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4.4.2 Test Report Reference

This section documents the reported data from a provided test case.

C Data Type: micro_benchmark_test_report

Opaque representation of the information collected from a test case.

The lifetime of these objects is bound to the suite that generated them. Calling micro_benchmark_suite_release ends the lifetime of all reports associated to that suite.

C Report Function: const char * micro_benchmark_test_report_get_name (micro_benchmark_test_report report)


  1. report must have been obtained as the return value of a call to micro_benchmark_report_get_test_report.


  1. None.


  1. The value returned points to a valid, zero-ended array of characters.
  2. The value returned is equivalent to the value provided at the micro_benchmark_suite_register_test call.

C Report Function: size_t micro_benchmark_test_report_get_num_executions (micro_benchmark_test_report report)


  1. report must have been obtained as the return value of a call to micro_benchmark_suite_get_report.


  1. None.


  1. The returned value is the number of executions performed of the test case associated to report.

C Report Function: micro_benchmark_exec_report micro_benchmark_test_report_get_exec_report (micro_benchmark_test_report report, size_t number)


  1. report must have been obtained as the return value of a call to micro_benchmark_report_get_test_report.
  2. number is less than the value returned by micro_benchmark_test_report_get_num_executions (report).


  1. None.


  1. The returned value is a valid object.
  2. The returned value contains the results of the test execution number stored on report, counting from zero.

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