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4.5.2 Meter Reference

A meter is an device that produces measurement samples.

Currently, the only meters provide by the library are chronometers (see Chronometer Reference.)

C Data Type: micro_benchmark_meter_data { void *ptr, const char *name, micro_benchmark_stats_sample_type sample_type, micro_benchmark_stats_meter_sample min_resolution, micro_benchmark_stats_meter_sample max_resolution }

Data of a meter implementation.

ptr is the instance data that is provided to the meter functions. sample_type represents the active union field from the samples produced by the meter, as well as min_resolution and max_resolution fields.

C Function Type: micro_benchmark_meter_init_fun

Function to initialize a meter instance. Its prototype is void (*) (micro_benchmark_meter_data *, const void *).

C Function Type: micro_benchmark_meter_cleanup_fun

Function to release a meter instance. Its prototype is void (*) (const micro_benchmark_meter_data *).

C Function Type: micro_benchmark_meter_start_fun

Start the measuring process of a meter instance. Its prototype is void (*) (void *).

C Function Type: micro_benchmark_meter_stop_fun

Stop the measuring process of a meter instance. Its prototype is void (*) (void *).

C Function Type: micro_benchmark_meter_restart_fun

Restart the measuring process of a meter instance. Its prototype is void (*) (void *).

C Function Type: micro_benchmark_meter_get_sample_fun

Extract the measure performed by the meter. Its prototype is micro_benchmark_stats_meter_sample (*) (void *).

C Data Type: micro_benchmark_meter_definition { micro_benchmark_meter_data data, micro_benchmark_meter_init_fun init, micro_benchmark_meter_cleanup_fun cleanup, micro_benchmark_meter_start_fun start, micro_benchmark_meter_stop_fun stop, micro_benchmark_meter_restart_fun restart, micro_benchmark_meter_get_sample_fun get_sample }

Meter definition.

C Data Type: micro_benchmark_meter

Pointer to a constant micro_benchmark_meter_definition object.

C Meter Function: void micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init (micro_benchmark_meter_definition *meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. meter->init points to a valid function.
  3. The value meter is not valid. This means one of the following conditions:
    • No value equivalent to meter has been provided as a parameter to micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init or micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init_with_data.
    • Each call to micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init or micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init_with_data with a value equivalent to meter as its parameter has been followed by a call to micro_benchmark_stats_meter_cleanup with a value equivalent to meter as its parameter.


  1. Call meter->init (meter->data, NULL).


  1. The value meter is valid.

C Meter Function: void micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init_with_data (micro_benchmark_meter_definition *meter, const void *extra_data)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. meter->init points to a valid function.
  3. The value meter is not valid. This means one of the following conditions:
    • The value meter has not been provided as a parameter to micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init or micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init_with_data.
    • Each call to micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init or micro_benchmark_stats_meter_init_with_data with the value of meter as its parameter has been followed by a call to micro_benchmark_stats_meter_cleanup with the value of meter as its parameter.


  1. Call meter->init (meter->data, extra_data).


  1. The value meter is valid.

C Meter Function: void micro_benchmark_stats_meter_cleanup (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. meter->cleanup points to a valid function.
  3. The value meter is valid.


  1. Call meter->cleanup.


  1. The value meter is not valid.

C Meter Function: void micro_benchmark_stats_meter_start (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. meter->start points to a valid function.
  3. The value meter is valid.
  4. meter is not measuring.


  1. Call meter->start.


  1. meter is running.
  2. meter is measuring.
  3. The measurements performed by meter take this call as its starting point.

C Meter Function: void micro_benchmark_stats_meter_stop (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. meter->stop points to a valid function.
  3. The value meter is valid.
  4. meter is running.
  5. meter is measuring.


  1. Call meter->stop.


  1. meter is not measuring.
  2. The measurements performed by meter take this call as its end point.

C Meter Function: void micro_benchmark_stats_meter_restart (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. meter->restart points to a valid function.
  3. The value meter is valid.
  4. meter is running.
  5. meter is not measuring.


  1. Call meter->restart.


  1. meter is measuring.
  2. The measurements performed by meter take this call as another starting point.

C Meter Function: micro_benchmark_stats_meter_sample micro_benchmark_stats_meter_get_sample (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. The value meter is valid.
  3. meter is running.
  4. meter is not measuring.


  1. Call meter->get_sample.


  1. The returned value contains the accumulated measurement performed by the value meter.
  2. The accumulated measurement of meter is reset to zero its zero point—equivalent to a call to micro_benchmark_meter_start.

C Meter Function: const char * micro_benchmark_stats_meter_get_name (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. The value meter is valid.


  1. None.


  1. The returned value is meter->;

C Meter Function: micro_benchmark_stats_sample_type micro_benchmark_stats_meter_get_sample_type (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. The value meter is valid.


  1. None.


  1. The returned value is meter->data.sample_type;

C Meter Function: micro_benchmark_stats_meter_sample micro_benchmark_stats_meter_get_min_resolution (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. The value meter is valid.


  1. None.


  1. The returned value is meter->data.min_resolution;

C Meter Function: micro_benchmark_stats_meter_sample micro_benchmark_stats_meter_get_max_resolution (micro_benchmark_meter meter)


  1. meter points to a valid object.
  2. meter->stop points to a valid function.
  3. The value meter is valid.


  1. None.


  1. The returned value is meter->data.max_resolution;

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