section ‹Topology 6›
theory Topology_ZF_6 imports Topology_ZF_4 Topology_ZF_2 Topology_ZF_1
This theory deals with the relations between continuous functions and convergence
of filters. At the end of the file there some results about the building of functions
in cartesian products.
subsection‹Image filter›
text‹First of all, we will define the appropriate tools to work with functions
and filters together.›
text‹We define the image filter as the collections of supersets of of images of sets from a filter.
ImageFilter ("_[_].._" 98)
where "𝔉 {is a filter on} X ⟹ f:X→Y ⟹ f[𝔉]..Y ≡ {A∈Pow(Y). ∃D∈{f``(B) .B∈𝔉}. D⊆A}"
text‹Note that in the previous definition, it is necessary to state
$Y$ as the final set because $f$ is also a function to every superset of its range.
$X$ can be changed by ‹domain(f)› without any change in the definition.›
lemma base_image_filter:
assumes "𝔉 {is a filter on} X" "f:X→Y"
shows "{f``B .B∈𝔉} {is a base filter} (f[𝔉]..Y)" and "(f[𝔉]..Y) {is a filter on} Y"
assume "0 ∈ {f``B .B∈𝔉}"
then obtain B where "B∈𝔉" and f_B:"f``B=0" by auto
then have "B∈Pow(X)" using assms(1) IsFilter_def by auto
then have "f``B={f`b. b∈B}" using image_fun assms(2) by auto
with f_B have "{f`b. b∈B}=0" by auto
then have "B=0" by auto
with ‹B∈𝔉› have "False" using IsFilter_def assms(1) by auto
then have "0∉{f``B .B∈𝔉}" by auto
from assms(1) obtain S where "S∈𝔉" using IsFilter_def by auto
then have "f``S∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}" by auto
then have nA:"{f``B .B∈𝔉}≠0" by auto
fix A B
assume "A∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}" and "B∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}"
then obtain AB BB where "A=f``AB" "B=f``BB" "AB∈𝔉" "BB∈𝔉" by auto
then have "A∩B=(f``AB)∩(f``BB)" by auto
then have I: "f``(AB∩BB)⊆A∩B" by auto
from assms(1) I ‹AB∈𝔉›‹BB∈𝔉› have "AB∩BB∈𝔉" using IsFilter_def by auto
ultimately have "∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D⊆A∩B" by auto
then have "∀A∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. ∀B∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. ∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D⊆A∩B" by auto
ultimately have sbc:"{f``B .B∈𝔉} {satisfies the filter base condition}"
using SatisfiesFilterBase_def by auto
fix t
assume "t∈{f``B . B∈𝔉}"
then obtain B where "B∈𝔉" and im_def:"f``B=t" by auto
with assms(1) have "B∈Pow(X)" unfolding IsFilter_def by auto
with im_def assms(2) have "t={f`x. x∈B}" using image_fun by auto
with assms(2) ‹B∈Pow(X)› have "t⊆Y" using apply_funtype by auto
then have nB:"{f``B . B∈𝔉}⊆Pow(Y)" by auto
have "(({f``B .B∈𝔉} {is a base filter} {A ∈ Pow(Y) . ∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D ⊆ A}) ∧ (⋃{A ∈ Pow(Y) . ∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D ⊆ A}=Y))" using base_unique_filter_set2
by force
then have "{f``B .B∈𝔉} {is a base filter} {A ∈ Pow(Y) . ∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D ⊆ A}" by auto
with assms show "{f``B .B∈𝔉} {is a base filter} (f[𝔉]..Y)" using ImageFilter_def by auto
note sbc
from nA obtain D where I: "D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}" by blast
moreover from I nB have "D⊆Y" by auto
ultimately have "Y∈{A∈Pow(Y). ∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D⊆A}" by auto
then have "⋃{A∈Pow(Y). ∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D⊆A}=Y" by auto
ultimately show "(f[𝔉]..Y) {is a filter on} Y" using basic_filter
ImageFilter_def assms by auto
subsection‹Continuous at a point vs. globally continuous›
text‹In this section we show that continuity of a function implies local continuity (at a point)
and that local continuity at all points implies (global) continuity.›
text‹If a function is continuous, then it is continuous at every point.›
lemma cont_global_imp_continuous_x:
assumes "x∈⋃τ⇩1" "IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2,f)" "f:(⋃τ⇩1)→(⋃τ⇩2)" "x∈⋃τ⇩1"
shows "∀U∈τ⇩2. f`(x)∈U ⟶ (∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``(V)⊆U)"
fix U
assume AS:"U∈τ⇩2" "f`(x)∈U"
then have "f-``(U)∈τ⇩1" using assms(2) IsContinuous_def by auto
from assms(3) have "f``(f-``(U))⊆U" using function_image_vimage fun_is_fun
by auto
from assms(3) assms(4) AS(2) have "x∈f-``(U)" using func1_1_L15 by auto
ultimately have "∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``V⊆U" by auto
then show "∀U∈τ⇩2. f`(x)∈U ⟶ (∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``(V)⊆U)" by auto
text‹A function that is continuous at every point of its domain is continuous.›
lemma ccontinuous_all_x_imp_cont_global:
assumes "∀x∈⋃τ⇩1. ∀U∈τ⇩2. f`x∈U ⟶ (∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``V⊆U)" "f∈(⋃τ⇩1)→(⋃τ⇩2)" and
"τ⇩1 {is a topology}"
shows "IsContinuous(τ⇩1,τ⇩2,f)"
fix U
assume "U∈τ⇩2"
fix x
assume AS: "x∈f-``U"
note ‹U∈τ⇩2›
from assms(2) have "f -`` U ⊆ ⋃τ⇩1" using func1_1_L6A by auto
with AS have "x∈⋃τ⇩1" by auto
with assms(1) have "∀U∈τ⇩2. f`x∈U ⟶ (∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``V⊆U)" by auto
from AS assms(2) have "f`x∈U" using func1_1_L15 by auto
ultimately have "∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``V⊆U" by auto
then obtain V where I: "V∈τ⇩1" "x∈V" "f``(V)⊆U" by auto
from I have "V⊆⋃τ⇩1" by auto
from assms(2) ‹V⊆⋃τ⇩1› have "V⊆f-``(f``V)" using func1_1_L9 by auto
ultimately have "V ⊆ f-``(U)" by blast
with ‹V∈τ⇩1› ‹x∈V› have "∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ V ⊆ f-``(U)" by auto
} hence "∀x∈f-``(U). ∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ V⊆f-``(U)" by auto
with assms(3) have "f-``(U) ∈ τ⇩1" using topology0.open_neigh_open topology0_def
by auto
hence "∀U∈τ⇩2. f-``U∈τ⇩1" by auto
then show ?thesis using IsContinuous_def by auto
subsection‹Continuous functions and filters›
text‹In this section we consider the relations between filters and continuity.›
text‹If the function is continuous then
if the filter converges to a point the image filter converges to the image point.›
lemma (in two_top_spaces0) cont_imp_filter_conver_preserved:
assumes "𝔉 {is a filter on} X⇩1" "f {is continuous}" "𝔉 →⇩F x {in} τ⇩1"
shows "(f[𝔉]..X⇩2) →⇩F (f`(x)) {in} τ⇩2"
proof -
from assms(1) assms(3) have "x∈X⇩1"
using topology0.FilterConverges_def topol_cntxs_valid(1) X1_def by auto
have "topology0(τ⇩2)" using topol_cntxs_valid(2) by simp
moreover from assms(1) have "(f[𝔉]..X⇩2) {is a filter on} (⋃τ⇩2)" and "{f``B .B∈𝔉} {is a base filter} (f[𝔉]..X⇩2)"
using base_image_filter fmapAssum X1_def X2_def by auto
moreover have "∀U∈Pow(⋃τ⇩2). (f`x)∈Interior(U,τ⇩2) ⟶ (∃D∈{f``B .B∈𝔉}. D⊆U)"
proof -
{ fix U
assume "U∈Pow(X⇩2)" "(f`x)∈Interior(U,τ⇩2)"
with ‹x∈X⇩1› have xim: "x∈f-``(Interior(U,τ⇩2))" and sub: "f-``(Interior(U,τ⇩2))∈Pow(X⇩1)"
using func1_1_L6A fmapAssum func1_1_L15 fmapAssum by auto
note sub
have "Interior(U,τ⇩2)∈τ⇩2" using topology0.Top_2_L2 topol_cntxs_valid(2) by auto
with assms(2) have "f-``(Interior(U,τ⇩2))∈τ⇩1" unfolding isContinuous_def IsContinuous_def
by auto
with xim have "x∈Interior(f-``(Interior(U,τ⇩2)),τ⇩1)"
using topology0.Top_2_L3 topol_cntxs_valid(1) by auto
moreover from assms(1) assms(3) have "{U∈Pow(X⇩1). x∈Interior(U,τ⇩1)}⊆𝔉"
using topology0.FilterConverges_def topol_cntxs_valid(1) X1_def by auto
ultimately have "f-``(Interior(U,τ⇩2))∈𝔉" by auto
moreover have "f``(f-``(Interior(U,τ⇩2)))⊆Interior(U,τ⇩2)"
using function_image_vimage fun_is_fun fmapAssum by auto
then have "f``(f-``(Interior(U,τ⇩2)))⊆U"
using topology0.Top_2_L1 topol_cntxs_valid(2) by auto
ultimately have "∃D∈{f``(B) .B∈𝔉}. D⊆U" by auto
} thus ?thesis by auto
moreover from fmapAssum ‹x∈X⇩1› have "f`(x) ∈ X⇩2"
by (rule apply_funtype)
hence "f`(x) ∈ ⋃τ⇩2" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (rule topology0.convergence_filter_base2)
text‹Continuity in filter at every point of the domain implies global continuity.›
lemma (in two_top_spaces0) filter_conver_preserved_imp_cont:
assumes "∀x∈⋃τ⇩1. ∀𝔉. ((𝔉 {is a filter on} X⇩1) ∧ (𝔉 →⇩F x {in} τ⇩1)) ⟶ ((f[𝔉]..X⇩2) →⇩F (f`x) {in} τ⇩2)"
shows "f{is continuous}"
fix x
assume as2: "x∈⋃τ⇩1"
with assms have reg:
"∀𝔉. ((𝔉 {is a filter on} X⇩1) ∧ (𝔉 →⇩F x {in} τ⇩1)) ⟶ ((f[𝔉]..X⇩2) →⇩F (f`x) {in} τ⇩2)"
by auto
let ?Neig = "{U ∈ Pow(⋃τ⇩1) . x ∈ Interior(U, τ⇩1)}"
from as2 have NFil: "?Neig{is a filter on}X⇩1" and NCon: "?Neig →⇩F x {in} τ⇩1"
using topol_cntxs_valid(1) topology0.neigh_filter by auto
fix U
assume "U∈τ⇩2" "f`x∈U"
then have "U∈Pow(⋃τ⇩2)" "f`x∈Interior(U,τ⇩2)" using topol_cntxs_valid(2) topology0.Top_2_L3 by auto
from NCon NFil reg have "(f[?Neig]..X⇩2) →⇩F (f`x) {in} τ⇩2" by auto
moreover have "(f[?Neig]..X⇩2) {is a filter on} X⇩2"
using base_image_filter(2) NFil fmapAssum by auto
ultimately have "U∈(f[?Neig]..X⇩2)"
using topology0.FilterConverges_def topol_cntxs_valid(2) unfolding X1_def X2_def
by auto
from fmapAssum NFil have "{f``B .B∈?Neig} {is a base filter} (f[?Neig]..X⇩2)"
using base_image_filter(1) X1_def X2_def by auto
ultimately have "∃V∈{f``B .B∈?Neig}. V⊆U" using basic_element_filter by blast
then obtain B where "B∈?Neig" "f``B⊆U" by auto
have "Interior(B,τ⇩1)⊆B" using topology0.Top_2_L1 topol_cntxs_valid(1) by auto
hence "f``Interior(B,τ⇩1) ⊆ f``(B)" by auto
moreover have "Interior(B,τ⇩1)∈τ⇩1"
using topology0.Top_2_L2 topol_cntxs_valid(1) by auto
ultimately have "∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``V⊆U" by force
hence "∀U∈τ⇩2. f`x∈U ⟶ (∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``V⊆U)" by auto
hence "∀x∈⋃τ⇩1. ∀U∈τ⇩2. f`x∈U ⟶ (∃V∈τ⇩1. x∈V ∧ f``V⊆U)" by auto
then show ?thesis
using ccontinuous_all_x_imp_cont_global fmapAssum X1_def X2_def isContinuous_def tau1_is_top
by auto