[orm-devel] orm and epydoc

Werner F. Bruhin werner.bruhin at free.fr
Tue Jun 14 16:07:37 CEST 2005

Hi Diedrich,

I liked the API doc so much on your web site that I downloaded epydoc 
and generated things on my machine.

After reading some of the epydoc documentation I wonder what your plans 
are in respect to these API docs.

Will you start using things like:

        @param columnName: the name of the SQL column we're resonsible for

instead of:

        :columnName: the name of the SQL column we're resonsible for

What about @return and @type?

I am also getting quite a few warning errors such as "method's 
parameters do not match the parameters of the base class methods that 
they override, so documentation was not inherited" for e.g.
orm.columns._integer.convert (base method = orm.columns._numerical.convert)

I am fixing all the "impropert indentation" errors for Firebird, do you 
want me to fix the ones in other files too?

See you

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