A Mission is in fact a moral contract: the one who accepts the Mission signs to accomplish the Mission objective, by respecting given conditions. The one who proposes the Mission signs to give the reward to the one who succeeds in the Mission.
A Mission is given by a bot or an other player.
We only care in this document about Missions given by bots; the ones given by players are managed by the player who proposes them, and the game doesn't interfere in this case, it's pure roleplay.
The one who proposes the Mission is a Missions giver; to give Missions is his/ her job, or more often this bot decides to propose a Mission after one or more events happen (friend death, recent gossip, etc).
Missions are time limited or not: after a certain date (duration or happening of a particular event (end of another Mission, etc)), the bot who has launched the Mission can decide it's cancelled (with or without informing questers), choose other questers in addition or replacement, send questers to kill or punish bad questers, etc.
Missions type:
To kill a given being or a group or a category of beings.
In a given place or not.
To make corpse(s) disappear or not.
To send claim or not.
To steal a special object or not, a max of objects from a given type (money for example), or a max of objects in general (all possessions from a being for example).
To steal a particular being or anybody.
To steal in a given place or not.
To be allowed to kill or not.
To have to be stealth or not.
To send claim or not.
Only steal what needed or not.
To deliver something to a being.
A special object (a message for example) or a quantity of something or a set of given objects.
No to kill the receiver.
The receiver gives or not something to pay. In the first case, pay should or not be got back to the Mission giver.
To have the right to steal the receiver or not.
To go somewhere to get back something.
A particular object or a quantity of something or a set of given objects.
On a being or at home of somebody in particular or anybody.
In a given place or not.
Not to kill the owner (he/she/it agrees, if not see Steal).
To propagate a given idea among people.
A group of people, a given number of people, one person in particular or anybody.
Buy (variation of Recovery)
To have to buy or pay in some manner (barter, service, etc).
Not to steal.
To find somebody to do something.
A particular being, a being matching criteria or anybody.
To do a Quest or a Mission or to enter in a group (clan, religion, etc)
To obtain information about something or somebody.
For a place: to discover this place whose we only know some properties (its name, its inhabitants, its buildings, etc), to get back data about this place (population, building, etc).
For a person: to find his/her/its location, to learn rumours about the person, to know about his/her/its possessions, to discover the group whose the person is a member, his/her/its objectives (Missions, Quests, etc), etc.
For a group of people (clan, religion, town, state, etc): to find meeting place(s), members, group goals, possessions, characteristics, etc.
For an object: to find its location, its price, its characteristics, to know about the number of existent objects and their location, etc.
To build or to make, or to make build or make make something.
For an object: a special object or a quantity of some object or a set of given objects.
For a place: to build a special building, to modify a place (digging, irrigation, drying, farming, plantation, etc).
In a given place or not.
Contrary of Building Mission.
To kill or not some people (place inhabitants, object makers, etc).
Modified version of Recovery Mission: to get back money or valuables.
To protect from somebody or something while a certain duration.
For a being: to avoid the given being is killed or stolen.
For a place: to avoid it's altered.
For an object: to avoid it's stolen or destroyed.
Do not mix up with Delivery Mission in the case of recipient give money for delivery. Sell Mission is selling the highest price something to somebody.
A special object or a quantity of a given object or a set of given objects, a place (building, etc) or a person (slave, servant, etc).
The buyer should or not respect some criteria (member or not of groups, discrimination about race, etc).
No to kill the buyer.
To get back or not the payment to the Mission giver.
To lead a given being to a given place, by using violence if necessary.
Not to kill the victim.
Possibility of hurting the victim or not.
To discover guilty(ies) of a given action.
By following some rules (not to kill, not to steal, etc) or not.
Counter Mission
To make a given Mission fails (so all questers working on this Mission) or only one quester on a given Mission.
To kill or not the quester(s).
Time aspect is important for this mission: the goal is to success before the others did.
The generic pattern is something like doing/successing a given Action (or several) with more or less constraints.