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6.3.1 Guile Suite Report Reference

Guile Internal Record: <report>

This type represents a suite report.

It encapsulates micro_benchmark_report underneath and a reference to the suite to controls its lifetime. Note that this name is not exported by the module, but objects of this type are returned by the following function.

Guile Constructor: get-report suite


  1. suite was returned by make-suite.
  2. suite contains a report.


  1. None.


  1. The report contained on suite is returned.

Guile Predicate: report? object


  1. None.


  1. Check if object type is <report>.


  1. The value returned is #t if object was returned by get-report.

Guile Function: report-name report


  1. report was returned by get-report.


  1. None.


  1. The returned value is the name of the suite associated to report.

The following functions allow to iterate a report object, traversing the test execution reports contained in it:

Guile Function: for-each-report report fun #:key self-test


  1. report was returned by get-report.


  1. If #:self-test was provided and true, or not provided at all, call fun once for each test execution report contained in report, including the self test of the suite.
  2. If #:self-test was provided as false, call fun once for each test execution report contained in report, excluding the self test of the suite.
  3. Each call of fun will be performed as (fun exr), where exr is an <exec-report> object.
  4. The order of calls is the order in which the test executions were performed.


  1. None.

Guile Function: fold-reports report fun init #:key self-test


  1. report was returned by get-report.


  1. If #:self-test was provided and true, or not provided at all, call fun once for each test execution report contained in report, including the self test of the suite.
  2. If #:self-test was provided as false, call fun once for each test execution report contained in report, excluding the self test of the suite.
  3. Each call of fun will be performed as (fun exr ip), where exr is an <exec-report> object and ip is init in the first call and the value returned by the last fun call the successive times.
  4. The order of calls is the order in which the test executions were performed.


  1. None.

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