png++  0.2.7
Classes | Namespaces
pixel_buffer.hpp File Reference

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singleton  png::row_traits< row >
 The pixel row traits class template. Provides a common way to get starting address of the row for packed and unpacked row types. More...
class  png::basic_pixel_buffer< pixel, row, traits >
 The basic class template to represent image pixel data. More...
class  png::row_traits< std::vector< pixel > >
 The row_traits specialization for unpacked pixel rows. More...
class  png::pixel_buffer< pixel >
class  png::detail::basic_packed_pixel_proxy< pixel, reference >
class  png::detail::const_packed_pixel_proxy< pixel >
class  png::detail::packed_pixel_proxy< pixel >
class  png::packed_pixel_row< pixel >
 The packed pixel row class template. More...
class  png::row_traits< packed_pixel_row< pixel > >
 The row_traits class template specialization for packed pixel row type. More...
class  png::pixel_buffer< packed_gray_pixel< bits > >
 The pixel buffer class template specialization for the packed_gray_pixel type. More...
class  png::pixel_buffer< packed_index_pixel< bits > >
 The pixel buffer class template specialization for the packed_index_pixel type. More...

