section ‹Topology 9›
theory Topology_ZF_9
imports Topology_ZF_2 Group_ZF_2 Topology_ZF_7 Topology_ZF_8
subsection‹Group of homeomorphisms›
text‹This theory file deals with the fact the set homeomorphisms of a topological space into itself
forms a group.›
text‹First, we define the set of homeomorphisms.›
"HomeoG(T) ≡ {f:⋃T→⋃T. IsAhomeomorphism(T,T,f)}"
text‹The homeomorphisms are closed by composition.›
lemma (in topology0) homeo_composition:
assumes "f∈HomeoG(T)""g∈HomeoG(T)"
shows "Composition(⋃T)`⟨f, g⟩∈HomeoG(T)"
from assms have fun:"f∈⋃T→⋃T""g∈⋃T→⋃T" and homeo:"IsAhomeomorphism(T,T,f)""IsAhomeomorphism(T,T,g)" unfolding HomeoG_def
by auto
from fun have "f O g∈⋃T→⋃T" using comp_fun by auto moreover
from homeo have bij:"f∈bij(⋃T,⋃T)""g∈bij(⋃T,⋃T)" and cont:"IsContinuous(T,T,f)""IsContinuous(T,T,g)" and contconv:
"IsContinuous(T,T,converse(f))""IsContinuous(T,T,converse(g))" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def by auto
from bij have "f O g∈bij(⋃T,⋃T)" using comp_bij by auto moreover
from cont have "IsContinuous(T,T,f O g)" using comp_cont by auto moreover
have "converse(f O g)=converse(g) O converse(f)" using converse_comp by auto
with contconv have "IsContinuous(T,T,converse(f O g))" using comp_cont by auto ultimately
have "f O g∈HomeoG(T)" unfolding HomeoG_def IsAhomeomorphism_def by auto
then show ?thesis using func_ZF_5_L2 fun by auto
text‹The identity function is a homeomorphism.›
lemma (in topology0) homeo_id:
shows "id(⋃T)∈HomeoG(T)"
have "converse(id(⋃T)) O id(⋃T)=id(⋃T)" using left_comp_inverse id_bij by auto
then have "converse(id(⋃T))=id(⋃T)" using right_comp_id by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding HomeoG_def IsAhomeomorphism_def using id_cont id_type id_bij
by auto
text‹The homeomorphisms form a monoid and its neutral element is the identity.›
theorem (in topology0) homeo_submonoid:
shows "IsAmonoid(HomeoG(T),restrict(Composition(⋃T),HomeoG(T)×HomeoG(T)))"
have cl:"HomeoG(T) {is closed under} Composition(⋃T)" unfolding IsOpClosed_def using homeo_composition by auto
moreover have sub:"HomeoG(T)⊆⋃T→⋃T" unfolding HomeoG_def by auto moreover
have ne:"TheNeutralElement(⋃T→⋃T, Composition(⋃T))∈HomeoG(T)" using homeo_id Group_ZF_2_5_L2(2) by auto
ultimately show "IsAmonoid(HomeoG(T),restrict(Composition(⋃T),HomeoG(T)×HomeoG(T)))" using Group_ZF_2_5_L2(1)
monoid0.group0_1_T1 unfolding monoid0_def by force
from cl sub ne have "TheNeutralElement(HomeoG(T),restrict(Composition(⋃T),HomeoG(T)×HomeoG(T)))=TheNeutralElement(⋃T→⋃T, Composition(⋃T))"
using Group_ZF_2_5_L2(1) group0_1_L6 by blast moreover
have "id(⋃T)=TheNeutralElement(⋃T→⋃T, Composition(⋃T))" using Group_ZF_2_5_L2(2) by auto
ultimately show "TheNeutralElement(HomeoG(T),restrict(Composition(⋃T),HomeoG(T)×HomeoG(T)))=id(⋃T)" by auto
text‹The homeomorphisms form a group, with the composition.›
theorem(in topology0) homeo_group:
shows "IsAgroup(HomeoG(T),restrict(Composition(⋃T),HomeoG(T)×HomeoG(T)))"
fix x assume AS:"x∈HomeoG(T)"
then have surj:"x∈surj(⋃T,⋃T)" and bij:"x∈bij(⋃T,⋃T)" unfolding HomeoG_def IsAhomeomorphism_def bij_def by auto
from bij have "converse(x)∈bij(⋃T,⋃T)" using bij_converse_bij by auto
with bij have conx_fun:"converse(x)∈⋃T→⋃T""x∈⋃T→⋃T" unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
from surj have id:"x O converse(x)=id(⋃T)" using right_comp_inverse by auto
from conx_fun have "Composition(⋃T)`⟨x,converse(x)⟩=x O converse(x)" using func_ZF_5_L2 by auto
with id have "Composition(⋃T)`⟨x,converse(x)⟩=id(⋃T)" by auto
moreover have "converse(x)∈HomeoG(T)" unfolding HomeoG_def using conx_fun(1) homeo_inv AS unfolding HomeoG_def
by auto
ultimately have "∃M∈HomeoG(T). Composition(⋃T)`⟨x,M⟩=id(⋃T)" by auto
then have "∀x∈HomeoG(T). ∃M∈HomeoG(T). Composition(⋃T)`⟨x,M⟩=id(⋃T)" by auto
then show ?thesis using homeo_submonoid definition_of_group by auto
subsection‹Examples computed›
text‹As a first example, we show that the group of homeomorphisms of the cocardinal
topology is the group of bijective functions.›
theorem homeo_cocardinal:
assumes "InfCard(Q)"
shows "HomeoG(CoCardinal(X,Q))=bij(X,X)"
from assms have n:"Q≠0" unfolding InfCard_def by auto
then show "HomeoG(CoCardinal(X,Q)) ⊆ bij(X, X)" unfolding HomeoG_def IsAhomeomorphism_def
using union_cocardinal by auto
fix f assume a:"f∈bij(X,X)"
then have "converse(f)∈bij(X,X)" using bij_converse_bij by auto
then have cinj:"converse(f)∈inj(X,X)" unfolding bij_def by auto
from a have fun:"f∈X→X" unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
then have two:"two_top_spaces0((CoCardinal(X,Q)),(CoCardinal(X,Q)),f)" unfolding two_top_spaces0_def
using union_cocardinal assms n CoCar_is_topology by auto
fix N assume "N{is closed in}(CoCardinal(X,Q))"
then have N_def:"N=X ∨ (N∈Pow(X) ∧ N≺Q)" using closed_sets_cocardinal n by auto
then have "restrict(converse(f),N)∈bij(N,converse(f)``N)" using cinj restrict_bij by auto
then have "N≈f-``N" unfolding vimage_def eqpoll_def by auto
then have "f-``N≈N" using eqpoll_sym by auto
with N_def have "N=X ∨ (f-``N≺Q ∧ N∈Pow(X))" using eq_lesspoll_trans by auto
with fun have "f-``N=X ∨ (f-``N≺Q ∧ (f-``N)∈Pow(X))" using func1_1_L3 func1_1_L4 by auto
then have "f-``N {is closed in}(CoCardinal(X,Q))" using closed_sets_cocardinal n by auto
then have "∀N. N{is closed in}(CoCardinal(X,Q)) ⟶ f-``N {is closed in}(CoCardinal(X,Q))" by auto
then have "IsContinuous((CoCardinal(X,Q)),(CoCardinal(X,Q)),f)" using two_top_spaces0.Top_ZF_2_1_L4
two_top_spaces0.Top_ZF_2_1_L3 two_top_spaces0.Top_ZF_2_1_L2 two by auto
then have "∀f∈bij(X,X). IsContinuous((CoCardinal(X,Q)),(CoCardinal(X,Q)),f)" by auto
then have "∀f∈bij(X,X). IsContinuous((CoCardinal(X,Q)),(CoCardinal(X,Q)),f) ∧ IsContinuous((CoCardinal(X,Q)),(CoCardinal(X,Q)),converse(f))"
using bij_converse_bij by auto
then have "∀f∈bij(X,X). IsAhomeomorphism((CoCardinal(X,Q)),(CoCardinal(X,Q)),f)" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def
using n union_cocardinal by auto
then show "bij(X,X)⊆HomeoG((CoCardinal(X,Q)))" unfolding HomeoG_def bij_def inj_def using n union_cocardinal
by auto
text‹The group of homeomorphism of the excluded set is a direct product of the bijections on $X\setminus T$
and the bijections on $X\cap T$.›
theorem homeo_excluded:
shows "HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))={f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)}"
have sub1:"X-T⊆X" by auto
fix g assume "g∈HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))"
then have fun:"g:X→X" and bij:"g∈bij(X,X)" and hom:"IsAhomeomorphism((ExcludedSet(X,T)),(ExcludedSet(X,T)),g)" unfolding HomeoG_def
using union_excludedset unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def by auto
assume A:"g``(X-T)=X" and B:"X∩T≠0"
have rfun:"restrict(g,X-T):X-T→X" using fun restrict_fun sub1 by auto moreover
from A fun have "{g`aa. aa∈X-T}=X" using func_imagedef sub1 by auto
then have "∀x∈X. x∈{g`aa. aa∈X-T}" by auto
then have "∀x∈X. ∃aa∈X-T. x=g`aa" by auto
then have "∀x∈X. ∃aa∈X-T. x=restrict(g,X-T)`aa" by auto
with A have surj:"restrict(g,X-T)∈surj(X-T,X)" using rfun unfolding surj_def by auto
from B obtain d where "d∈X""d∈T" by auto
with bij have "g`d∈X" using apply_funtype unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
then obtain s where "restrict(g,X-T)`s=g`d""s∈X-T" using surj unfolding surj_def by blast
then have "g`s=g`d" by auto
with ‹d∈X›‹s∈X-T› have "s=d" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
then have "False" using ‹s∈X-T› ‹d∈T› by auto
then have "g``(X-T)=X ⟶ X∩T=0" by auto
then have reg:"g``(X-T)=X ⟶ X-T=X" by auto
then have "g``(X-T)=X ⟶ g``(X-T)=X-T" by auto
then have "g``(X-T)=X ⟶ g∈{f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)}" using bij by auto moreover
fix gg
assume A:"gg``(X-T)≠X" and hom2:"IsAhomeomorphism((ExcludedSet(X,T)),(ExcludedSet(X,T)),gg)"
from hom2 have fun:"gg∈X→X" and bij:"gg∈bij(X,X)" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def bij_def inj_def using union_excludedset by auto
have sub:"X-T⊆⋃(ExcludedSet(X,T))" using union_excludedset by auto
with hom2 have "gg``(Interior(X-T,(ExcludedSet(X,T))))=Interior(gg``(X-T),(ExcludedSet(X,T)))"
using int_top_invariant by auto moreover
from sub1 have "Interior(X-T,(ExcludedSet(X,T)))=X-T" using interior_set_excludedset by auto
ultimately have "gg``(X-T)=Interior(gg``(X-T),(ExcludedSet(X,T)))" by auto moreover
have ss:"gg``(X-T)⊆X" using fun func1_1_L6(2) by auto
then have "Interior(gg``(X-T),(ExcludedSet(X,T))) = (gg``(X-T))-T" using interior_set_excludedset A
by auto
ultimately have eq:"gg``(X-T)=(gg``(X-T))-T" by auto
assume "(gg``(X-T))∩T≠0"
then obtain t where "t∈T" and im:"t∈gg``(X-T)" by blast
then have "t∉(gg``(X-T))-T" by auto
then have "False" using eq im by auto
then have "(gg``(X-T))∩T=0" by auto
then have "gg``(X-T)⊆X-T" using ss by blast
then have "∀gg. gg``(X-T)≠X ∧ IsAhomeomorphism(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),gg)⟶ gg``(X-T)⊆X-T" by auto moreover
from bij have conbij:"converse(g)∈bij(X,X)" using bij_converse_bij by auto
then have confun:"converse(g)∈X→X" unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
assume A:"converse(g)``(X-T)=X" and B:"X∩T≠0"
have rfun:"restrict(converse(g),X-T):X-T→X" using confun restrict_fun sub1 by auto moreover
from A confun have "{converse(g)`aa. aa∈X-T}=X" using func_imagedef sub1 by auto
then have "∀x∈X. x∈{converse(g)`aa. aa∈X-T}" by auto
then have "∀x∈X. ∃aa∈X-T. x=converse(g)`aa" by auto
then have "∀x∈X. ∃aa∈X-T. x=restrict(converse(g),X-T)`aa" by auto
with A have surj:"restrict(converse(g),X-T)∈surj(X-T,X)" using rfun unfolding surj_def by auto
from B obtain d where "d∈X""d∈T" by auto
with conbij have "converse(g)`d∈X" using apply_funtype unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
then obtain s where "restrict(converse(g),X-T)`s=converse(g)`d""s∈X-T" using surj unfolding surj_def by blast
then have "converse(g)`s=converse(g)`d" by auto
with ‹d∈X›‹s∈X-T› have "s=d" using conbij unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
then have "False" using ‹s∈X-T› ‹d∈T› by auto
then have "converse(g)``(X-T)=X ⟶ X∩T=0" by auto
then have "converse(g)``(X-T)=X ⟶ X-T=X" by auto
then have "converse(g)``(X-T)=X ⟶ g-``(X-T)=(X-T)" unfolding vimage_def by auto
then have G:"converse(g)``(X-T)=X ⟶ g``(g-``(X-T))=g``(X-T)" by auto
have GG:"g``(g-``(X-T))=(X-T)" using sub1 surj_image_vimage bij unfolding bij_def by auto
with G have "converse(g)``(X-T)=X ⟶ g``(X-T)=X-T" by auto
then have "converse(g)``(X-T)=X ⟶ g∈{f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)}" using bij by auto moreover
from hom have "IsAhomeomorphism(ExcludedSet(X,T), ExcludedSet(X,T), converse(g))" using homeo_inv by auto
moreover note hom ultimately have "g∈{f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)} ∨ (g``(X-T)⊆X-T ∧ converse(g)``(X-T)⊆X-T)"
by force
then have "g∈{f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)} ∨ (g``(X-T)⊆X-T ∧ g-``(X-T)⊆X-T)" unfolding vimage_def by auto moreover
have "g-``(X-T)⊆X-T ⟶ g``(g-``(X-T))⊆g``(X-T)" using func1_1_L8 by auto
with GG have "g-``(X-T)⊆X-T ⟶ (X-T)⊆g``(X-T)" by force
ultimately have "g∈{f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)} ∨ (g``(X-T)⊆X-T ∧ (X-T)⊆g``(X-T))" by auto
then have "g∈{f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)}" using bij by auto
then show "HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))⊆{f∈bij(X,X). f``(X-T)=(X-T)}" by auto
fix g assume as:"g∈bij(X,X)""g``(X-T)=X-T"
then have inj:"g∈inj(X,X)" and im:"g-``(g``(X-T))=g-``(X-T)" unfolding bij_def by auto
from inj have "g-``(g``(X-T))=X-T" using inj_vimage_image sub1 by force
with im have as_3:"g-``(X-T)=X-T" by auto
fix A
assume "A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T))"
then have "A=X∨A∩T=0" "A⊆X" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
then have "A⊆X-T∨A=X" by auto moreover
assume "A=X"
with as(1) have "g``A=X" using surj_range_image_domain unfolding bij_def by auto
assume "A⊆X-T"
then have "g``A⊆g``(X-T)" using func1_1_L8 by auto
then have "g``A⊆(X-T)" using as(2) by auto
ultimately have "g``A⊆(X-T) ∨ g``A=X" by auto
then have "g``A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T))" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
then have "∀A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T)). g``A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T))" by auto moreover
fix A assume "A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T))"
then have "A=X∨A∩T=0" "A⊆X" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
then have "A⊆X-T∨A=X" by auto moreover
assume "A=X"
with as(1) have "g-``A=X" using func1_1_L4 unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
assume "A⊆X-T"
then have "g-``A⊆g-``(X-T)" using func1_1_L8 by auto
then have "g-``A⊆(X-T)" using as_3 by auto
ultimately have "g-``A⊆(X-T) ∨ g-``A=X" by auto
then have "g-``A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T))" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
then have "IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),g)" unfolding IsContinuous_def by auto moreover
note as(1) ultimately have "IsAhomeomorphism(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),g)"
using union_excludedset bij_cont_open_homeo by auto
with as(1) have "g∈HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))" unfolding bij_def inj_def HomeoG_def using union_excludedset by auto
then show "{f ∈ bij(X, X) . f `` (X - T) = X - T} ⊆ HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))" by auto
text‹We now give some lemmas that will help us compute ‹HomeoG(IncludedSet(X,T))›.›
lemma cont_in_cont_ex:
assumes "IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)" "f:X→X" "T⊆X"
shows "IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)"
from assms(2,3) have two:"two_top_spaces0(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)" using union_includedset includedset_is_topology
unfolding two_top_spaces0_def by auto
fix A assume "A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T))"
then have "A∩T=0 ∨ A=X""A⊆X" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
then have "A{is closed in}(IncludedSet(X,T))" using closed_sets_includedset assms by auto
then have "f-``A{is closed in}(IncludedSet(X,T))" using two_top_spaces0.TopZF_2_1_L1 assms(1)
two assms includedset_is_topology by auto
then have "(f-``A)∩T=0 ∨ f-``A=X""f-``A⊆X" using closed_sets_includedset assms(1,3) by auto
then have "f-``A∈(ExcludedSet(X,T))" unfolding ExcludedSet_def by auto
then show "IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)" unfolding IsContinuous_def by auto
lemma cont_ex_cont_in:
assumes "IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)" "f:X→X" "T⊆X"
shows "IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)"
from assms(2) have two:"two_top_spaces0(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)" using union_excludedset excludedset_is_topology
unfolding two_top_spaces0_def by auto
fix A assume "A∈(IncludedSet(X,T))"
then have "T⊆A ∨ A=0""A⊆X" unfolding IncludedSet_def by auto
then have "A{is closed in}(ExcludedSet(X,T))" using closed_sets_excludedset assms by auto
then have "f-``A{is closed in}(ExcludedSet(X,T))" using two_top_spaces0.TopZF_2_1_L1 assms(1)
two assms excludedset_is_topology by auto
then have "T⊆(f-``A) ∨ f-``A=0""f-``A⊆X" using closed_sets_excludedset assms(1,3) by auto
then have "f-``A∈(IncludedSet(X,T))" unfolding IncludedSet_def by auto
then show "IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)" unfolding IsContinuous_def by auto
text‹The previous lemmas imply that the group of homeomorphisms of the included set topology
is the same as the one of the excluded set topology.›
lemma homeo_included:
assumes "T⊆X"
shows "HomeoG(IncludedSet(X,T))={f ∈ bij(X, X) . f `` (X - T) = X - T}"
fix f assume "f∈HomeoG(IncludedSet(X,T))"
then have hom:"IsAhomeomorphism(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)" and fun:"f∈X→X" and
bij:"f∈bij(X,X)" unfolding HomeoG_def IsAhomeomorphism_def using union_includedset assms by auto
then have cont:"IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def by auto
then have "IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)" using cont_in_cont_ex fun assms by auto moreover
from hom have cont1:"IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),converse(f))" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def by auto moreover
have "converse(f):X→X" using bij_converse_bij bij unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto moreover
note assms ultimately
have "IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),converse(f))" using cont_in_cont_ex assms by auto
then have "IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),converse(f))" by auto
moreover note bij ultimately
have "IsAhomeomorphism(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def
using union_excludedset by auto
with fun have "f∈HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))" unfolding HomeoG_def using union_excludedset by auto
then have "HomeoG(IncludedSet(X,T))⊆HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))" by auto moreover
fix f assume "f∈HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))"
then have hom:"IsAhomeomorphism(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)" and fun:"f∈X→X" and
bij:"f∈bij(X,X)" unfolding HomeoG_def IsAhomeomorphism_def using union_excludedset assms by auto
then have cont:"IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),f)" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def by auto
then have "IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)" using cont_ex_cont_in fun assms by auto moreover
from hom have cont1:"IsContinuous(ExcludedSet(X,T),ExcludedSet(X,T),converse(f))" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def by auto moreover
have "converse(f):X→X" using bij_converse_bij bij unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto moreover
note assms ultimately
have "IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),converse(f))" using cont_ex_cont_in assms by auto
then have "IsContinuous(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),converse(f))" by auto
moreover note bij ultimately
have "IsAhomeomorphism(IncludedSet(X,T),IncludedSet(X,T),f)" unfolding IsAhomeomorphism_def
using union_includedset assms by auto
with fun have "f∈HomeoG(IncludedSet(X,T))" unfolding HomeoG_def using union_includedset assms by auto
then have "HomeoG(ExcludedSet(X,T))⊆HomeoG(IncludedSet(X,T))" by auto ultimately
show ?thesis using homeo_excluded by auto
text‹Finally, let's compute part of the group of homeomorphisms of an order topology.›
lemma homeo_order:
assumes "IsLinOrder(X,r)""∃x y. x≠y∧x∈X∧y∈X"
shows "ord_iso(X,r,X,r)⊆HomeoG(OrdTopology X r)"
fix f assume "f∈ord_iso(X,r,X,r)"
then have bij:"f∈bij(X,X)" and ord:"∀x∈X. ∀y∈X. ⟨x, y⟩ ∈ r ⟷ ⟨f ` x, f ` y⟩ ∈ r"
unfolding ord_iso_def by auto
have twoSpac:"two_top_spaces0(OrdTopology X r,OrdTopology X r,f)" unfolding two_top_spaces0_def
using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def using union_ordtopology[OF assms] Ordtopology_is_a_topology(1)[OF assms(1)]
by auto
fix c d assume A:"c∈X""d∈X"
fix x assume AA:"x∈X""x≠c""x≠d""⟨c,x⟩∈r""⟨x,d⟩∈r"
then have "⟨f`c,f`x⟩∈r""⟨f`x,f`d⟩∈r" using A(2,1) ord by auto moreover
assume "f`x=f`c ∨ f`x=f`d"
then have "x=c∨x=d" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def using A(2,1) AA(1) by auto
then have "False" using AA(2,3) by auto
then have "f`x≠f`c""f`x≠f`d" by auto moreover
have "f`x∈X" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def using apply_type AA(1) by auto
ultimately have "f`x∈IntervalX(X,r,f`c,f`d)" unfolding IntervalX_def Interval_def by auto
then have "{f`x. x∈IntervalX(X,r,c,d)}⊆IntervalX(X,r,f`c,f`d)" unfolding IntervalX_def Interval_def by auto
fix y assume "y∈IntervalX(X,r,f`c,f`d)"
then have y:"y∈X""y≠f`c""y≠f`d""⟨f`c,y⟩∈r""⟨y,f`d⟩∈r" unfolding IntervalX_def Interval_def by auto
then obtain s where s:"s∈X""y=f`s" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by auto
assume "s=c∨s=d"
then have "f`s=f`c∨f`s=f`d" by auto
then have "False" using s(2) y(2,3) by auto
then have "s≠c""s≠d" by auto moreover
have "⟨c,s⟩∈r""⟨s,d⟩∈r" using y(4,5) s ord A(2,1) by auto moreover
note s(1) ultimately have "s∈IntervalX(X,r,c,d)" unfolding IntervalX_def Interval_def by auto
then have "y∈{f`x. x∈IntervalX(X,r,c,d)}" using s(2) by auto
ultimately have "{f`x. x∈IntervalX(X,r,c,d)}=IntervalX(X,r,f`c,f`d)" by auto moreover
have "IntervalX(X,r,c,d)⊆X" unfolding IntervalX_def by auto moreover
have "f:X→X" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by auto ultimately
have "f``IntervalX(X,r,c,d)=IntervalX(X,r,f`c,f`d)" using func_imagedef by auto
then have inter:"∀c∈X. ∀d∈X. f``IntervalX(X,r,c,d)=IntervalX(X,r,f`c,f`d) ∧ f`c∈X ∧ f`d∈X" using bij
unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
fix c assume A:"c∈X"
fix x assume AA:"x∈X""x≠c""⟨c,x⟩∈r"
then have "⟨f`c,f`x⟩∈r" using A ord by auto moreover
assume "f`x=f`c"
then have "x=c" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def using A AA(1) by auto
then have "False" using AA(2) by auto
then have "f`x≠f`c" by auto moreover
have "f`x∈X" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def using apply_type AA(1) by auto
ultimately have "f`x∈RightRayX(X,r,f`c)" unfolding RightRayX_def by auto
then have "{f`x. x∈RightRayX(X,r,c)}⊆RightRayX(X,r,f`c)" unfolding RightRayX_def by auto
fix y assume "y∈RightRayX(X,r,f`c)"
then have y:"y∈X""y≠f`c""⟨f`c,y⟩∈r" unfolding RightRayX_def by auto
then obtain s where s:"s∈X""y=f`s" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by auto
assume "s=c"
then have "f`s=f`c" by auto
then have "False" using s(2) y(2) by auto
then have "s≠c" by auto moreover
have "⟨c,s⟩∈r" using y(3) s ord A by auto moreover
note s(1) ultimately have "s∈RightRayX(X,r,c)" unfolding RightRayX_def by auto
then have "y∈{f`x. x∈RightRayX(X,r,c)}" using s(2) by auto
ultimately have "{f`x. x∈RightRayX(X,r,c)}=RightRayX(X,r,f`c)" by auto moreover
have "RightRayX(X,r,c)⊆X" unfolding RightRayX_def by auto moreover
have "f:X→X" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by auto ultimately
have "f``RightRayX(X,r,c)=RightRayX(X,r,f`c)" using func_imagedef by auto
then have rray:"∀c∈X. f``RightRayX(X,r,c)=RightRayX(X,r,f`c) ∧ f`c∈X" using bij
unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
fix c assume A:"c∈X"
fix x assume AA:"x∈X""x≠c""⟨x,c⟩∈r"
then have "⟨f`x,f`c⟩∈r" using A ord by auto moreover
assume "f`x=f`c"
then have "x=c" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def using A AA(1) by auto
then have "False" using AA(2) by auto
then have "f`x≠f`c" by auto moreover
have "f`x∈X" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def using apply_type AA(1) by auto
ultimately have "f`x∈LeftRayX(X,r,f`c)" unfolding LeftRayX_def by auto
then have "{f`x. x∈LeftRayX(X,r,c)}⊆LeftRayX(X,r,f`c)" unfolding LeftRayX_def by auto
fix y assume "y∈LeftRayX(X,r,f`c)"
then have y:"y∈X""y≠f`c""⟨y,f`c⟩∈r" unfolding LeftRayX_def by auto
then obtain s where s:"s∈X""y=f`s" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by auto
assume "s=c"
then have "f`s=f`c" by auto
then have "False" using s(2) y(2) by auto
then have "s≠c" by auto moreover
have "⟨s,c⟩∈r" using y(3) s ord A by auto moreover
note s(1) ultimately have "s∈LeftRayX(X,r,c)" unfolding LeftRayX_def by auto
then have "y∈{f`x. x∈LeftRayX(X,r,c)}" using s(2) by auto
ultimately have "{f`x. x∈LeftRayX(X,r,c)}=LeftRayX(X,r,f`c)" by auto moreover
have "LeftRayX(X,r,c)⊆X" unfolding LeftRayX_def by auto moreover
have "f:X→X" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by auto ultimately
have "f``LeftRayX(X,r,c)=LeftRayX(X,r,f`c)" using func_imagedef by auto
then have lray:"∀c∈X. f``LeftRayX(X,r,c)=LeftRayX(X,r,f`c)∧f`c∈X" using bij
unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
have r1:"∀U∈{IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪
{RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X}. f``U∈({IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪
{RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X})" apply safe prefer 3 using rray apply blast prefer 2 using lray apply blast
using inter apply auto
fix xa y assume "xa∈X""y∈X"
then have "f`xa∈X""f`y∈X" using bij unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
then show "∃x∈X. ∃ya∈X. IntervalX(X, r, f ` xa, f ` y) = IntervalX(X, r, x, ya)" by auto
have r2:"{IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪ {RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X}⊆(OrdTopology X r)"
using base_sets_open[OF Ordtopology_is_a_topology(2)[OF assms(1)]] by blast
fix U assume "U∈{IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪ {RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X}"
with r1 have "f``U∈{IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪ {RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X}"
by auto
with r2 have "f``U∈(OrdTopology X r)" by blast
then have "∀U∈{IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪
{RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X}. f``U∈(OrdTopology X r)" by blast
then have f_open:"∀U∈(OrdTopology X r). f``U∈(OrdTopology X r)" using two_top_spaces0.base_image_open[OF twoSpac Ordtopology_is_a_topology(2)[OF assms(1)]]
by auto
fix c d assume A:"c∈X""d∈X"
then obtain cc dd where pre:"f`cc=c""f`dd=d""cc∈X""dd∈X" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by blast
with inter have "f `` IntervalX(X, r, cc, dd) = IntervalX(X, r, c, d)" by auto
then have "f-``(f``IntervalX(X, r, cc, dd)) = f-``(IntervalX(X, r, c, d))" by auto
have "IntervalX(X, r, cc, dd)⊆X" unfolding IntervalX_def by auto moreover
have "f∈inj(X,X)" using bij unfolding bij_def by auto ultimately
have "IntervalX(X, r, cc, dd)=f-``IntervalX(X, r, c, d)" using inj_vimage_image by auto
from pre(3,4) have "IntervalX(X, r, cc, dd)∈{IntervalX(X,r,e1,e2). ⟨e1,e2⟩∈X×X}" by auto
ultimately have "f-``IntervalX(X, r, c, d)∈(OrdTopology X r)" using
base_sets_open[OF Ordtopology_is_a_topology(2)[OF assms(1)]] by auto
then have inter:"∀c∈X. ∀d∈X. f-``IntervalX(X, r, c, d)∈(OrdTopology X r)" by auto
fix c assume A:"c∈X"
then obtain cc where pre:"f`cc=c""cc∈X" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by blast
with rray have "f `` RightRayX(X, r, cc) = RightRayX(X, r, c)" by auto
then have "f-``(f``RightRayX(X, r, cc)) = f-``(RightRayX(X, r, c))" by auto
have "RightRayX(X, r, cc)⊆X" unfolding RightRayX_def by auto moreover
have "f∈inj(X,X)" using bij unfolding bij_def by auto ultimately
have "RightRayX(X, r, cc)=f-``RightRayX(X, r, c)" using inj_vimage_image by auto
from pre(2) have "RightRayX(X, r, cc)∈{RightRayX(X,r,e2). e2∈X}" by auto
ultimately have "f-``RightRayX(X, r, c)∈(OrdTopology X r)" using
base_sets_open[OF Ordtopology_is_a_topology(2)[OF assms(1)]] by auto
then have rray:"∀c∈X. f-``RightRayX(X, r, c)∈(OrdTopology X r)" by auto
fix c assume A:"c∈X"
then obtain cc where pre:"f`cc=c""cc∈X" using bij unfolding bij_def surj_def by blast
with lray have "f `` LeftRayX(X, r, cc) = LeftRayX(X, r, c)" by auto
then have "f-``(f``LeftRayX(X, r, cc)) = f-``(LeftRayX(X, r, c))" by auto
have "LeftRayX(X, r, cc)⊆X" unfolding LeftRayX_def by auto moreover
have "f∈inj(X,X)" using bij unfolding bij_def by auto ultimately
have "LeftRayX(X, r, cc)=f-``LeftRayX(X, r, c)" using inj_vimage_image by auto
from pre(2) have "LeftRayX(X, r, cc)∈{LeftRayX(X,r,e2). e2∈X}" by auto
ultimately have "f-``LeftRayX(X, r, c)∈(OrdTopology X r)" using
base_sets_open[OF Ordtopology_is_a_topology(2)[OF assms(1)]] by auto
then have lray:"∀c∈X. f-``LeftRayX(X, r, c)∈(OrdTopology X r)" by auto
fix U assume "U∈{IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪ {RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X}"
with lray inter rray have "f-``U∈(OrdTopology X r)" by auto
then have "∀U∈{IntervalX(X, r, b, c) . ⟨b,c⟩ ∈ X × X} ∪ {LeftRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X} ∪ {RightRayX(X, r, b) . b ∈ X}.
f-``U∈(OrdTopology X r)" by blast
then have fcont:"IsContinuous(OrdTopology X r,OrdTopology X r,f)" using two_top_spaces0.Top_ZF_2_1_L5[OF twoSpac
Ordtopology_is_a_topology(2)[OF assms(1)]] by auto
from fcont f_open bij have "IsAhomeomorphism(OrdTopology X r,OrdTopology X r,f)" using bij_cont_open_homeo
union_ordtopology[OF assms] by auto
then show "f∈HomeoG(OrdTopology X r)" unfolding HomeoG_def using bij union_ordtopology[OF assms]
unfolding bij_def inj_def by auto
text‹This last example shows that order isomorphic sets give homeomorphic
topological spaces.›
subsection‹Properties preserved by functions›
text‹The continuous image of a connected space is connected.›
theorem (in two_top_spaces0) cont_image_conn:
assumes "IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2,f)" "f∈surj(X⇩1,X⇩2)" "τ⇩1{is connected}"
shows "τ⇩2{is connected}"
fix U
assume Uop:"U∈τ⇩2" and Ucl:"U{is closed in}τ⇩2"
from Uop assms(1) have "f-``U∈τ⇩1" unfolding IsContinuous_def by auto moreover
from Ucl assms(1) have "f-``U{is closed in}τ⇩1" using TopZF_2_1_L1 by auto ultimately
have disj:"f-``U=0 ∨ f-``U=⋃τ⇩1" using assms(3) unfolding IsConnected_def by auto moreover
assume as:"f-``U≠0"
then have "U≠0" using func1_1_L13 by auto
from as disj have "f-``U=⋃τ⇩1" by auto
then have "f``(f-``U)=f``(⋃τ⇩1)" by auto moreover
have "U⊆⋃τ⇩2" using Uop by blast ultimately
have "U=f``(⋃τ⇩1)" using surj_image_vimage assms(2) Uop by force
then have "⋃τ⇩2=U" using surj_range_image_domain assms(2) by auto
assume as:"U≠0"
from Uop have s:"U⊆⋃τ⇩2" by auto
with as obtain u where uU:"u∈U" by auto
with s have "u∈⋃τ⇩2" by auto
with assms(2) obtain w where "f`w=u""w∈⋃τ⇩1" unfolding surj_def X1_def X2_def by blast
with uU have "w∈f-``U" using func1_1_L15 assms(2) unfolding surj_def by auto
then have "f-``U≠0" by auto
ultimately have "U=0∨U=⋃τ⇩2" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding IsConnected_def by auto
text‹Every continuous function from a space which has some property ‹P›
and a space which has the property ‹anti(P)›, given that
this property is preserved by continuous functions, if follows that the range of the function
is in the spectrum. Applied to connectedness, it follows that continuous functions from
a connected space to a totally-disconnected one are constant.›
corollary(in two_top_spaces0) cont_conn_tot_disc:
assumes "IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2,f)" "τ⇩1{is connected}" "τ⇩2{is totally-disconnected}" "f:X⇩1→X⇩2" "X⇩1≠0"
shows "∃q∈X⇩2. ∀w∈X⇩1. f`(w)=q"
from assms(4) have surj:"f∈surj(X⇩1,range(f))" using fun_is_surj by auto
have sub:"range(f)⊆X⇩2" using func1_1_L5B assms(4) by auto
from assms(1) have cont:"IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f),f)" using restr_image_cont range_image_domain
assms(4) by auto
have union:"⋃(τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f))=range(f)" unfolding RestrictedTo_def using sub by auto
then have "two_top_spaces0(τ⇩1,τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f),f)" unfolding two_top_spaces0_def
using surj unfolding surj_def using tau1_is_top topology0.Top_1_L4 unfolding topology0_def using tau2_is_top
by auto
then have conn:"(τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f)){is connected}" using two_top_spaces0.cont_image_conn surj assms(2) cont
union by auto
then have "range(f){is in the spectrum of}IsConnected" using assms(3) sub unfolding IsTotDis_def antiProperty_def
using union by auto
then have "range(f)≲1" using conn_spectrum by auto moreover
from assms(5) have "f``X⇩1≠0" using func1_1_L15A assms(4) by auto
then have "range(f)≠0" using range_image_domain assms(4) by auto
ultimately obtain q where uniq:"range(f)={q}" using lepoll_1_is_sing by blast
fix w assume "w∈X⇩1"
then have "f`w∈range(f)" using func1_1_L5A(2) assms(4) by auto
with uniq have "f`w=q" by auto
then have "∀w∈X⇩1. f`w=q" by auto
then show ?thesis using uniq sub by auto
text‹The continuous image of a compact space is compact.›
theorem (in two_top_spaces0) cont_image_com:
assumes "IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2,f)" "f∈surj(X⇩1,X⇩2)" "X⇩1{is compact of cardinal}K{in}τ⇩1"
shows "X⇩2{is compact of cardinal}K{in}τ⇩2"
have "X⇩2⊆⋃τ⇩2" by auto moreover
fix U assume as:"X⇩2⊆⋃U" "U⊆τ⇩2"
then have P:"{f-``V. V∈U}⊆τ⇩1" using assms(1) unfolding IsContinuous_def by auto
from as(1) have "f-``X⇩2 ⊆ f-``(⋃U)" by blast
then have "f-``X⇩2 ⊆ converse(f)``(⋃U)" unfolding vimage_def by auto moreover
have "converse(f)``(⋃U)=(⋃V∈U. converse(f)``V)" using image_UN by force ultimately
have "f-``X⇩2 ⊆ (⋃V∈U. converse(f)``V)" by auto
then have "f-``X⇩2 ⊆ (⋃V∈U. f-``V)" unfolding vimage_def by auto
then have "X⇩1 ⊆ (⋃V∈U. f-``V)" using func1_1_L4 assms(2) unfolding surj_def by force
then have "X⇩1 ⊆ ⋃{f-``V. V∈U}" by auto
with P assms(3) have "∃N∈Pow({f-``V. V∈U}). X⇩1 ⊆ ⋃N ∧ N≺K" unfolding IsCompactOfCard_def by auto
then obtain N where "N∈Pow({f-``V. V∈U})" "X⇩1 ⊆ ⋃N" "N≺K" by auto
then have fin:"N≺K" and sub:"N⊆{f-``V. V∈U}" and cov:"X⇩1 ⊆ ⋃N" unfolding FinPow_def by auto
from sub have "{f``R. R∈N}⊆{f``(f-``V). V∈U}" by auto moreover
have "∀V∈U. V⊆⋃τ⇩2" using as(2) by auto ultimately
have "{f``R. R∈N}⊆U" using surj_image_vimage assms(2) by auto moreover
let ?FN="{⟨R,f``R⟩. R∈N}"
have FN:"?FN:N→{f``R. R∈N}" unfolding Pi_def function_def domain_def by auto
fix S assume "S∈{f``R. R∈N}"
then obtain R where R_def:"R∈N""f``R=S" by auto
then have "⟨R,f``R⟩∈?FN" by auto
then have "?FN`R=f``R" using FN apply_equality by auto
then have "∃R∈N. ?FN`R=S" using R_def by auto
then have surj:"?FN∈surj(N,{f``R. R∈N})" unfolding surj_def using FN by force
from fin have N:"N≲K" "Ord(K)" using assms(3) lesspoll_imp_lepoll unfolding IsCompactOfCard_def
using Card_is_Ord by auto
then have "{f``R. R∈N}≲N" using surj_fun_inv_2 surj by auto
then have "{f``R. R∈N}≺K" using fin lesspoll_trans1 by blast
have "⋃{f``R. R∈N}=f``(⋃N)" using image_UN by auto
then have "f``X⇩1 ⊆ ⋃{f``R. R∈N}" using cov by blast
then have "X⇩2 ⊆ ⋃{f``R. R∈N}" using assms(2) surj_range_image_domain by auto
ultimately have "∃NN∈Pow(U). X⇩2 ⊆ ⋃NN ∧ NN≺K" by auto
then have "∀U∈Pow(τ⇩2). X⇩2 ⊆ ⋃U ⟶ (∃NN∈Pow(U). X⇩2 ⊆ ⋃NN ∧ NN≺K)" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using assms(3) unfolding IsCompactOfCard_def by auto
text‹As it happends to connected spaces, a continuous function from a compact space
to an anti-compact space has finite range.›
corollary (in two_top_spaces0) cont_comp_anti_comp:
assumes "IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2,f)" "X⇩1{is compact in}τ⇩1" "τ⇩2{is anti-compact}" "f:X⇩1→X⇩2" "X⇩1≠0"
shows "Finite(range(f))" and "range(f)≠0"
from assms(4) have surj:"f∈surj(X⇩1,range(f))" using fun_is_surj by auto
have sub:"range(f)⊆X⇩2" using func1_1_L5B assms(4) by auto
from assms(1) have cont:"IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f),f)" using restr_image_cont range_image_domain
assms(4) by auto
have union:"⋃(τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f))=range(f)" unfolding RestrictedTo_def using sub by auto
then have "two_top_spaces0(τ⇩1,τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f),f)" unfolding two_top_spaces0_def
using surj unfolding surj_def using tau1_is_top topology0.Top_1_L4 unfolding topology0_def using tau2_is_top
by auto
then have "range(f){is compact in}(τ⇩2{restricted to}range(f))" using surj two_top_spaces0.cont_image_com cont union
assms(2) Compact_is_card_nat by force
then have "range(f){is in the spectrum of}(λT. (⋃T) {is compact in}T)" using assms(3) sub unfolding IsAntiComp_def antiProperty_def
using union by auto
then show "Finite(range(f))" using compact_spectrum by auto moreover
from assms(5) have "f``X⇩1≠0" using func1_1_L15A assms(4) by auto
then show "range(f)≠0" using range_image_domain assms(4) by auto
text‹As a consequence, it follows that quotient topological spaces of
compact (connected) spaces are compact (connected).›
corollary(in topology0) compQuot:
assumes "(⋃T){is compact in}T" "equiv(⋃T,r)"
shows "(⋃T)//r{is compact in}({quotient by}r)"
have surj:"{⟨b,r``{b}⟩. b∈⋃T}∈surj(⋃T,(⋃T)//r)" using quotient_proj_surj by auto
moreover have tot:"⋃({quotient by}r)=(⋃T)//r" using total_quo_equi assms(2) by auto
ultimately have cont:"IsContinuous(T,{quotient by}r,{⟨b,r``{b}⟩. b∈⋃T})" using quotient_func_cont
EquivQuo_def assms(2) by auto
from surj tot have "two_top_spaces0(T,{quotient by}r,{⟨b,r``{b}⟩. b∈⋃T})" unfolding two_top_spaces0_def
using topSpaceAssum equiv_quo_is_top assms(2) unfolding surj_def by auto
with surj cont tot assms(1) show ?thesis using two_top_spaces0.cont_image_com Compact_is_card_nat by force
corollary(in topology0) ConnQuot:
assumes "T{is connected}" "equiv(⋃T,r)"
shows "({quotient by}r){is connected}"
have surj:"{⟨b,r``{b}⟩. b∈⋃T}∈surj(⋃T,(⋃T)//r)" using quotient_proj_surj by auto
moreover have tot:"⋃({quotient by}r)=(⋃T)//r" using total_quo_equi assms(2) by auto
ultimately have cont:"IsContinuous(T,{quotient by}r,{⟨b,r``{b}⟩. b∈⋃T})" using quotient_func_cont
EquivQuo_def assms(2) by auto
from surj tot have "two_top_spaces0(T,{quotient by}r,{⟨b,r``{b}⟩. b∈⋃T})" unfolding two_top_spaces0_def
using topSpaceAssum equiv_quo_is_top assms(2) unfolding surj_def by auto
with surj cont tot assms(1) show ?thesis using two_top_spaces0.cont_image_conn by force