What is PresTiMeL?
PresTiMeL is a tool, to create presentations from a XML-file. For
each slide, PresTiMeL will create one (or a set of) HTML-file(s),
which can be shown in a Web browser of your choice. Cascading
Stylesheets (CSS) are used to define, how big a text-item has to be,
which font and color it should have, etc. That means, you will need a
Web browser, which supports CSS. Modern browsers should work well,
but even text-based browsers like Lynx work well ... although result
is less impressive !
PresTiMeL is hosted courtesy of Savannah. You may want to look at
PresTiMeL project page: http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/prestimel.
PresTiMeL 1.0 is OUT !