    return matdb

[docs]class Light(): """A class representing an OpenGL light. The light can emit 3 types of light: ambient, diffuse and specular, which can have different color and are all off by default. """ def __init__(self, ambient=0.0, diffuse=0.0, specular=0.0, position=[0., 0., 1.], enabled=True): self.setValues(ambient, diffuse, specular, position) self.enable(enabled) def setValues(self, ambient=None, diffuse=None, specular=None, position=None): if ambient is not None: self.ambient = colors.GLcolor(ambient) if diffuse is not None: self.diffuse = colors.GLcolor(diffuse) if specular is not None: self.specular = colors.GLcolor(specular) if position is not None: self.position = at.checkArray(position, (3,), 'f') def enable(self, onoff=True): self.enabled = bool(onoff) def disable(self): self.enable(False) def __str__(self, name=''): return """LIGHT%s (enabled: %s): ambient color: %s diffuse color: %s specular color: %s position: %s """ % (name, self.enabled, self.ambient, self.diffuse, self.specular, self.position)
[docs]class LightProfile(): """A lightprofile contains all the lighting parameters. Currently this consists off: - `ambient`: the global ambient lighting (currently a float) - `lights`: a list of 1 to 4 Lights """ def __init__(self, ambient, lights): self.ambient = ambient self.lights = lights def __str__(self): s = """LIGHTPROFILE: global ambient: %s """ % self.ambient for i, l in enumerate(self.lights): s += ' ' + l.__str__(i) return s
################################################################## # # The Canvas Settings #
[docs]class CanvasSettings(Dict): """A collection of settings for an OpenGL Canvas. The canvas settings are a collection of settings and default values affecting the rendering in an individual viewport. There are two type of settings: - mode settings are set during the initialization of the canvas and can/should not be changed during the drawing of actors and decorations; - default settings can be used as default values but may be changed during the drawing of actors/decorations: they are reset before each individual draw instruction. Currently the following mode settings are defined: - bgmode: the viewport background color mode - bgcolor: the viewport background color: a single color or a list of colors (max. 4 are used). - bgimage: background image filename - alphablend: boolean (transparency on/off) The list of default settings includes: - fgcolor: the default drawing color - bkcolor: the default backface color - slcolor: the highlight color - colormap: the default color map to be used if color is an index - bklormap: the default color map to be used if bkcolor is an index - textcolor: the default color for text drawing - smooth: boolean (smooth/flat shading) - lighting: boolean (lights on/off) - culling: boolean - transparency: float (0.0..1.0) - avgnormals: boolean - wiremode: integer -3..3 - pointsize: the default size for drawing points - marksize: the default size for drawing markers - linewidth: the default width for drawing lines Any of these values can be set in the constructor using a keyword argument. All items that are not set, will get their value from the configuration file(s). """ # A collection of default rendering profiles. # These contain the values different from the overall defaults RenderProfiles = { 'wireframe': Dict({ 'smooth': False, 'fill': False, 'lighting': False, 'alphablend': False, 'transparency': 1.0, 'wiremode': -1, 'avgnormals': False, }), 'smooth': Dict({ 'smooth': True, 'fill': True, 'lighting': True, 'alphablend': False, 'transparency': 0.5, 'wiremode': -1, 'avgnormals': False, }), 'smooth_avg': Dict({ 'smooth': True, 'fill': True, 'lighting': True, 'alphablend': False, 'transparency': 0.5, 'wiremode': -1, 'avgnormals': True, }), 'smoothwire': Dict({ 'smooth': True, 'fill': True, 'lighting': True, 'alphablend': False, 'transparency': 0.5, 'wiremode': 1, 'avgnormals': False, }), 'flat': Dict({ 'smooth': False, 'fill': True, 'lighting': False, 'alphablend': False, 'transparency': 0.5, 'wiremode': -1, 'avgnormals': False, }), 'flatwire': Dict({ 'smooth': False, 'fill': True, 'lighting': False, 'alphablend': False, 'transparency': 0.5, 'wiremode': 1, 'avgnormals': False, }), } bgcolor_modes = ['solid', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'full'] edge_modes = ['none', 'feature', 'all'] def __init__(self, **kargs): """Create a new set of CanvasSettings.""" Dict.__init__(self) self.reset(kargs)
[docs] def reset(self, d={}): """Reset the CanvasSettings to its defaults. The default values are taken from the configuration files. An optional dictionary may be specified to override (some of) these defaults. """ self.update(pf.refcfg['canvas']) self.update(self.RenderProfiles[pf.prefcfg['draw/rendermode']]) self.update(pf.prefcfg['canvas']) self.update(pf.cfg['canvas']) if d: self.update(d)
[docs] def update(self, d, strict=True): """Update current values with the specified settings Returns the sanitized update values. """ ok = self.checkDict(d, strict) Dict.update(self, ok)
[docs] @classmethod def checkDict(clas, dict, strict=True): """Transform a dict to acceptable settings.""" ok = {} for k, v in dict.items(): try: if k in ['bgcolor', 'fgcolor', 'bkcolor', 'slcolor', 'colormap', 'bkcolormap', 'textcolor']: if v is not None: v = saneColor(v) elif k in ['bgimage']: v = str(v) elif k in ['smooth', 'fill', 'lighting', 'culling', 'alphablend', 'avgnormals', ]: v = bool(v) elif k in ['linewidth', 'pointsize', 'marksize']: v = float(v) elif k in ['wiremode']: v = int(v) elif k == 'linestipple': v = [int(vi) for vi in v] elif k == 'transparency': v = max(min(float(v), 1.0), 0.0) elif k == 'bgmode': v = str(v).lower() if not v in clas.bgcolor_modes: raise elif k == 'marktype': pass elif k == 'rendermode': if v in ['wireframe', 'smooth', 'smoothwire', 'flat', 'flatwire']: pass else: raise else: raise ok[k] = v except Exception: if strict: raise ValueError( f"Invalid key/value for CanvasSettings: {k} = {v}") return ok
[docs] def activate(self): """Activate the default canvas settings in the GL machine.""" from . import gl for k in self: if k in ['smooth', 'fill', 'linewidth', 'pointsize']: func = getattr(gl, 'gl_'+k) try: func(self[k]) except Exception: print(f"Error in setting {k} with func {func}") raise
def __str__(self): # atoms = [] # for k in self: # print(k) # try: # s = f"{k} = {self[k]!r}" # except: # s = f"{k} = FAIL" # print(s) # atoms.append(s) # return '\n'.join(atoms) return utils.formatDict(self) ## def setMode(self): ## """Activate the mode canvas settings in the GL machine.""" ## GL.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) ## if self.bgcolor.ndim > 1: ## color = self.bgcolor[0] ## else: ## color = self.bgcolor ## GL.glClearColor(*colors.RGBA(color))
[docs] @staticmethod def extractCanvasSettings(d): """Split a dict in canvas settings and other items. Returns a tuple of two dicts: the first one contains the items that are canvas settings, the second one the rest. """ return (, pf.refcfg['canvas']), utils.remove(d, pf.refcfg['canvas']))
### End