The jugtail.conf file allows you override any variable declared in jugtail.conf.h
jugtail.conf resides in the etc directory, with the prefix specified during installation (for example, the default complete path is /usr/local/etc)
The jugtail.conf file is composed of lines with the form:
Token [=] []Value[]
Tokens and Values are case sensitive. A pound sign ("#") at the beginning of a line, or any place not enclosed in double quotes signifies a comment as does a blank line. The characters enclosed in square brackets are optional, and double quotes are required around any value containing white space. Exception: The "Disallow:" token does not use anything enclosed in square bracket.
The following are recognized tokens:
Sample jugtail.conf file
# This is the name of the machine jugtail is running on.
# If "hostname" from the system prompt returns the
# Fully Qualified Domain Name of the machine jugtail is to
# run on you can leave hostname = "", otherwise put here
# what is missing. For example: at your system prompt
# enter: hostname if it says "name" and the Fully Qualified
# Domain Name is: "name.some.domain" you need to put
# ".some.domain" here.
# Note: jugtail requires Fully Qualified Domain Names.
hostname ""
# This is the gopher information stating where the
# "ABOUT" document is located. This string is
# passed back to the gopher client with the error
# encountered as the menu title. This string consists
# of is a tab followed by the selector string or Path, with
# another tab, the host, tab, and finaly the port. If you
# don't want any of this information displayed use the
# definition that is commented out. I should mention that
# my "About jugtail" document contains information about the
# last time the database was built and the number of entries
# found. If you don't want this feature use the following:
# jugtailhelp "\t\\t-1"
jugtailhelp "\t0/Search menu titles using jugtail\t0/About jugtail\\t70\r\n"
# There are a couple of cases where an error message is
# generate and the client making the query needs to be
# informed. Here you can define the selector-string,
# the-host, and the-port for the message. In this case
# if the user attempts to open the error message from
# gopher they get the "About jugtail" document. If you
# dont't like this option use the following:
# errorhost "\t\\t-1"
errorhost "\t0/Search menu titles using jugtail/About jugtail\\t70\r\n"
# The port to fire the search engine under. If you get
# a "can't bind" error as a search engine the port is
# being used. This variable will be read when jugtail
# gets the SIGHUP signal but no change will occur until
# you kill the jugtail search engine and restart it.
port2use "3000"
# This is the default maximum number of jugtail processes
# that can be forked. This value can be changed from the
# command line with the use of the -M flag.
maxprocs "5"
# These are the characters that delimit a word when doing
# a search.
delimiters "\t\n\f\r !\"#$%&'()+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
# The maximum items to return before giving a message and
# requiring the use of ?all or ?range= special commands.
maxitems2return "1024"
# This is the default boolean operation to perform when
# searching, when there exists no boolean operator
# between words. It can be one of "AND", "OR", "NOT",
# but I have no idea why you would select "NOT".
defaultboolop "AND"
# This is where you can change the name of the your local
# jugtail title to make jugtail more specific to your site.
jugtailhelptitl "jugtail help"
# This is the string "usage error" and may be changed to
# your local language.
usagerror "usage error"
# The variables wildcarderr, tomnyprcserr, noforkerr,
# gtstrerr, readerr are strings to be sent the gopher
# client if an error was encountered. The leading
# character '3' is a gopher error item. If you prefer
# these gopher items to point to your "About jugtail"
# document with use of jugtailhelp change the '3' to a
# '0' (zero), which is a gopher text item. You can
# change these errors to make jugtail more specific
# to your local site.
wildcarderr "3Invalid wildcard usage"
tomnyprcserr "3Too many processes. (Please try later)"
noforkerr "3jugtail could not fork"
gtstrerr "3GetString: Timed out"
readerr "3ProcessRequest: readline error"
# The name of the temporary jugtail file.
tmpfilename "/tmp/jugtail.tmp"
# The following defines should have the full pathway to
# the executable. To determine this do a "which COMMAND",
# where COMMAND is cat, sort, or touch.
# catcommand it the cat system command to use.
catcommand "/usr/bin/cat %s >> %s"
# sortcommand is the system dependent call to "sort". It
# needs to be a call to sort such that we only sort on text
# after the first tab character. In this sort command the
# first "%s" is the name of the resultant sorted file, and
# the second "%s" is the name of the file to have sorted.
# The quoted character following the "-t" is the tab
# character. The "-T /tmp" says to use /tmp as the place for
# any temporary files. The use of sort is not to sort the
# data but to remove any duplicates that may have been
# written to the file.
sortcommand "/usr/bin/sort -d -f -u -o %s -t' ' -T /tmp +1.0 %s"
# touchcommand is the system call to touch to support
# altering the date on the /usr/local/etc/
# file such that the possibility of running a make
# script via cron will allow a target depencency on
# the database to allow SIGHUP'ing jugtail. This usage
# may be redundant, but the more ways to do a task the
# better. The "%s" is required and is the holder for the
# /usr/local/etc/ filename.
touchcommand "/usr/bin/touch -c %s"
# This is a gopher path you want excluded from the database
# which gets passed to veronica. It is better to specify
# this path in the "veronica.ctl" file, but is documented
# here because the routine which parses this file and the
# "veronica.ctl" are one in the same. You can have multiples
# of these, just ensure they are directory paths only.
# Also be aware these paths will only be excluded from if
# they reside on the initial gopher server you start
# jugtail out on.
Disallow: 1/some gopher path to exclude from veronica
Disallow: 1/and another path
Disallow: 1/and another