- DTD has changed: title slide is now a specific element,
- Added support for keyboard in slides, thanks to Luc Saillard patch
- Changed the html-node's parameter "cell_padding" to "cellpadding"
to be consistent with the grid-node.
- PresTiMeL's HTML-output is now declared as utf-8 charset
- PresTiMeL's LaTeX-output has been improved as well as HTML table of
- Replace all GIFs with PNGs
- Added the 'debian' theme
- Make PresTiMeL compilable with g++-3.0 and then g++-3.2
- Bugfix in gridnode.cc. Sub-environments now will only be handled as
sub-environments, if node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE.
- Bugfix in htmlnode.cc, if the theme parameter is not given.
- Bugfix in htmlnode.cc, if the cell_padding parameter is empty.
- Removed the debian-directory. This way, Debian maintainer has less
troubles creating a Debian-package.
- Added a <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
for the HTML-output.
- configure.in now uses AM_PATH_XML2 and AM_PATH_XML to check for libxml.
for a better support of special characters.
- Added a French translation.
- PresTiMeL is now available via CVS.
- Added an option "--enable-debug" to the configure-script.
Without this option, an optimized version of PresTiMeL will be built.
- Adapted the stylesheets to reduce the flicker of the background while
the background image is loaded.
- Introduced an <a> markup, which obsoletes the <url> markup.
(The <url> markup however is still supported)
- PresTiMeL is now compilable with version 2.* of libxml.
- Added the property 'latex_scale' to the ImageNode. With this, images
will not be scaled in the LaTeX-output.
- A slide can have the property latex="no", so the slide will be skipped
in the LaTeX-output.
- Added a theme 'simple', which is optimized for the use of sections.
- Slides can now be grouped in sections using the <section> markup.
- Added support for a resolution of 640x480.
- The LaTeX-output of the itemize- and enumerate-environment now supports
the type-attribute given in the XML-file.
- PresTiMeL now compiles clean on AiX-4.3.
- Changed the url-markup. URLs have now to be given using
<url url="http://foo.bar" name="Link to foobar" >.
- Added a tt-markup. Text within <tt> and </tt> will be written using a
monospaced font.
- Added the attribute 'contract' to the grid-environment. If set to "yes",
it will make the cells of the grid as small as possible.
- The bullet-type of the itemize-environment and the numbering-type of the
enumerate-environment may be defined with the optional attribute 'type'.
- Added an enumerate-environment. Compared to the itemize-environment, the
enmumeration-environment uses numbers or letters rather than bullets to
mark each item.
- Added the possibility to place the navigation buttons at the top of each
slide rather than at the bottom.
- Added code to produce an outlined version of the LaTeX-output, which uses
the documentclass 'article' rather than 'seminar'.
- The itemize-environment may have the additional attribute 'closing_p'.
Setting this attribute to 'no' will disable the closing </P> tag for the
items. With this, the items will be shown more close together.
- The grid-environment may have the attributes 'cellpadding' and 'border' to
pre-define the padding of the grid-cells and the width of the border, which
is invisible by default.
- The image-environment may have an 'align' attribute, which can have the
value 'left', 'center' or 'right'.
- Added a Hungarian translation.
- The support for pdflatex was removed, because it doesn't work very well.
- PresTiMeL is now compilable on Solaris 2.7.
- PresTiMeL is now compilable with version 5.2.* of ImageMagick.
- Any text can now contain a hyperlink using the <url> markup.
- Added the option "--enable-lfs" to the configure script, to enable the
support for large files (LFS).
- Extended the grid-environment, so it can hold any other environments.
Note that with this extension the hbox-environment is obsolete now.
- The commandline option -d to select the target-directory for the
presentation-files was removed.
- New commandline options to select a configuration-file and to disable the
settings stored in the XML-file.
- The XML-file may contain a markup to override some settings for the
- Fixed the configure-script again. Now, only the output of xml-config and
Magick-config will be used to determine the apropriate compiler- and
- Images in the LaTeX-output will be scaled down, when they are embedded in
a grid-environment. If an image-environment contains more than one
image, they will be scaled down too.
- Fixed the configure-script. Now it's more easier to perform different checks
for different platforms.
- The LaTeX-output will now use the documentclass 'seminar'.
- Changed the attribute 'src' for the <img> tag to 'html' and introduced
an additional 'latex' attribute.
('src' will still be recognized for backward-compatibility)
- The commandline-option '-l' was extended to take the optional value 'pdf'.
So if '-lpdf' is given, the LaTeX-output will be optimized for pdflatex.
- A new commandline-option '-l, --latex-output' was added. If this option is
given, PresTiMeL will create a LaTeX-file rather than HTML-slides.
This LaTeX-file can be used to create handouts for the presentation.
- A new commandline-option '-s, --sloppy-buttons' was added. If this option
is given, the buttons will be drawn below the content of the slide rather
than on a fixed position defined in the stylesheet.
- The markup <br> can be used to define a line-break in the text.
- Text inside an itemize- or text environment can now be emphased using the
the markups <emph> and <bold>.
- Added a tux-theme.
- Added a user-manual. But it's still incomplete.
- Added a text-environment, which can contain plain text.
- The syntax for items in an itemize-environment changed from
'<item text="foobar" >' to '<item>foobar</item>'.
Please adapt your presentation-files.
- Added a vimrc-file which defines some key-mappings to provide an easier
editing of the presentation-file when using vim.
- Clicking on the headline of each slide leads to the index-slide.
- A Spanish translation of the messages was added.
- Added a man-page which describes the config-file.
- The global config-file doesn't exist anymore.
- A title-environment was added to provide informations for a title-slide.
- The inputfile now has to be a well-formed XML-file.
- Added a new theme : clouds.
- A code environment was added, so small parts of a source-code (for
example) can be presented. This environment can also be embedded in
a hbox.
- An user manual was added. But there is done just a small framework.
- PresTiMeL now has a man-page, which describes the commandline-options.
- A mailing list for the development and/or discussion was added.
- A Portuguese translation of the messages was added.
- Changed the stylesheets : The buttons were moved down a bit.
- The support for the footer-graphics was removed because it lead to
troubles, when the first/last- and/or the note-button is enabled.
- Each slide will have a button to the first and last slide.
A commandline-option was added to disable this feature.
- You can write some notes for each slide. Take a look at the example
presentation to see, how to do this. All slides with an embedded note will
show a button, which will lead to a HTML-page with the notes you wrote.
There is also a commandline-option to disable this button for all slides.
- Changed the color of the fonts in the machine-theme.
- A German translation of the messages is available.
- Added NLS-support.
- The static version of libMagick will be recognized by configure.
- Added header background-graphics to the machine-theme.
- Compiling and installing is now possible with "./configure", "make"
and "make install".
- A new theme was added : "plasma".
- Commandline-options will be evaluated.
- A support for config-files was added.
- An index-page will be created, which contains hyperlinks to all slides.
- The hbox was generalized and a grid environment for images was added.
The example presentation demonstrates the new possibilities.
- The theme "standard_blue" now has background-images for the whole slide,
the header and the footer.
- The navigation-buttons, the stylesheet and the background-images are
copied to the target-directory (which is currently a hardcoded "./").
- libMagick is used to detemine the dimensions of images.
- This is the initial release