Nothing can drive development better than well chosen use cases. In this section, we describe use cases that we think could help us direct our effort towards creating a good interaction system.
Gob is a (not very intelligent) gnome that decided that he wanted to fly. He asked his friend Mardus, a magician, to cast a fly spell on him. The spell is successful but has a limited duration. Gob decides to try his new ability by trying to fly from trees to trees, discarding his friend's advice to be cautious. Delighted by the possibility to fly, he forgets about a time limit and found himself in middle air between two trees as the spell wears off. He cannot fly anymore and falls to the ground.
The focus of this use case is to come up with an elegant solution to temporary Influence Actions and how to deal with interrupted Actions.
Off-line to enable use to focus on the logical aspects before having to deal with synchronization and time management issues.
Action interruption and dynamic continuity.
Dynamic adding and removal of Action via Influences.