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<article lang="EN">
    <title>RFC - Interactions between Entities</title>
        <date>July, 15th 2001</date>
        <revremark>DocBook conversion, types of actions,
        uses cases examples, beginning of interaction
        actions scheduling by controllers, hard time 
        constraints, automatic actions, quantum concept 
        <revremark>Re-organization, improved the implementation section</revremark>
        <revremark>Full rewrite (Entropizer) - Based on Metacosm-DTD</revremark>
        <revremark>Minor changes (corrections by Ruffy, thanks)</revremark>
        <revremark>Document rewrite</revremark>
        <revremark>First SGML version</revremark>
        <revnumber>First discussions</revnumber>    
        <date>Summer 1999</date>
      <simpara>This document describes how interactions
        between entities could be handled in Metacosm. This is an
        important part of the design since it will define how the Metacosm
        engine could work.</simpara>

      This document relies heavily on the notion of Entity. To be able
      to understand all of it, the reader should be familiar with
      Entity-RFC. Several references are made to that document in the
      present one. It can therefore be useful to keep a copy of it at
      hand.  Enjoy!
    <para>Interactions are (with the concept of Entity) the core of the Metacosm 
      game engine. Designing an efficient and flexible interaction model is
      really important because so much will run on interactions in the game
      engine. Next, we define what is an Interaction in Metacosm.</para>
      <glossentry id="interaction">
          <para>Interactions are the modality through which Entities
          modify (or at least try to...) their surrounding
          (including themselves). Everything that has an observable
          result in the game domain, is the result of an Interaction
          between one (an Entity interacting with itself) or several
    <para>The approach that we decided to take in this document is to
      account for the thought process that we followed to design the
      interaction system. More specifically, we will try to define
      interesting use cases that raise issues that we will try to
      address by designing the interaction system. We believe that
      following this process will help us design an efficient
      interaction engine and will serve as documentation and history
      of the choices that were made. This document will be finished
      when all identified use cases can either be implemented using
      Metacosm's interaction engine or rationale will be given as to
      why a given use case won't be supported.</para>

  <sect1><title>Action concept</title>
    <para>An Entity can influence its environment in very various way
    depending on its type, its abilities, etc. To create an efficient
    interaction model, we introduce the concept of Action.</para>

      <glossentry id="action">
            Actions are the basic piece in the Interaction model. They
            define at the smallest level how Entities
            interact with their surroundings. They encapsulate what
            the Entity does and how it does it. Entity influence their
            environment via Actions.</simpara>

    <title>Use cases</title>
    <para>Nothing can drive development better than well chosen use
      cases. In this section, we describe use cases that we think
      could help us direct our effort towards creating a good
      interaction system.</para>
      <title>A flying gnome</title>
        <para>Gob is a (not very intelligent) gnome that decided
          that he wanted to fly. He asked his friend Mardus, a
          magician, to cast a fly spell on him. The spell is
          successful but has a limited duration. Gob decides to try
          his new ability by trying to fly from trees to trees,
          discarding his friend's advice to be cautious. Delighted by
          the possibility to fly, he forgets about a time limit and
          found himself in middle air between two trees as the spell
          wears off. He cannot fly anymore and falls to the ground.
        <title>Technical challenges</title>
          The focus of this use case is to come up with an elegant
          solution to temporary Influence Actions and how to deal with
          interrupted Actions.
              <simpara>Off-line to enable use to focus on the logical
                aspects before having to deal with synchronization and
                time management issues.</simpara>
              <simpara>Action interruption and dynamic continuity.</simpara>
              <simpara>Dynamic adding and removal of Action via Influences.</simpara>

    <para>The interaction system is at the core of Metacosm's game
      engine. It is therefore very important to implement it in an
      efficient and extensible way. We will rely on design patterns to
      insure that the Interaction system will offer an acceptable
      level of performance. Next, we examine the requirements for the
      interaction system.
          <simpara><emphasis>Small memory footprint</emphasis>: the
            system must be able to handle a large amount of different
            Actions without impacting too much on memory requirements
            for the game engine.</simpara>
          <simpara><emphasis>Dynamically extensible</emphasis>: it
            should be possible to add new Actions at runtime. It should
            also be possible to reload any number of Actions to replace
            them with a newer implementation.</simpara>
            <emphasis>Shareable among a large number of
              Entities</emphasis>: many Entities have the possibility
            to perform the same Actions.
          <simpara><emphasis>Customizable on an Entity
              basis</emphasis>: an Entity can be influenced by several
            different Influences and therefore be able to perform all
            (or part) of the Actions define by its Influences but can
            also provide a custom implementation for a given Action that
            will override the default implementation.</simpara>
          <simpara><emphasis>Fast enough to insure a good
              interactivity with players</emphasis>: look up and
            retrieval of an Action should be performed in a reasonable
            lapse of time (100 ms?) so that interactivity is

    <title>Action concept summary</title>
      We elaborate on this section a little bit on the concept of
      Action, following what we have learned in the previous sections.
          <simpara>Each Entity can only perform (at a given time) a given
          number of different Actions. It is possible for an Entity to
          learn new ways to influence its environment and thus to expand
          its number of possible Actions.</simpara>
          <simpara>Each Entity maintains a list of Actions that it is
          able to perform. This list is in fact the composition of
          several different lists. In fact, each Influence can
          potentially define its own particular list of Actions to which
          Entities gain access when becoming influenced by this
          particular Influence.</simpara>
          <simpara>All of these lists are dynamic and can be modified
            at runtime to follow the evolution of the
            Influences. However, the level that is most likely to be
            altered is Individual level since an Entity's state
            influence on what it can accomplish. Moreover, for Entities
            able to learn, their available Actions will follow their
            progresses. An Entity able to see can become blind... An
            Entity can learn how to swim. For some Entities, it is
            likely that they won't have (at least most of the time) an
            individual level (this is true for Entities that cannot
            individually evolve).
          <simpara>Actions can be complex objects that act like
            scripts. They are able to handle a given action by
            themselves. In this way, Entities don't have to implement
            numerous interfaces to be able to perform actions.
            Moreover, the needed code for a given Action is only written
            once and can be used by numerous entities. This way entities
            are kept pretty simple and their capabilities can be
            expanded (or restricted) dynamically.</simpara>
          <simpara>In fact, Actions could be as simple or as complex
            as needed. One could start by implementing Actions that do
            nothing and that just return something like "OK, you did
            it!" as a result... Moreover, it is possible to think of
            changing an Action implementation while the game is
            running. If more realism is needed, it is possible to change
            the Action implementation and all Entities will be able to
            use the new, more realistic version in no time and while the
            game is running!  Since the result of an action is computed
            only in the Action object, it is very easy to modify
            it. Actions' responsibility is to collect the collection of
            needed information for the interaction and then compute the
            result according to the data retrieved.</simpara>
    <title>Simulation Scheduling</title>
     As described in Game-Loop RFC, action simulation will be
     realized using a quantum approach: Simulated time will be
     incremented globally by steps. All action occuring inside this quantum
     will be simulated during the same global simulation pass.
    <para> Note that there is no hard correspondance between game time
    and real time. Under heavy load, simulated time will slow
    down. Under such conditions, Server response time should stay
    globally constant, but simulated quanta length will become
    Quantum length need only to be fixed at the beginning of the
    simulation pass. This mean quantum length can be dynamicly
    determined according to game load by the server.

      <title>Controllers and Decision Tree</title>

  <para>The purpose of this section is to describe how an Entity
  controller communicates its will to the game.

      <para>Each entity controller will have to maintain a list of the
  actions the entity is trying to do in the immediate
  future. This 'TODO-List' will be called here a Decision Tree

      <para>The Decision Tree is part of the Entity model. It will be
      accessible to both the action simulation code and the entity
      controller with different level of priviledges. In other words,
      the object will present two different interfaces, one for the
      controller (limited access) and one to the interaction engine
      (full access).
      <para>The controller will access through the DT:
            <simpara>Current Action during last turn, and progress
              indicator in the case of a long, multiple turn
            <simpara>Ordered list of already planned actions by the
            <simpara>Ordered list of failed/impossible actions during
              last turn.</simpara>
      <para>The action simulation engine will at each turn:
            <simpara>Evaluate planned actions for execution through the use of
            predicates. Accepted actions are started.  Process goes on
            until action simulation time meet TURN_DURATION or all
            planned actions are processed.</simpara>
            <simpara>Update the current action reference in
              the DT. If all planned actions are finished (failed or
              successful), then there is no current action.  If an action
              is not finished at the end of the turn, it becomes the
              current action, and its progress attribute should be
              available to the controller. If an action finish exactly at
              the end of the turn and there is a next one, which is
              accepted by the predicates, then the latter becomes the new
              current action, with a null progress attribute.</simpara>
<simpara>The list of failed actions is updated as well. This is needed
  because the controller needs to differentiate between actions
  that could not be performed due to time constraints, actions
  that appeared to be impossible when the entity tried to
  perform them, and actions that were started and just failed
  without any clear stimuli being emitted.
      <title>Action lookup</title>
      <para>The design that we came up with makes use of the
        following design patterns. Next, we motivate this choice.
            <simpara>Dynamic Linkage</simpara>
            <simpara>Object Pool</simpara>
        Actions are implemented using the Command pattern. This will insure:
            <simpara><emphasis>modularity</emphasis> since every Action
              implements the same "Action" interface (proposed name, not
              necessarily definitive),</simpara>
            <simpara><emphasis>extensibility</emphasis> since new
              Actions can be created by implementing the defined interface
              or extending an already-created Action and overriding the
              methods required by the Action interface,</simpara>
            <simpara><emphasis>flexibility</emphasis> since for a given
              Action, a better implementation can be created by having to
              solely re-write the implementation of the methods defined by
              the Action interface without having to modify the rest of
              the game engine. We can therefore provide incremental
              functionality very easily.</simpara>
      <para>The Command pattern already gives us much of the required
        flexibility. However, we also need the Dynamic Linkage pattern to
        be able to add an Action to an Action Pool at runtime or even
        dynamically modify an Action implementation. The Dynamic Linkage
        pattern allows us to dynamically load Actions without requiring
        that the game engine or Actions know each other. We will however
        need to refine this pattern a little bit to adapt it to our
        needs. Moreover, by using a special Class loader, we will be able
        to load Actions from a local or remote repository. For more
        information on the Dynamic Linkage pattern, see "Patterns in Java,
        volume 1" by Mark Grand.</para>
      <para>We still have to address memory and interactivity
        requirements. We need to be able to share Actions between a large
        number of Entities in a memory- and speed-efficient way. A
        possible solution is to use the Object Pool pattern (as described
        by Mark Grand, see above). An Object Pool manages reusable
        instances. In our case, Action Pools will be implemented as Object
        Pools. How does it work and why is it efficient? 
        Not too complex:
            <simpara>Object Pools act as containers of reusable
              instances. Specific methods allow to get and release an
              instance from and to the pool.</simpara>
            <simpara>Object Pools can be shared by several clients (here
              Entities). The only requirement is to acquire a reference to a given
              Object Pool to use it. In our case, Entities will be initialized with
              a list of all Action Pools to which it belongs for each Influence.
            <simpara>Retrieving an Action, once the appropriate Action
              Pool has been located, will be call a get-type
              method. However, this method will ask the pool if an Action
              object is available to be reused. If yes, no need to create
              a new one and it is returned directly to the Entity that
              asked for it. If no, a new Action is created and returned to
              the Entity. This new Action is then added to the pool.
            <simpara>Several options are available concerning the
              management of reusable instances. We can define a max number
              of Action of a given type for each Action Pool to reduce
              memory requirements and initialize the pool with a given
              number of instances (possibly the max, in which case no
              instance is likely to be created). This system is very
              flexible and accommodate for memory and speed needs. It is
              possible to augment the needed memory to accelerate the
              process by pooling a greater number of instances to avoid
              the overhead of instantiation or limit the number of
              pre-instantiated objects to reduce memory footprint.
            <simpara>Using pools of reusable instances can be a huge
              performance factor by avoiding instantiation overhead most of
              the time but also by preventing garbage collection to happen
              until needed. Moreover, we don't need to create an Action
              instance per Entity which also reduces the memory footprint.
      <para>It could be also possible to use the Cache Management
        pattern (see Grand), to decrease lookup and increase speed
        performance but this will increase memory requirements.</para>
      <para>This system seems to answer our needs rather
        efficiently. However, we will need to experiment to find if it
        keeps it promises when implemented.</para>
      <title>Action simulation</title>
      <para>Once the pertinent Action object has been found, control
        is transferred to it by the game through the perform
        command. This function is the base of the command pattern. As
        parameters, it takes:
            <simpara>Entity[] invokers: a set of subject entities,
              trying to perform the action.
            <simpara>Entity[] receivers: a set of target entities,
              object of the action.
            <simpara>Object[] parameters: a set of extra parameters,
              which completely depends on the Action. They are provided
              by the controller. For each action it knows, an Entity
              controller will know the type of its required parameters.
              If an action receive bad parameters, perform will throw an
      <para>Concrete action simulation will be done by:
              Impacting state of various entities in the game.
              Sending stimuli (directly or indirectly while impacting entities).
              Sending events.
       DT Action objects provided by Instances (and then Java compiled)
        will be able to use the following interfaces:
              Read Access to the Properties, the Capabilities, the Skills of
              any Entities. Write access when meaningful.
              Full Access to the Decision Tree of any entity.
              Full Access to the Stimuli Dispatching system.
              Full Access to the Event Dispatching system (if applicable).

      <para>Some actions will require coordination between two or more
  entities. For example Buying something requires that the
  shopkeeper is able to sell its products and not busy doing
  something else. Joining a group requires that the existing group
  is offering the newcomer to join.
      <para>In such cases, two actions will work in pair. The "Buy"
  action will only succeed if the shopkeeper is performing the
  "Sell" action. The Buy action will simply look at the current
  action of the Shopkeeper entity.  If it finds a "Sell" Action
  there, It will contact this action, using a second method:
  Object [] interact(Object []).
      <para> For example, the interaction between the buyers and sellers could looks like:
        Buy -> Sell.interact("BuyProposal","WoodArmor", 12 credits);
        Buy <- Sell ("BuyResponse","OK", "WoodArmor", 12 credits);
        The Buy actions then does the transaction, effectively removing the Wood armor from the shop inventory
        to the traveller's one. Money is transferred to the shop.

      <para> This proposal is just a beginning to define real interactions between entities. More use cases need to be reviewed, like:
        Flying gnome falling on the ground. Will he get killed?
        Adventurer joining a group.
        Simple tavern fight.
        Carrying someone on your shoulder. (up and down).
        Two magicians casting a spell together, effectively joining their power.
        Two character trying to pick up an object at approximatively the same time.
      <title>Action interruption</title> 
        Another difficult point to design in which case an action being
        performed will be interrupted. We can do the following remarks:
              At the end of each turn, the controllers are given the
              opportunity to update their Decision Tree.  In the case
              the entity is performing a long action, the controller
              is free to cancel it. The cancel decision will go
              through the predicate system to check if it's
              acceptable. Some action are beyond the will of the
              controller: a falling gnome can not decide to stop
              falling. A dying character can not decide to stop his
              An aggressive action from another entity can interrupt
              the current action.  (This is exactly the definition of
              an aggressive action). The target entity will be only
              able to react at the next turn.
              The subject entity can enter or quit an influence. If it
              impacts the current action, most of the time, this means
              that the action will become impossible and will be
              interrupted. This is exactly the use case of the flying
              gnome.  When the gnome leaves the spell influence, it
              loose the ability to fly and as a consequence, the
              action "Fly". The remove process check wheter the
              current action is affected. In this case, it is. The
              "Fly" action is interrupted, and a "Fall" action is
              scheduled for the next turn.

    <title>Types of Actions</title>
      <title>Framework Actions</title>
      <para>Metacosm's interaction engine provides a set of primitive
        Actions that provide game developers with a sort of assembly
        language to create new Actions without having to write
        code. See Dynamic Actions for more details. Framework Actions
        are closely tied to the implementation of the framework since
        they provide the basic facilities to act on Entities.
        They are coded directly in Java.
      <title>Instance Actions</title>
      <para>Instance Actions are Actions that have been coded in Java
        and then compiled. They are made available to the interaction
        engine via dynamic loading. At the implementation level, they
        are really close to framework Actions since both are compiled
        code. However, framework Actions are part of the framework and
        provide, most of the time, means of interacting on Entities
        that would otherwise be impossible. Instance Actions are 
        Metacosm instance specific even though it is possible to envision
        that really useful instance Actions could mature to the point
        of becoming framework Actions.</para>
      <title>Dynamic Actions</title>
        Dynamic Actions are Actions that are NOT compiled and that
        don't need to be written in Java to be used in Metacosm. They
        are the means via which game developers can create new Actions
        without knowing how to program in Java. More precisely, they
        can be defined via a graphic editor that allows the chaining of
        already defined Actions (whether those are framework, dynamic
        or instance Actions) to create new and/or more complex
        Actions. They could also be automatically generated (without human input)
        as well. We can imagine that dynamic Actions could be
        re-written in Java over time to improve efficiency when a
        programmer is available. However, such an operation shouldn't
        be needed to enjoy Metacosm and create new Actions. Moreover,
        dynamic Actions are the only (current) possibility for the
        interaction engine to create new Actions on the fly when so
  Ruffy: for Quest I think I've an other solution.

  Horus: when we discussed about quests, we come to the
  conclusion that it would be very clean not to rely on a state
  machine, but to use regular stimuli\rumours system in addition
  to a simple objective driven AI in entity.  This seems complex
  but it is not really in practice. Example: 1 )The girl of
  Raoul has been kidnapped. Raoul says to everyone that he will
  give a reward to anyone will rescue her. Raoul remembers two things:
  1) He wants his child back and 2) He promised a reward.
  When someone brings back the child, 2) will make him give a reward to the adventurer.
  (Free bread for lifetime?)

  A more complex example: a merchant needs help from a friend
  in a far city. So the quest is about bringing a letter to
  destination and coming back with an answer.

  The idea is to put a real message in the letter, that the
  target entity can understand. For example: "Hello Cedric from
  Antony. I need help for business. Will you help me?".  The
  letter will also carry the signature of the sender. (his
  IdentityID?).  When he receives the letter, Cedric will
  recognize his friend's writing (IdentityId) and will happily
  answer: "Hello Antony from Cedric. Of course I Will help
  you. I will visit you very soon." (signed Cedric).  The
  quester will also recognize his friend's writing, and give
  reward to the messenger.

      <simpara>The term "Action" is to be understood here in a
        greater context. More precisely, dynamic Actions can be
        used to create Quests, spells or even used to specify AIs
        for Entities.</simpara>
      <title>Automatic Actions</title>
      <para>It is pretty difficult
      to find an adequate system for hard-time constraints
      Interactions. A more elegant solution than this problem would be
      to enable Actions to be made automatically | when a request
      cannot arrive in due time or has been| | lost. This solution has
      the advantage to be relatively| simple and efficient. Metacosm's
      Interaction engine could| automatically provide default
      Actions. It could however be | more gratifying for users if they
      were able to define which Action to be undertaken in case they
      cannot respond in a short enough time to maintain tight timing
      constraints.  |  |  | 
      <para>Inside the Game, Automatic actions can be seen as the
      Reflexes of an Entity. As regular actions, Automatic actions are
      defined by Influences. Additionnaly, they can be parametred by
      the controller (ie the player for a player Entity) and activate
      themselves when the context requires it. More precisely,
      Automatic Actions are actions with a minimal AI code which is
      able to activate the Action automatically.
      <para> Practically it means that controlled Characters will be
      able to defend themselves spontaneously to attacks even if their
      controller do not react in time.

      <title>Interaction system</title>
            receives Stimuli and
            has access to both
            failed and successful
            actions tried during
            last quantum.</para>
            <para>Using the Entity's memory, the Controller's memory
              and the Entity's state, the Controller chooses an Action
              (and its parameters) for the next turn.
          <listitem><para>At the next turn, the Entities trie to retrieve
              the chosen Action (in Actions pools). If it fails, the
              Entity does nothing; an error could be logged to detect
              broken Controller, but it's more probably a context change
              (ex: you can't fly anymore because the spell
                          <listitem><para>The Action is resolved/performed. It implies
              Stimuli are sent to the StimuliDispatcher, self perception
              is sent to the Controller, and Entities are

      <title>Performing an Action</title>
        Here we describe the simple sequence of messages needed for an
        Entity to perform an Action.
            <para>The controller asks the Entity to perform an
              Action. When it does so, it invokes the
              <function>perform(String actionName, Entity[]
                invokers, Entity[] receivers, Object[]
                parameters)</function> method on the Entity.</para>
            <simpara>The Entity that is asked to perform the action
              looks up for the given Action in its individual list of
              Actions. If the Action is not available, the Entity looks
              up in the list maintained by the Influences it is
              influenced by in the priority order of these
              Influences. If the Action is still not found, it launches
              an Exception to indicate that it can not perform the
              action asked.</simpara>
            <simpara>Once the Action is located, the Entity retrieves
              the given Action object.</simpara>
            <para>The Entity then delegates the execution of the
              action to the retrieved Action object by invoking the
              <function>perform(Entity[] invokers, Entity[]
                receivers, Object[] parameters)</function> method on
              the Action.</para>
      <title>The <function>perform</function> methods</title>

      <para>In the case of Entity's <function>perform</function>
        method, the first argument is the name for the Action to be
        performed and not the Action in itself. This name will allow
        efficient lookup in actions lists and will not require the
        controller to obtain a reference to an action. By using this
        indirection level, it is possible to have
        several implementations of the same Action. It is the
        responsibility of the Entity to retrieve the appropriate
        Action. More precisely, the Action that will be used is the
        one that is first retrieved according to the priority order of
        the Entity's Influences.</para>

      <para>Moreover, the controller needs to know about the result of
        an action, so, there should be some kind of return but not in a
        form of a simple return value. The controller will have two sources of information:
        The entity's perceptions
        The Decision Tree which will publish
        list of actions that the entity has been table to try
        performing and the other it was unable to.
      <para>Hence the complete signature for the
        <function>perform</function> method would be: <function>int
          perform(String actionName, Entity[] invokers,
          Object[] parameters) </function> .</para>

  Parameters will a reference to an array of Objects,
  potentially null. Each Action will require a different set of
  parameters. The simplest case of parameter will be an Entity
  ID. (Example for action "take object": parameter = object EID).
  Other possible parameters type will be:
  - a Typed Value (time delay, date, distance, weight, etc..)
  - a Position (coordinates) in a place.
    <listitem> <simpara>
  - a Type of Entity. (an influence)
    <listitem> <simpara>
  - a Message
    <listitem> <simpara>
  - a Group of Entity (Group ID/Reference).

  Return value of perform will be one of the following constants:
    <listitem> <simpara>
      <title>Decision Tree</title>
    Each controlled entity maintains a list of actions planned for
    next turns.  We will call an intention a reference to an
    action with all context parameters.  The next action to perform
          will be determined by the success or failure of the previous actions:
          Intentions will be organized in structure called the Decision Tree
    Obviously this list will be managed by the entity controller
    during the last phase of each turn.  The controller will be
    able to know which actions have been declared impossible by the
    predicate system, which one have been executed during the turn,
    which one were delayed and remain in the list.
    The controller will be able to cancel intentions which were not
    already started, and interrupt currently executed actions.
  The result of an action will be known to the controller only
    through the perception system.
    Long actions whose length is more than one turn will have a
    progress attribute, which is known to the controller.  When the
  entity is the target of an external action while busy with an
    action, two situations are possible:
    the external action is coercive (for example, an attack)
    and the current long actions is immediately interrupted.
    the external action is not coercive, and the current
    action continues at least for the current turn.
    In both cases, at the end of the turn, the controller can
    choose to react to the external action and interrupt the
    current action or to continue this action.
      <title>Interfaces exposed to entity controllers</title>
  <para>At the end of each turn, all entity controller will be
    given the opportunity to update their Decision Tree.  They will
    use the DecisionTree interface.
    DecisionTree interface:
        IntentionRef program (long date, ActionId action,...);
    define an intention, schedule it in the list for date
    "date" and returns a reference for it. If many intentions
        are defined for the same date, this means, do the
    following actions as soon as possible, from this date in
    the order they have been defined.
    Iterator iterateOnIntentions(); Return an iterator on the
    set of all defined Intention in chronological order.
    void deprogram (IntentionRef ref); cancel an intention
    before it becomes active using its reference.
    void cancel (IntentionRef ref); cancel the current action
    (for long actions)
    Intention getIntention(IntentionRef ref); Retrieve the
    complete Intention data object using its reference
    IntentionRef getCurrentIntention(); Retrieve the reference
    of the intention of the current action.
    int getProgress(IntentionRef ref); Retrieve the value of
    the progress attribute of a long action.
  <para>Event message Each time an event concerning its decision
    tree happens, the controller will receive messages through a
    call back function: HandleEvent(Event e).
    The different decision tree messages will be:
  <title>Interface exposed to the game scheduler</title>
  <para> As the game controller will only manage the Decision
    Tree through a well defined interface, the Decision Tree
    implementation is a protected data structure.  It can then
    be used by the framework to schedule actions which are not
    directly under the control of the controller: for example,
    the game can schedule the contact between the character and
    the ground after a jump, at the time determined for the end
    of the fall..After a deadly wound, the combat management
    code can schedule an action "die" for the next turn.
    This means that only a subset of the defined actions are
    accessible to the entity controllers.  The other actions will
    be used internally by the game system.
  <para> To make use a this facility, the simulation classes will
    have access to more functionalities of the Decision Tree than
    the controller itself. We will have to provide a more powerful
    interface in this case. In the context of the simulation, this
    interface will be called ActionTreeInterface. This interface
    will extend DecisionTreeInterface and will also define:
    Iterator iterateOnActions(): returns an iterator on the set
    of all defined Actions (Intentions + Actions) in
    chronological order.
    setStarted(IntentionRef ref): marks an intention as current.
    setCompleted(IntentionRef ref): marks an intention as
    completed; removes from list and send event to the
    setProgress(IntentionRef ref, int value): updates the
    progress attribute of an intention.
    setFailed(IntentionRef ref): marks an intention as
    failed. Removes from list and send event to the controller.
    setInterrupted(IntentionRef ref): marks an intention as
    interrupted. Sends event to the controller.
      <title>Action scheduling</title>
        Once the action has been chosen by the controller, it is
        processed by the framework in three steps:
            <simpara>Actions scheduling: what are the planned actions
              for the entity, are these actions possible, does the
              entity has enough time to perform them?
            <simpara>Actions simulations: potential modifications of
              game and entities properties, planning of possible
              consequent actions.</simpara>
            <simpara>The action impacts the game and stimuli are send,
              allowing the controllers to plan future actions.</simpara>
        Actions scheduling is done by the framework, by example in
        the Entity class. A simple way to express this is to speak
        of the 'Action scheduler'.
        The Action scheduler examines the Decision Tree at each
        turn, and decides which actions are performed. We can list the following cases:
            <simpara>Simplest case: no current action inherited
              from the last turn, and one action in IL. The actions is
              checked for acceptability using the 'MayStart'
              Predicate. If the results is negative, the action is
              marked as failed.  If the result is positive, the
              control is given to the action, with a reference to the Context.
            <simpara>Long action case: one action
              is inherited from the last turn and marked current. The
              Action scheduler check if this action can continue using
              the 'MayContinue' predicate. If ok, the action
              continues, if not it is marked as interrupted.
            <simpara>Consecutive actions case: more than one action
              can be performed in one turn, if they are short
              enough. The time taken by each performed action is known
              to the AS because this information is provided in the
              return of the perform function.
            <simpara>No action case. Nothing to do. Current action
            reference remains null.
        For each phase, we will provide some examples to make things clearer.
      <title>Action simulation</title>
        The action can be implemented as singleton. All state will be
        managed externally, through the Intention objects.  So it is
        the time to define more precisely what an Intention is:
              An action reference (can be a string = the action name)
              The action state: reference to context, Subject and
              Target Entities, Action parameters, internal progress
        Each Action will be free to define what it wants to store in
        its state data. This data will be private and only useful to
        the Action code.
        In the this section we should describe exactly which
        interfaces are available to performed actions.  We already
        proposed a list of them:
              Read Access to the Properties, the Capabilities, the Skills of
              any Entities. Write access when meaningful.
              Full Access to the Decision Tree of any entity.
              Full Access to the Stimuli Dispatching system.
              Full Access to the Event Dispatching system.
        We needs to define full access interfaces to the Perception
        System and the Event Dispatching System.
      <title>Controller planning</title>
        The controller interface will contain a call back method use
        to provide CPU time to the AI in order to plan or reconsider
        its Decision Tree. This function may be called plan.
  <title>Raoul trying to pick up flowers</title>
  <para>Raoul the baker is in vacation and walk in the
    mountains. He sees some beautiful flowers and thinks they
    would make a great gift for his girlfriend Gertrude. So Raoul's
    fine AI controller plans the following consecutive actions:
        <simpara>walk towards the flowers.</simpara>
        <simpara>pick up the flowers.</simpara>

    This plan is translated into the Decision Tree of the Raoul
    Entity. More precisely, the IL now contains two elements:

    - an Intention object referencing the Action "go" with a
    parameter equal to the EntityID of the flowers.

    - an Intention object referencing the Action "take" with a
    parameter equal to the EntityID of the flowers.

    Both Intention object are still simple only
    intention, the action have not started, and they don't
    reference any Action state objects.

   First scenario, Raoul successfully perform both actions.
   During the next quanta, the game check for the possibility to
   perform the first action, and compute a positive answer.  The
   entity Raoul really tries to perform this"go" action. First
   we goes through Action initialisation code, which takes 2
   parameters: the subject Entity, the Intention Object.  This
   initialisation phase creates an ActionState instance where it
   puts data it needs. In this example the data object can
   contain Raoul's initial position, current position and target
   position in terms of place coordinates. The target position
   is extracted from the Memory of Raoul: the flowers belong to
   his field of vision, if they would not, the action
   initialization would have failed (and the action too).  After
   initialization, the Intention object in the tree contains the
   reference to the newly created ActionState object.

  <para>Then Raouls starts to actually perform the action, "Go"
  becomes the current action. perform() is called.  The method
  checks the path and the distance between current and target
  position.  If there is no way that exist and that Raoul can
  use, the Action fails (exemple if target = a cloud).  If there
  is a way, the Action computes the time the move will take. If
  this delay is longer than the remaining time in the quanta,
  the action updates its state (current position = position at
  the end of the quanta)and the entity position in the place and
  return the "Action continuing" value. If the action ends
  before the end of the quanta, the action update the Entity
  state, discard its state and return the "Action completed"

  <para>The same procedure applie for the second Action. We
  suppose the quanta is still not over for the entity. First the
  game check if the action is possible. We suppose it is. Then
  it initialize it. Again, the initialization succeeds, before
  the flowers are known to Raoul from his visual memory.
      The perform method this time does not compute the length
      of the action, because the "Take" action is supposed to
      take a constant time.  But it checks that the object of
      the action is close enough from Raoul.  The check succeed,
      then the flowers are removed from the scene and put into
      Raoul's inventory. The action returns the constant "Action
    <para> In fact, Raoul may not have totally used its time
    quanta, but his Decision Tree is now empty. So he does not
    perform anything more. The simulation thread can process
    another entity.
    <para>Next time it will be activated, Raoul's controller
    will know that both actions in IL have been tried and in
    some way completed. From his perceptions, he will see that
    the flowers are gone from the place, and that they are now
    in his backpack.

      Other scenario: the action fails: at the next turn, the
      game checks the predicates for the first action:
      'walking'. It appears that Raoul is not experienced enough
      to climb up to the flowers. So the first actions fails.
      As a consequence, the second action is also
      impossible. Both fails, and Raoul does nothing this turn.
    <para>Let's describe more precisely what happens: the
    initialization of the first action " succeeds as in the
    first case. But the perform method, while evaluating the
    actions, estimates that the path to the flowers is almost
    vertical, and that would be too difficult for the beginner
    alpinist that Raoul is. So the methods returns the constant
    value "Action Failure". Raoul's time is also translated with
    an estimation of the time it would take to him to give up
    climbing to the flowers.

      The second action "pick up" initializes too. But again,
      while the perform method is called, it returns "Action
      Failure" because the flowers are out of reach from Raoul's
      hand. And no other actions are in Raoul's Decision Tree.

      During the next quanta, Raoul's controller will know from
      the Decision Tree, that both actions "failed". Raoul will
      know its new position through the perception system.
<para>Other examples: complex action parameters.
      Raoul open his door with his key: perform("Open"
      ActionID, Raoul's Entity ID, [door of Midgaard's
      bakery EID, Raoul's key EID])
      Object []: object to open, tool/object used to open (optional).
      Raoul prepares bread pasta: perform("Cooking/Mix"
      ActionID, Raoul's Entity ID, [kneader (container)
      EID, flour bag EID, water container EID, salt
      container EID ])
      Object []: 1st element: target container, other elements: ingredients containers.
      Raoul prepares bread from pasta:
      perform("Cooking/Setup" ActionID, Raoul's Entity ID,
      [kneader EID, Bread TypeId]) Object []: 1st element:ingredient which to give form, 2st element: Type
      of product to be prepared.
      Raoul puts breads into the oven:
      perform("Move" ActionID, Raoul's Entity ID, [Oven EID, Bread1 EID, Bread2 EID, Bread3 EID,...])
       Object []: 1st element: Target position, other: Objects to be moved.
      Raoul wait 10 minutes
      perform("Wait" ActionID, Raoul's Entity ID, [time delay=10min Value])
      Object []: 1st element: time delay Value.
      Raoul says to his wife the breads are ready:
      perform("Talk" ActionID, Raoul's Entity ID, [Raoul's wife EID, Message])
      Object []: 1st element: target Entity of message, next: message.



      <title>Action consequences</title>
        <title>Picking up a flower</title>
          The flower is removed from the place, and stimuli are
          emitted.  The (cut) flower is added to the character's
        <title>Jumping in a deep hole</title>         
        <para>Stimuli describing the move are emitted.  An action
          'falling' is planned for the time of crash.
        <title>Falling on a surface</title>
        <para> Stimuli describing the actions are emitted.  If the
          shock is strong enough, the entity will be killed.  In such
          a case, an action "die" is planned for the next turn.
      <title>Long actions and "hibernation mode" of entities</title>
        ( Not in M1? To be completed.)  Place in the game in where no
        players are active and where there is no perception should
        save CPU power.  This can be done by using special long
        actions called hibernation actions, during which no action
        planning is done by AI controllers. The Stimuli Dispatcher
        will be able to interrupt these actions, which will
        effectively "wake up" the entities. Again, the stimuli
        dispatcher will also be responsible to decide to start of the
          <title>In the bakery</title>          
          <para>Raoul the baker has not seen any visitors for the last
            few turns. The StimuliDispatcher of the 'Bakery' Place knows
            there is no visitor around. It sends a special message to
            the Entity Raoul to signify that the place will start to
            hibernate. Raoul's controller then starts a long action
            "continuous baking": continuous baking means that Raoul
            will bake bread continuously until something interrupts
            him. The result of the actions will only be computed at the
            time of this interruption. For example, if Raoul bakes
            continuously for 30 turns, he will obtain 20 pieces of
            breads and 10 sandwiches.
        It should be possible to avoid this extra complexity and at
        the same time building a game CPU savvy: build the AI of all
        common entities so that their common state would be a long
        action similar to 'continuous baking'. In the case of Raoul,
        the Dispatcher will interrupt the action when someone enters
        the Bakery, we don't need to provide extra code for CPU
        resource management.
      <title>Implementation data</title> 
      <para>The DecisionTree will be implemented with (To be completed).</para>
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