* text |
..... |
The text is to be ignored. It tells Emacs to make
the tabbed columns 14 characters wide. |
B #maxuid
rev |
Indicates the last UID reserved by gcc for built-in objects and
the major.minor.patch revision for gcc. Any UID numbered maxuid
or less that's referenced in the token stream is intrinsically public. |
> lineno
filename |
Line lineno is an #include directive that refers
to filename. This token is also used at the beginning
of the .myer1 file to record the name of the initial .c
file. Following tokens (until FILEPOP) refer to
text from filename. |
< lineno
physline filename |
End of #include, return to filename. Preprocessor
line lineno corresponds to physical line physline in filename. |
| lineno
physline filename |
Line lineno is a #line directive, telling us to
pretend we're on physical line physline of filename. Later
Myer phases ignore this token, for now. |
I lineno
filename |
Line lineno is an #include directive that refers
to already-included file filename. The file will not be
read again, but this token will be counted as a reference. |
/ begline
- endline |
Lines begline through endline are being ignored
due to a preprocessor conditional such as #if. |
D begline
- endline ident |
Lines begline through endline are a #define
for ident. The tokens within the macro will be emitted
at each macro invocation, using lineno values in the begline...endline
range. |
M begline,begcol
- endline,endcol ident |
An invocation for macro ident starts at begline,begcol.
The entire invocation (including any parenthesized arguments)
ends at endline,endcol. Identifiers and string-literals
generated via token-pasting (#, ##) will have tokens
with the "impossible" location endline,endcol-1. Following
tokens whose begline is within the range for the definition of
ident are referring to source code within the macro, although
the compiler sees them as part of the invocation. |
K line,col
ident |
The keyword ident starts at offset col in line.
This is mostly useless, and is just here to help the reader keep
his/her bearings while reading the .myer1 file. |
N line,col
number C line,col 'c' S line,col "string" |
A numeric, character, or string constant begins at offset col
in line. |
E line,col
#uid enumconstName F line,col #uid fieldName L line,col #uid labelName f line,col #uid functionName s line,col #uid structName v line,col #uid variableName t line,col #uid typeName |
A reference to an identifier of the specified type begins at line,col
and has unique identifier uid. Names for unions and enums
are lumped with structs. |
p line,col
#uid parameterName |
A reference to parameter parameterName starts at line,col
and has unique identifier uid. It's sometimes unclear which
function-decl each parameter is associated with (e.g., when declaring
a function that takes as a parameter a function-pointer whose own parameters
are also declared), but this doesn't matter for Myer since parameters
are local variables with no coupling/cohesion cost. |
= #uid d #uid |
Mark the preceding reference as "the spot" where object uid
is defined or declared. The difference between the two is minor
and was a late addition to fix some bug or other: "extern int x"
is a declaration, "int x = 14" is a definition. |
P #uid |
Mark uid as a "public" object, which can be shared by name
between different modules. Non-public objects are shared only if
both modules include the same header file that defines them. |
e #uid
#olduid |
(TOKEN_EQUATEUID) Treat uid as
synonymous with olduid. All references to uid are changed
to be references to olduid. For duplicate declarations, the new
declaration is elaborated as uid, then equated to olduid for
the previous declaration. |
+ line,col
#uid funcName +++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
The open-brace for the body of function funcName is at
line,col. The string of plus signs is just to make
this token easier to find in the .myer1 files. Any objects
defined after this token and before the FUNCEND are function-local unless
marked public. If the function was pre-declared before the body,
the uid will be a duplicate-UID rather than the original UID;
this should be cleaned up somehow. |
- line,col
#uid funcName ------------------------- |
The close-brace for the body of function funcName is at
line,col. The string of minus signs is just to make
this token easier to find in the .myer1 files. If the
function was pre-declared before the body, the uid will be the
original-UID and not the same as the one in the FUNCSTART token. |
; line,col |
A statement ends at line,col. Often there is a semicolon
or close-brace at that spot. All MACROREF tokens with lower line,col
values have now gone out of scope. |
q |
The last token in a complete .myer1 file, if compilation
was successful. |
* text |
..... |
The text is to be ignored. It specifies that this is a .myer2
file, the date and time when it was created, and that Emacs should use
12-character tab-stops. |
: #uid
type @fileno lineno name : #uid type name |
Declares object uid, with name and type. If fileno
and lineno are present, they indicate the defining-spot for this
UID. (The exact spot is assumed to be the first reference to uid
on that line.) If no fileno/lineno, this is declared as
an undefined object. The type is two characters. The first character
is similar to the token types from phase-1:
filename |
Begin the token-stream for filename, whose associated IDis fileno.
The stream continues until the next '@' token or the end of
the .myer2 file. |
< @fileno
begline,0 endline,0 |
(SPOT_IncludeFile) Line
begline is an #include directive that refers to
fileno. Generally, endline=begline+1
(although theoretically the directive could occupy multiple lines via
backslash continuation). The zeroes are just to maintain a consistent
format for most .myer2 tokens. |
/ 0 begline,0
endline,0 |
Lines begline through endline-1 have been skipped due
to a conditional-compilation directive such as #if. The zeroes
are just to maintain the columnar format. |
D #uid
begline,0 endline,0 |
The definition for macro uid occupies lines begline through
endline-1. Following tokens whose begline is within
this range are sited within the macro. |
M #uid
begline,begcol endline,endcol |
An invocation of macro uid starts at begline,begcol and
ends just before endline,endcol. Following tokens for the macro
argument(s) will have positions within this range. Identifiers and string
literals generated via token-pasting will show the same begline,begcol
and endline,endcol as the macro invocation (i.e., they are
"co-extensive" with the macro). |
f #uid
begline,begcol endline,endcol |
The body for function uid has its open-brace at begline,begcol
and its close-brace at endline,endcol. Following tokens within
this range are inside the function body. |
C #uid
begline,becol endline,endcol |
A reference to literal constant uid (numeric, character, or string)
starts at begline,begcol and ends just before endline,endcol. |
= #uid
begline,begcol endline,endcol d #uid begline,begcol endline,endcol r #uid begline,begcol endline,endcol |
A definition, declaration, or reference for object uid. The
object's identifier starts at begline,begcol and ends just before
endline,endcol. |
#Wanted |
..... |
Precedes the '@' token for files
that were mentioned on the command-line. Mentioning .h files on
the command-line just adds this #Wanted token. |
contents |
Precedes the '@' token for files
that could not be successfully merged. The merge-failure point
can be detected because the line numbers will suddenly jump backward (the
unmergable tokens are simply appended to the previous copy of the stream). |
filename |
..... |
After the actual file-streams, there are
six additional '@' tokens for fake files whose names begin with
backslashes: "\f-special" for functions referenced via extern
and not through a common include-file, "\v-special" for variables referenced
that way. There's also "\t-special" for built-in types, and also
"\C-special", "\S-special", and "\N-special" which are the defining modules
for literal constants. |
& numrefs |
Follows each '@' token to indicate
the number of #include references to this file from other files. |
% |
Indicates the end of the first part of
a .myer4 file. |
numinclude numfunc |
..... |
File myfileno contains numinclude
#include directives and numfunc function bodies.
There is one of these '@' tokens for each "wanted" file.
Next will follow numinclude+7 '<'
tokens and then numfunc+1 'f' tokens. |
< @fileno
numuid f < @fileno numuid v < @fileno numuid t < @fileno numuid C < @fileno numuid S < @fileno numuid N < @fileno numuid |
The current file (myfileno) refers
to numuid objects from file fileno. Next will follow
numuid 'r' tokens. After an '@'
token, the first six file-refs always refer to the six special files,
even when numref=0. The type letters serve little
purpose except orienting the human reader to which special file is which.
The seventh file-ref is for references to locally-defined objects;
it has fileno = myfileno. |
f #0: uidcounts f #funuid: uidcounts |
Counts of UID's that function funuid
refers to. There are numinclude+7 numbers in the uidcounts
set, giving reference-counts for UIDs from each special file, then the
locally-defined UIDs, and then those from each included file. The
first 'f' token in a file has "#0" and gives the reference-counts
for the areas of myfileno that are outside of function bodies.
Add up all the numbers in uidcounts to find out how many
'r' tokens will follow. |
r #uid
numrefs |
There are numrefs references to uid.
If this token follows '>', it indicates that fileno
is considered to be the defining file for this uid and also indicates
the total number of references to uid from myfileno. If
it follows 'f', it indicates the number of references from
within funuid's body. |
: #uid
numfiles numrefs |
..... |
There are numrefs total references
to object uid, from numfiles different files. |
* text |
..... |
The text is to be ignored. It specifies that this is a .myer5
file, the date and time when it was created, and that Emacs should use
12-character tab-stops. |
@ filename |
Begin the token-stream for filename.
The stream continues until the next '@' token or the end of
the .myer5 file. |
< begline,0 endline,0 coupling,cohesion | |
An #include directive. |
/ begline,0
endline,0 -1,0 |
Code that has been conditionally excluded from
compilation due to #if. |
D begline,0
endline,0 coupling,cohesion ident |
A #define directive. The
coupling/cohesion color will be displayed on the name of the macro, whose
begcol and endcol are not indicated, but the name
is ident. |
f begline,begcol
endline,endcol 0,0 |
A function body. For now, no marginal
cost formulas have yet been developed that apply to function bodies. |
M begline,begcol
endline,endcol coupling,cohesion C begline,begcol endline,endcol coupling,cohesion r begline,begcol endline,endcol coupling,cohesion |
A macro invocation, literal constant, or identifier
reference. |