
Now it's time to make your ideas come to life.

Create Properties and Entities

With the EntityEditor, you define which Properties and Influences Entities have and which Influences are available. After defining that in general, you'll have to create real Entities (instances) to fill your world(s).

Example 4. Dummy instance

Each Entity contains two Properties, named Body and Brain (unsigned integers, range (1,6), uniform distribution (1D6)). There is only one Type: 'Human' which brings Body and Brain.

Create Predicates and Actions

With the ActionEditor, you define Predicates and choose which Actions are allowed. You'll have to code Actions if you want to use Actions not available in the Basic Instance.

Example 5. Dummy instance

The 'swim' action is coded like that:

perform( ..., where, ...) { if (swimming in calm water) difficulty = 3 else difficulty = 8 if ( entity.Body + 1D6 < difficulty ) entity sinks else entity swims }

(this is just a basic example, a 'real' swim action should take into account members tied, possible equipment, possible amputations, drugs, ...)

Create Quests

With the QuestsEditor, you add new instances for already defined Quests patterns. It means defining when a type of Quest is possible, for who, etc.

Cf Quests-RFC for details about QuestsEditor

Example 6. Dummy instance

Chess quest: requires entity.Brain >= 4, success if an Action 'to play chess' succeed against Gary Kasparov, reward is a chessboard in marble. This quest can only be done one time. Wrestle quest: requires entity.Body >= 5, success if an Action 'to wrestle' succeed against Hogar 'Hand Crusher', reward is a bodyguard job at the palace.

Test, test and test

And have fun.

Write some documentation

You'll have to write doc, both for players (background and world(s) description, how to play, etc) and developers/maintainers.

Release (and enhance and release and ...)

Now you're trapped: you'll lost your sleep, coding or playing. And please don't forget to keep contact with us.