mbdump's home page
mbdump is a small utility to dump information in a multiboot or
multiboot2 header in a nice human readable format. multiboot and
multiboot2 are (incompatible) standards that dictate the way a
compliant bootloader (grub and grub2 being the most common
examples) can start a compliant os or kernel.
mbdump is free software released under the GPL version 3 or
later. It uses C99 language and standard library plus the
nonstandard memmem function, so it's very portable. It is also
agnostic of architecture and endianness.
This project is hosted at Savannah
(https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/mbdump). The
git repository is at git://git.savannah.gnu.org/mbdump.git. The
program is somewhat experimental so take its output with a pinch
of salt.
The latest version is 1.1. You can download it
at https://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/mbdump/mbdump-1.1.tar.gz.
To compile, just run a "make". Give the program an os image or
kernel as an argument and it will print the information it
finds. Note that kernel images are sometimes compressed; you have
to decompress them to let this program read them. Also note that
the Linux kernel is not Multiboot compliant.
In the future I might add some editing features.
This is the first Multiboot specification
and this is the second
The maintainer and developer is Andrea Monaco. Send suggestions,
bug reports and patches to andrea dot monaco at autistici dot org.