[orm-devel] When to execute INSERT statements
Werner F. Bruhin
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 17:12:06 +0100
I hope/wish that you will update ORM's insert behavior so the database
can enforce data integrity (DI). One of the main reason for me to
implement an application using a DB like Firebird is that it provides
DI. Presently I am not concerned that multiple statements are used, but
I guess in a high volume application this might be another reason to
have a hang up with the present implementation of ORM.
Should you decide NOT to make any change I think you should at least
explain the situation in the documentation, so people (at least the once
who read documentation) are aware of it.
See you
Diedrich Vorberg wrote:
>Hello everybody,
>Werner's work on the Firebird adapter and his thinking-through of ORM
>brought up a point I was thinking about ago some time back: should ORM
>automatically create INSERT statements of dependant objects?
>Answer: Hääää...
>(Anohter free German lesson: it means: "What the heck are'ya
>talking about?" ;-)
>Ok, let me illustrate my point with an example:
>Let's say I've got the old one2many relationship of authors and
>books. Storing the information of "'A Farewell To Arms' and 'The Old
>Man And The Sea' are writen by Hemingway" would look like:
> ernest = author(name="Hemingway")
> ds.insert(ernest)
> book1 = book(title="A Farewall To Arms")
> ds.insert(book1)
> ernest.books.append(book1)
> book2 = book(title="The Old Man And The Sea")
> ds.insert(book2)
> ernest.books.append(book2)
> ds.commit()
>This will result in one INSERT for Ernest and one INSERT plus one
>UPDATE statement for the books. As Werner correctly pointed out, this
>will fail if the backend enforces constrains to ensure table
>integrity: the books are INSERTed with empty book_id columns. Also
>there are five statements where three would do.
>My argument for implementing this the way I did was, that I wanted
>the programmer to knowingly insert things in the database so he knows
>exactly what's going on.
>There is another, simmilar case I was thinking about:
> ernest = author(name="Steinbeck",
> books=[book(title="Tortilla Flat"),
> book(title="Cannery Row")])
>Here dbclass' constructor would have to automatically issue three
>INSERT statements.
>This get's sort of complicated if book had another relationship as one
>of it's attributes. Of course ds.insert() could recursively travers
>the resulting object tree and create appropriate INSERTs but if
>something goes wrong inside ORM or the data model has a subtlety this
>can be very hard to look-through and debug.
>My idea for this would be to extend the UPDATE statement cache to
>also include CREATEs and this way avoid redundant SQL queries and the
>problem with constrains.
>(As a reminder: the update cache keeps track of all UPDATE statements
>and joins consecutive UPDATEs on the same object into a single
>Do you think this a good idea?
>What kind of drawbacks would you expect (increased complexity aside)?
>Do you think the subtlety of one ds.insert() or append() call
>creating several SQL statements can be lived with?