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JP (Jari protocol):
JP (stands for Jari Protocol) is designed for the intercommunicating
with the many parts of the Jari Operating System beggining from the
local servers and ikernel ending remote servers on the remote
nodes. Developing and providing a too simple and easy interface and
quick parsing function calls we're develop a one mechanism for
trunking, fragmenting and defragmenting processes.
For this purposes JP was separated to the two layers.
The first of it is the internal layer and consist for the two types
frames JP/IPC and JP/Cmd.
JP/IPC was designed to translate data only. It's a simplest frame type and
don't take a many machine time to get a data from it.
JP/Cmd was designed to translate commands and arguments. It's
usable for many requests in the operating system at whole.
The second layer is a transport layer. It's designed for the concrete
network technology such as ethernet or wifi (JP/Eth, etc ...).
Ofcouse it has a job in
the remote nodes interconnection. But really we're don't apply this
layer globally, on the same deal this protocol designed only for local
networks i.e. for one computer cluster that located on the one
physical network segment. For other purpose i.e. for interconnecting
with two or more computer clusters that located on the different
network segments we're using incapsulating to the TCP/IP protocol.
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