Dazzle phenomenon occurs when a very strong Stimulus hides weaker Stimuli. For example, the sun hides the stars. The system proposed in this section should allow to simulate this phenomenon. To avoid all misunderstandings, we insist on the fact that it is no matter here of Sense adaptation (for instance, you are in the dark, somebody light on, you are dazzled and you cannot see anything, then your eyes adapt to the light and you can see again). As a simplification, any possible adaptation will be considered as instantaneous.
Our model is a question of punctually decreasing a Sense power according to the power of the most powerful received Stimulus. This Stimulus must have a positive duration, that is it is not instantaneous.
The rule is the following:
Effective Sense power = intrinsic Sense power / (intensity of strongest received Stimulus ** Sense control)
Effective Sense power = intrinsic Sense power - (intensity of strongest received Stimulus * Sense control) when getting values on logarithmic scale.
In all events the most intense received Stimulus should have an intensity above average (1 or 0 on logarithmic scale). Otherwise the power of other Senses would be increased and not decreased. The 'sense control' parameter is an attribute of the Sense. It represents the ability of the Sense to resist to dazzle. It is a positive float with a default value of 1.0. A Sense with a control lesser than 1.0 resists well to dazzle. A sense with a control greater than 1.0 resists badly to dazzle.
It is worth noting that the most powerful Senses are less easily dazzled than weaker Senses if their control are equal.
Example 3. Reception with dazzle phenomenon
Dazzling | Received | | | Stimulus | Stimulus | Sense | control | reception ---------------------------------------------- 10 1 1 1 0.1 -> not well received 10 1 10 1 1 -> received 10 1 100 1 10 -> well received 10 1 100 2 1 -> received 100 1 100 2 0.01 -> not well received 100 1 1 1/2 1 -> received