More examples

Example 8. The pyromaniac's return

GrosBill burns a forest.

  1. Goddess of Nature sends clerics (with maces) to teach him he's a bad bad guy. (twice direct transmission twice)

  2. Newspapers talks about. (witnesses report to some journalists)

  3. King sends guards to catch him. (witnesses report to the King + mission)

  4. Ecosystem is modified, weather is modified. (the local Place receives the Event and modifies the weather)

Example 9. A robbery again

A robbery happens in a temple, so an Event is thrown.

Example 10. I'm a god

For a player: You see a marvellous woman, dressed in white. She's incredibly beautiful and can't be at all a simple woman. She's too perfect. And moreover, there is a golden aura around her.

For a bot: 'divine presence' Event

Example 11. Long live the King!

For a player: You read the newspaper and discover during the night the King is dead.

For a bot: 'famous person death news' Event