[orm-devel] Re: __repr__ issue?
Diedrich Vorberg
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 02:30:14 +0100
>Diedrich, I think there may be an issue with __repr__ for
>selectresult objects
Yes indeed there is! The problem never showed up with the simple
doc/example/test programs. Here's the new __repr__ function:
import relationships
def __repr__(self):
Return a human readable (more or less) representation of this
ret = []
ret.append("pyid=" + str(id(self)))
if self.oid():
ret.append("oid=%i" % self.oid())
for a in self.columns.keys():
b = a + "="
if self._data.has_key(a):
val = self._data[a]
if not isinstance(val, relationships.relationshipColumn):
b += repr(val.get())
b += repr(val.__class__)
b += "NULL"
return "<" + self.__class__.__name__ + " (" + join(ret, " ") + ">"
The problem only occurs with models in which two classes refer to one
another with a one2many in one and with a one2one in the other
direction. In that case the __repr__ function tries to find out the
content of the childclass and this causes an endless loop of course!
The new version of the function checks if the columns is a
relationship and only prints what kind of relationship we're dealing
with, no content. I believe actually checking for this kind of
situation would be a little much to ask.
Thank you Mike, for pointing that out!
_..._ Diedrich Vorberg
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