section ‹Topology 10›
theory Topology_ZF_10
imports Topology_ZF_7
text‹This file deals with properties of product spaces. We only consider
product of two spaces, and most of this proofs, can be used to prove
the results in product of a finite number of spaces.›
subsection‹Closure and closed sets in product space›
text‹The closure of a product, is the product of the closures.›
lemma cl_product:
assumes "T{is a topology}" "S{is a topology}" "A⊆⋃T" "B⊆⋃S"
shows "Closure(A×B,ProductTopology(T,S))=Closure(A,T)×Closure(B,S)"
have "A×B⊆⋃T×⋃S" using assms(3,4) by auto
then have sub:"A×B⊆⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
have top:"ProductTopology(T,S){is a topology}" using Top_1_4_T1(1) assms(1,2) by auto
fix x assume asx:"x∈Closure(A×B,ProductTopology(T,S))"
then have reg:"∀U∈ProductTopology(T,S). x∈U ⟶ U∩(A×B)≠0" using topology0.cl_inter_neigh
sub top unfolding topology0_def by blast
from asx have "x∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" using topology0.Top_3_L11(1) top unfolding topology0_def
using sub by blast
then have xSigma:"x∈⋃T×⋃S" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
then have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈⋃T×⋃S" using Pair_fst_snd_eq by auto
then have xT:"fst(x)∈⋃T" and xS:"snd(x)∈⋃S" by auto
fix U V assume as:"U∈T" "fst(x)∈U"
have "⋃S∈S" using assms(2) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with as have "U×(⋃S)∈ProductCollection(T,S)" unfolding ProductCollection_def
by auto
then have P:"U×(⋃S)∈ProductTopology(T,S)" using Top_1_4_T1(2) assms(1,2) base_sets_open by blast
with xS as(2) have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈U×(⋃S)" by auto
then have "x∈U×(⋃S)" using Pair_fst_snd_eq xSigma by auto
with P reg have "U×(⋃S)∩A×B≠0" by auto
then have noEm:"U∩A≠0" by auto
then have "∀U∈T. fst(x)∈U ⟶ U∩A≠0" by auto moreover
fix U V assume as:"U∈S" "snd(x)∈U"
have "⋃T∈T" using assms(1) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with as have "(⋃T)×U∈ProductCollection(T,S)" unfolding ProductCollection_def
by auto
then have P:"(⋃T)×U∈ProductTopology(T,S)" using Top_1_4_T1(2) assms(1,2) base_sets_open by blast
with xT as(2) have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈(⋃T)×U" by auto
then have "x∈(⋃T)×U" using Pair_fst_snd_eq xSigma by auto
with P reg have "(⋃T)×U∩A×B≠0" by auto
then have noEm:"U∩B≠0" by auto
then have "∀U∈S. snd(x)∈U ⟶ U∩B≠0" by auto
ultimately have "fst(x)∈Closure(A,T)" "snd(x)∈Closure(B,S)" using
topology0.inter_neigh_cl assms(3,4) unfolding topology0_def
using assms(1,2) xT xS by auto
then have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈Closure(A,T)×Closure(B,S)" by auto
with xSigma have "x∈Closure(A,T)×Closure(B,S)" by auto
then show "Closure(A×B,ProductTopology(T,S))⊆Closure(A,T)×Closure(B,S)" by auto
fix x assume x:"x∈Closure(A,T)×Closure(B,S)"
then have xcl:"fst(x)∈Closure(A,T)" "snd(x)∈Closure(B,S)" by auto
from xcl(1) have regT:"∀U∈T. fst(x)∈U ⟶ U∩A≠0" using topology0.cl_inter_neigh
unfolding topology0_def using assms(1,3) by blast
from xcl(2) have regS:"∀U∈S. snd(x)∈U ⟶ U∩B≠0" using topology0.cl_inter_neigh
unfolding topology0_def using assms(2,4) by blast
from x assms(3,4) have "x∈⋃T×⋃S" using topology0.Top_3_L11(1) unfolding topology0_def
using assms(1,2) by blast
then have xtot:"x∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
fix PO assume as:"PO∈ProductTopology(T,S)" "x∈PO"
then obtain POB where base:"POB∈ProductCollection(T,S)" "x∈POB""POB⊆PO" using point_open_base_neigh
Top_1_4_T1(2) assms(1,2) base_sets_open by blast
then obtain VT VS where V:"VT∈T" "VS∈S" "x∈VT×VS" "POB=VT×VS" unfolding ProductCollection_def
by auto
from V(3) have x:"fst(x)∈VT" "snd(x)∈VS" by auto
from V(1) regT x(1) have "VT∩A≠0" by auto moreover
from V(2) regS x(2) have "VS∩B≠0" by auto ultimately
have "VT×VS∩A×B≠0" by auto
with V(4) base(3) have "PO∩A×B≠0" by blast
then have "∀P∈ProductTopology(T,S). x∈P ⟶ P∩A×B≠0" by auto
then have "x∈Closure(A×B,ProductTopology(T,S))" using topology0.inter_neigh_cl
unfolding topology0_def using top sub xtot by auto
then show "Closure(A,T)×Closure(B,S)⊆Closure(A×B,ProductTopology(T,S))" by auto
text‹The product of closed sets, is closed in the product topology.›
corollary closed_product:
assumes "T{is a topology}" "S{is a topology}" "A{is closed in}T""B{is closed in}S"
shows "(A×B) {is closed in}ProductTopology(T,S)"
from assms(3,4) have sub:"A⊆⋃T""B⊆⋃S" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
then have "A×B⊆⋃T×⋃S" by auto
then have sub1:"A×B⊆⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
from sub assms have "Closure(A,T)=A""Closure(B,S)=B" using topology0.Top_3_L8
unfolding topology0_def by auto
then have "Closure(A×B,ProductTopology(T,S))=A×B" using cl_product
assms(1,2) sub by auto
then show ?thesis using topology0.Top_3_L8 unfolding topology0_def
using sub1 Top_1_4_T1(1) assms(1,2) by auto
subsection‹Separation properties in product space›
text‹The product of $T_0$ spaces is $T_0$.›
theorem T0_product:
assumes "T{is a topology}""S{is a topology}""T{is T⇩0}""S{is T⇩0}"
shows "ProductTopology(T,S){is T⇩0}"
fix x y assume "x∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)""y∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)""x≠y"
then have tot:"x∈⋃T×⋃S""y∈⋃T×⋃S""x≠y" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
then have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈⋃T×⋃S""⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∈⋃T×⋃S" and disj:"fst(x)≠fst(y)∨snd(x)≠snd(y)"
using Pair_fst_snd_eq by auto
then have T:"fst(x)∈⋃T""fst(y)∈⋃T" and S:"snd(y)∈⋃S""snd(x)∈⋃S" and p:"fst(x)≠fst(y)∨snd(x)≠snd(y)"
by auto
assume "fst(x)≠fst(y)"
with T assms(3) have "(∃U∈T. (fst(x)∈U∧fst(y)∉U)∨(fst(y)∈U∧fst(x)∉U))" unfolding
isT0_def by auto
then obtain U where "U∈T" "(fst(x)∈U∧fst(y)∉U)∨(fst(y)∈U∧fst(x)∉U)" by auto
with S have "(⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈U×(⋃S) ∧ ⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∉U×(⋃S))∨(⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∈U×(⋃S) ∧ ⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∉U×(⋃S))"
by auto
then have "(x∈U×(⋃S) ∧ y∉U×(⋃S))∨(y∈U×(⋃S) ∧ x∉U×(⋃S))" using Pair_fst_snd_eq tot(1,2) by auto
moreover have "(⋃S)∈S" using assms(2) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with ‹U∈T› have "U×(⋃S)∈ProductTopology(T,S)" using prod_open_open_prod assms(1,2) by auto
have "∃V∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈V ∧ y∉V)∨(y∈V ∧ x∉V)" proof qed
} moreover
assume "snd(x)≠snd(y)"
with S assms(4) have "(∃U∈S. (snd(x)∈U∧snd(y)∉U)∨(snd(y)∈U∧snd(x)∉U))" unfolding
isT0_def by auto
then obtain U where "U∈S" "(snd(x)∈U∧snd(y)∉U)∨(snd(y)∈U∧snd(x)∉U)" by auto
with T have "(⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈(⋃T)×U ∧ ⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∉(⋃T)×U)∨(⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∈(⋃T)×U ∧ ⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∉(⋃T)×U)"
by auto
then have "(x∈(⋃T)×U ∧ y∉(⋃T)×U)∨(y∈(⋃T)×U ∧ x∉(⋃T)×U)" using Pair_fst_snd_eq tot(1,2) by auto
moreover have "(⋃T)∈T" using assms(1) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with ‹U∈S› have "(⋃T)×U∈ProductTopology(T,S)" using prod_open_open_prod assms(1,2) by auto
have "∃V∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈V ∧ y∉V)∨(y∈V ∧ x∉V)" proof qed
note disj
ultimately have "∃V∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈V ∧ y∉V)∨(y∈V ∧ x∉V)" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding isT0_def by auto
text‹The product of $T_1$ spaces is $T_1$.›
theorem T1_product:
assumes "T{is a topology}""S{is a topology}""T{is T⇩1}""S{is T⇩1}"
shows "ProductTopology(T,S){is T⇩1}"
fix x y assume "x∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)""y∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)""x≠y"
then have tot:"x∈⋃T×⋃S""y∈⋃T×⋃S""x≠y" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
then have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈⋃T×⋃S""⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∈⋃T×⋃S" and disj:"fst(x)≠fst(y)∨snd(x)≠snd(y)"
using Pair_fst_snd_eq by auto
then have T:"fst(x)∈⋃T""fst(y)∈⋃T" and S:"snd(y)∈⋃S""snd(x)∈⋃S" and p:"fst(x)≠fst(y)∨snd(x)≠snd(y)"
by auto
assume "fst(x)≠fst(y)"
with T assms(3) have "(∃U∈T. (fst(x)∈U∧fst(y)∉U))" unfolding
isT1_def by auto
then obtain U where "U∈T" "(fst(x)∈U∧fst(y)∉U)" by auto
with S have "(⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈U×(⋃S) ∧ ⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∉U×(⋃S))" by auto
then have "(x∈U×(⋃S) ∧ y∉U×(⋃S))" using Pair_fst_snd_eq tot(1,2) by auto
moreover have "(⋃S)∈S" using assms(2) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with ‹U∈T› have "U×(⋃S)∈ProductTopology(T,S)" using prod_open_open_prod assms(1,2) by auto
have "∃V∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈V ∧ y∉V)" proof qed
} moreover
assume "snd(x)≠snd(y)"
with S assms(4) have "(∃U∈S. (snd(x)∈U∧snd(y)∉U))" unfolding
isT1_def by auto
then obtain U where "U∈S" "(snd(x)∈U∧snd(y)∉U)" by auto
with T have "(⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈(⋃T)×U ∧ ⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∉(⋃T)×U)" by auto
then have "(x∈(⋃T)×U ∧ y∉(⋃T)×U)" using Pair_fst_snd_eq tot(1,2) by auto
moreover have "(⋃T)∈T" using assms(1) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with ‹U∈S› have "(⋃T)×U∈ProductTopology(T,S)" using prod_open_open_prod assms(1,2) by auto
have "∃V∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈V ∧ y∉V)" proof qed
note disj
ultimately have "∃V∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈V ∧ y∉V)" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding isT1_def by auto
text‹The product of $T_2$ spaces is $T_2$.›
theorem T2_product:
assumes "T{is a topology}""S{is a topology}""T{is T⇩2}""S{is T⇩2}"
shows "ProductTopology(T,S){is T⇩2}"
fix x y assume "x∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)""y∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)""x≠y"
then have tot:"x∈⋃T×⋃S""y∈⋃T×⋃S""x≠y" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
then have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈⋃T×⋃S""⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∈⋃T×⋃S" and disj:"fst(x)≠fst(y)∨snd(x)≠snd(y)"
using Pair_fst_snd_eq by auto
then have T:"fst(x)∈⋃T""fst(y)∈⋃T" and S:"snd(y)∈⋃S""snd(x)∈⋃S" and p:"fst(x)≠fst(y)∨snd(x)≠snd(y)"
by auto
assume "fst(x)≠fst(y)"
with T assms(3) have "(∃U∈T. ∃V∈T. (fst(x)∈U∧fst(y)∈V) ∧ U∩V=0)" unfolding
isT2_def by auto
then obtain U V where "U∈T" "V∈T" "fst(x)∈U" "fst(y)∈V" "U∩V=0" by auto
with S have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈U×(⋃S)" "⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∈V×(⋃S)" and disjoint:"(U×⋃S)∩(V×⋃S)=0" by auto
then have "x∈U×(⋃S)""y∈V×(⋃S)" using Pair_fst_snd_eq tot(1,2) by auto
moreover have "(⋃S)∈S" using assms(2) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with ‹U∈T›‹V∈T› have P:"U×(⋃S)∈ProductTopology(T,S)" "V×(⋃S)∈ProductTopology(T,S)"
using prod_open_open_prod assms(1,2) by auto
note disjoint ultimately
have "x∈U×(⋃S) ∧ y∈V×(⋃S) ∧ (U×(⋃S))∩(V×(⋃S))=0" by auto
with P(2) have "∃UU∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈U×(⋃S) ∧ y∈UU ∧ (U×(⋃S))∩UU=0)"
using exI[where x="V×(⋃S)" and P="λt. t∈ProductTopology(T,S) ∧ (x∈U×(⋃S) ∧ y∈t ∧ (U×(⋃S))∩t=0)"] by auto
with P(1) have "∃VV∈ProductTopology(T,S). ∃UU∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈VV ∧ y∈UU ∧ VV∩UU=0)"
using exI[where x="U×(⋃S)" and P="λt. t∈ProductTopology(T,S) ∧ (∃UU∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈t ∧ y∈UU ∧ (t)∩UU=0))"] by auto
} moreover
assume "snd(x)≠snd(y)"
with S assms(4) have "(∃U∈S. ∃V∈S. (snd(x)∈U∧snd(y)∈V) ∧ U∩V=0)" unfolding
isT2_def by auto
then obtain U V where "U∈S" "V∈S" "snd(x)∈U" "snd(y)∈V" "U∩V=0" by auto
with T have "⟨fst(x),snd(x)⟩∈(⋃T)×U" "⟨fst(y),snd(y)⟩∈(⋃T)×V" and disjoint:"((⋃T)×U)∩((⋃T)×V)=0" by auto
then have "x∈(⋃T)×U""y∈(⋃T)×V" using Pair_fst_snd_eq tot(1,2) by auto
moreover have "(⋃T)∈T" using assms(1) unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
with ‹U∈S›‹V∈S› have P:"(⋃T)×U∈ProductTopology(T,S)" "(⋃T)×V∈ProductTopology(T,S)"
using prod_open_open_prod assms(1,2) by auto
note disjoint ultimately
have "x∈(⋃T)×U ∧ y∈(⋃T)×V ∧ ((⋃T)×U)∩((⋃T)×V)=0" by auto
with P(2) have "∃UU∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈(⋃T)×U ∧ y∈UU ∧ ((⋃T)×U)∩UU=0)"
using exI[where x="(⋃T)×V" and P="λt. t∈ProductTopology(T,S) ∧ (x∈(⋃T)×U ∧ y∈t ∧ ((⋃T)×U)∩t=0)"] by auto
with P(1) have "∃VV∈ProductTopology(T,S). ∃UU∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈VV ∧ y∈UU ∧ VV∩UU=0)"
using exI[where x="(⋃T)×U" and P="λt. t∈ProductTopology(T,S) ∧ (∃UU∈ProductTopology(T,S). (x∈t ∧ y∈UU ∧ (t)∩UU=0))"] by auto
} moreover
note disj
ultimately have "∃VV∈ProductTopology(T, S). ∃UU∈ProductTopology(T, S). x ∈ VV ∧ y ∈ UU ∧ VV ∩ UU = 0" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding isT2_def by auto
text‹The product of regular spaces is regular.›
theorem regular_product:
assumes "T{is a topology}" "S{is a topology}" "T{is regular}" "S{is regular}"
shows "ProductTopology(T,S){is regular}"
fix x U assume "x∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" "U∈ProductTopology(T,S)" "x∈U"
then obtain V W where VW:"V∈T""W∈S" "V×W⊆U" and x:"x∈V×W" using prod_top_point_neighb
assms(1,2) by blast
then have p:"fst(x)∈V""snd(x)∈W" by auto
from p(1) ‹V∈T› obtain VV where VV:"fst(x)∈VV" "Closure(VV,T)⊆V" "VV∈T" using
assms(1,3) topology0.regular_imp_exist_clos_neig unfolding topology0_def
by force moreover
from p(2) ‹W∈S› obtain WW where WW:"snd(x)∈WW" "Closure(WW,S)⊆W" "WW∈S" using
assms(2,4) topology0.regular_imp_exist_clos_neig unfolding topology0_def
by force ultimately
have "x∈VV×WW" using x by auto
moreover from ‹Closure(VV,T)⊆V› ‹Closure(WW,S)⊆W› have "Closure(VV,T)×Closure(WW,S) ⊆ V×W"
by auto
moreover from VV(3) WW(3) have "VV⊆⋃T""WW⊆⋃S" by auto
ultimately have "x∈VV×WW" "Closure(VV×WW,ProductTopology(T,S)) ⊆ V×W" using cl_product assms(1,2)
by auto
moreover have "VV×WW∈ProductTopology(T,S)" using prod_open_open_prod assms(1,2)
VV(3) WW(3) by auto
ultimately have "∃Z∈ProductTopology(T,S). x∈Z ∧ Closure(Z,ProductTopology(T,S))⊆V×W" by auto
with VW(3) have "∃Z∈ProductTopology(T,S). x∈Z ∧ Closure(Z,ProductTopology(T,S))⊆U" by auto
then have "∀x∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S). ∀U∈ProductTopology(T,S).x∈U ⟶ (∃Z∈ProductTopology(T,S). x∈Z ∧ Closure(Z,ProductTopology(T,S))⊆U)"
by auto
then show ?thesis using topology0.exist_clos_neig_imp_regular unfolding topology0_def
using assms(1,2) Top_1_4_T1(1) by auto
subsection‹Connection properties in product space›
text‹First, we prove that the projection functions are open.›
lemma projection_open:
assumes "T{is a topology}""S{is a topology}""B∈ProductTopology(T,S)"
shows "{y∈⋃T. ∃x∈⋃S. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}∈T"
fix z assume "z∈{y∈⋃T. ∃x∈⋃S. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}"
then obtain x where x:"x∈⋃S" and z:"z∈⋃T" and p:"⟨z,x⟩∈B" by auto
then have "z∈{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}" "{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}⊆{y∈⋃T. ∃x∈⋃S. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}" by auto moreover
from x have "{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}∈T" using prod_sec_open2 assms by auto
ultimately have "∃V∈T. z∈V ∧ V⊆{y∈⋃T. ∃x∈⋃S. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}" unfolding Bex_def by auto
then show "{y∈⋃T. ∃x∈⋃S. ⟨y,x⟩∈B}∈T" using topology0.open_neigh_open unfolding topology0_def
using assms(1) by blast
lemma projection_open2:
assumes "T{is a topology}""S{is a topology}""B∈ProductTopology(T,S)"
shows "{y∈⋃S. ∃x∈⋃T. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}∈S"
fix z assume "z∈{y∈⋃S. ∃x∈⋃T. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}"
then obtain x where x:"x∈⋃T" and z:"z∈⋃S" and p:"⟨x,z⟩∈B" by auto
then have "z∈{y∈⋃S. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}" "{y∈⋃S. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}⊆{y∈⋃S. ∃x∈⋃T. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}" by auto moreover
from x have "{y∈⋃S. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}∈S" using prod_sec_open1 assms by auto
ultimately have "∃V∈S. z∈V ∧ V⊆{y∈⋃S. ∃x∈⋃T. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}" unfolding Bex_def by auto
then show "{y∈⋃S. ∃x∈⋃T. ⟨x,y⟩∈B}∈S" using topology0.open_neigh_open unfolding topology0_def
using assms(2) by blast
text‹The product of connected spaces is connected.›
theorem compact_product:
assumes "T{is a topology}""S{is a topology}""T{is connected}""S{is connected}"
shows "ProductTopology(T,S){is connected}"
fix U assume U:"U∈ProductTopology(T,S)" "U{is closed in}ProductTopology(T,S)"
then have P:"U∈ProductTopology(T,S)" "⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U∈ProductTopology(T,S)"
unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
fix s assume s:"s∈⋃S"
with P(1) have p:"{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}∈T" using prod_sec_open2 assms(1,2) by auto
from s P(2) have oop:"{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}∈T" using prod_sec_open2
assms(1,2) by blast
then have "⋃T-(⋃T-{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)})={y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
with oop have cl:"(⋃T-{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}) {is closed in}T" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
fix t assume "t∈⋃T-{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}"
then have tt:"t∈⋃T" "t∉{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∉(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∈U ∨ ⟨t,s⟩∉⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∈U ∨ ⟨t,s⟩∉⋃T×⋃S" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
with tt(1) s have "⟨t,s⟩∈U" by auto
with tt(1) have "t∈{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}" by auto
} moreover
fix t assume "t∈{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}"
then have tt:"t∈⋃T" "⟨t,s⟩∈U" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∉⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U" by auto
then have "t∉{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
with tt(1) have "t∈⋃T-{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
ultimately have "{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}=⋃T-{y∈⋃T. ⟨y,s⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by blast
with cl have "{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}{is closed in}T" by auto
with p assms(3) have "{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}=0 ∨ {x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}=⋃T" unfolding IsConnected_def
by auto moreover
assume "{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}=0"
then have "∀x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∉U" by auto
assume AA:"{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}=⋃T"
fix x assume "x∈⋃T"
with AA have "x∈{x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U}" by auto
then have "⟨x,s⟩∈U" by auto
then have "∀x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U" by auto
ultimately have "(∀x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∉U) ∨ (∀x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U)" by blast
then have reg:"∀s∈⋃S. (∀x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∉U) ∨ (∀x∈⋃T. ⟨x,s⟩∈U)" by auto
fix q assume qU:"q∈⋃T×{snd(qq). qq∈U}"
then obtain t u where t:"t∈⋃T" "u∈U" "q=⟨t,snd(u)⟩" by auto
with U(1) have "u∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" by auto
then have "u∈⋃T×⋃S" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto moreover
then have uu:"u=⟨fst(u),snd(u)⟩" using Pair_fst_snd_eq by auto ultimately
have fu:"fst(u)∈⋃T""snd(u)∈⋃S" by (safe,auto)
with reg have "(∀tt∈⋃T. ⟨tt,snd(u)⟩∉U)∨(∀tt∈⋃T. ⟨tt,snd(u)⟩∈U)" by auto
with ‹u∈U› uu fu(1) have "∀tt∈⋃T. ⟨tt,snd(u)⟩∈U" by force
with t(1,3) have "q∈U" by auto
then have U1:"⋃T×{snd(qq). qq∈U}⊆U" by auto
fix t assume t:"t∈⋃T"
with P(1) have p:"{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}∈S" using prod_sec_open1 assms(1,2) by auto
from t P(2) have oop:"{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}∈S" using prod_sec_open1
assms(1,2) by blast
then have "⋃S-(⋃S-{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)})={y∈⋃S. ⟨t,y⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
with oop have cl:"(⋃S-{y∈⋃S. ⟨t,y⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}) {is closed in}S" unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
fix s assume "s∈⋃S-{y∈⋃S. ⟨t,y⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}"
then have tt:"s∈⋃S" "s∉{y∈⋃S. ⟨t,y⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∉(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∈U ∨ ⟨t,s⟩∉⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∈U ∨ ⟨t,s⟩∉⋃T×⋃S" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
with tt(1) t have "⟨t,s⟩∈U" by auto
with tt(1) have "s∈{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}" by auto
} moreover
fix s assume "s∈{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}"
then have tt:"s∈⋃S" "⟨t,s⟩∈U" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∉⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U" by auto
then have "s∉{y∈⋃S. ⟨t,y⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
with tt(1) have "s∈⋃S-{y∈⋃S. ⟨t,y⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by auto
ultimately have "{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}=⋃S-{y∈⋃S. ⟨t,y⟩∈(⋃ProductTopology(T,S)-U)}" by blast
with cl have "{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}{is closed in}S" by auto
with p assms(4) have "{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}=0 ∨ {x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}=⋃S" unfolding IsConnected_def
by auto moreover
assume "{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}=0"
then have "∀x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∉U" by auto
assume AA:"{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}=⋃S"
fix x assume "x∈⋃S"
with AA have "x∈{x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U}" by auto
then have "⟨t,x⟩∈U" by auto
then have "∀x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U" by auto
ultimately have "(∀x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∉U) ∨ (∀x∈⋃S. ⟨t,x⟩∈U)" by blast
then have reg:"∀s∈⋃T. (∀x∈⋃S. ⟨s,x⟩∉U) ∨ (∀x∈⋃S. ⟨s,x⟩∈U)" by auto
fix q assume qU:"q∈{fst(qq). qq∈U}×⋃S"
then obtain qq s where t:"q=⟨fst(qq),s⟩" "qq∈U" "s∈⋃S" by auto
with U(1) have "qq∈⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" by auto
then have "qq∈⋃T×⋃S" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto moreover
then have qq:"qq=⟨fst(qq),snd(qq)⟩" using Pair_fst_snd_eq by auto ultimately
have fq:"fst(qq)∈⋃T""snd(qq)∈⋃S" by (safe,auto)
from fq(1) reg have "(∀tt∈⋃S. ⟨fst(qq),tt⟩∉U)∨(∀tt∈⋃S. ⟨fst(qq),tt⟩∈U)" by auto moreover
with ‹qq∈U› qq fq(2) have "∀tt∈⋃S. ⟨fst(qq),tt⟩∈U" by force
with t(1,3) have "q∈U" by auto
then have U2:"{fst(qq). qq∈U}×⋃S⊆U" by blast
assume "U≠0"
then obtain u where u:"u∈U" by auto
fix aa assume "aa∈⋃T×⋃S"
then obtain t s where "t∈⋃T""s∈⋃S""aa=⟨t,s⟩" by auto
with u have "⟨t,snd(u)⟩∈⋃T×{snd(qq). qq∈U}" by auto
with U1 have "⟨t,snd(u)⟩∈U" by auto
moreover have "t=fst(⟨t,snd(u)⟩)" by auto moreover note ‹s∈⋃S› ultimately
have "⟨t,s⟩∈{fst(qq). qq∈U}×⋃S" by blast
with U2 have "⟨t,s⟩∈U" by auto
with ‹aa=⟨t,s⟩› have "aa∈U" by auto
then have "⋃T×⋃S⊆U" by auto moreover
with U(1) have "U⊆⋃ProductTopology(T,S)" by auto ultimately
have "⋃T×⋃S=U" using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto
then have "(U=0)∨(U=⋃T×⋃S)" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding IsConnected_def using Top_1_4_T1(3) assms(1,2) by auto