section ‹Topological groups 1›
theory TopologicalGroup_ZF_1 imports TopologicalGroup_ZF Topology_ZF_properties_2
text‹This theory deals with some topological properties of topological groups.›
subsection‹Separation properties of topological groups›
text‹The topological groups have very specific properties. For instance, $G$ is ‹T⇩0›
iff it is ‹T⇩3›.›
theorem(in topgroup) cl_point:
assumes "x∈G"
shows "cl({x}) = (⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. x\<ltr>H)"
have c:"cl({x}) = (⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. {x}\<sad>H)" using cl_topgroup assms by auto
fix H
assume "H∈𝒩⇩0"
then have "{x}\<sad>H=x\<ltr> H" using interval_add(3) assms
by auto
with ‹H∈𝒩⇩0› have "{x}\<sad>H∈{x\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}" by auto
then have "{{x}\<sad>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}⊆{x\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}" by auto
fix H
assume "H∈𝒩⇩0"
then have "{x}\<sad>H=x\<ltr> H" using interval_add(3) assms
by auto
with ‹H∈𝒩⇩0› have "x\<ltr> H∈{{x}\<sad>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}" by auto
then have "{x\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}⊆{{x}\<sad>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}" by auto
ultimately have "{{x}\<sad>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}={x\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}" by auto
then have "(⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. {x}\<sad>H) = (⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. x\<ltr>H)" by auto
with c show "cl({x})=(⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. x\<ltr>H)" by auto
text‹We prove the equivalence between $T_0$ and $T_1$ first.›
theorem (in topgroup) neu_closed_imp_T1:
assumes "{𝟬}{is closed in}T"
shows "T{is T⇩1}"
fix x z assume xG:"x∈G" and zG:"z∈G" and dis:"x≠z"
then have clx:"cl({x})=(⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. x\<ltr>H)" using cl_point by auto
fix y
assume "y∈cl({x})"
with clx have "y∈(⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. x\<ltr>H)" by auto
then have t:"∀H∈𝒩⇩0. y∈x\<ltr>H" by auto
from ‹y∈cl({x})› xG have yG:"y∈G" using Top_3_L11(1) G_def by auto
fix H
assume HNeig:"H∈𝒩⇩0"
with t have "y∈x\<ltr>H" by auto
then obtain n where "y=x\<ra>n" and "n∈H" unfolding ltrans_def grop_def LeftTranslation_def by auto
with HNeig have nG:"n∈G" unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
from ‹y=x\<ra>n› and ‹n∈H› have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>y∈H" using group0.group0_2_L18(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup xG nG yG unfolding grinv_def grop_def
by auto
then have el:"(\<rm>x)\<ra>y∈(⋂𝒩⇩0)" using zneigh_not_empty by auto
have "cl({𝟬})=(⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. 𝟬\<ltr>H)" using cl_point zero_in_tgroup by auto
fix H assume "H∈𝒩⇩0"
then have "H⊆G" unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
then have "𝟬\<ltr>H=H" using image_id_same group0.trans_neutral(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup unfolding gzero_def ltrans_def
by auto
with ‹H∈𝒩⇩0› have "𝟬\<ltr>H∈𝒩⇩0" "H∈{𝟬\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}" by auto
then have "{𝟬\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}=𝒩⇩0" by blast
ultimately have "cl({𝟬})=(⋂𝒩⇩0)" by auto
with el have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>y∈cl({𝟬})" by auto
then have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>y∈{𝟬}" using assms Top_3_L8 G_def zero_in_tgroup by auto
then have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>y=𝟬" by auto
then have "y=\<rm>(\<rm>x)" using group0.group0_2_L9(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup neg_in_tgroup xG yG unfolding grop_def grinv_def by auto
then have "y=x" using group0.group_inv_of_inv group0_valid_in_tgroup xG unfolding grinv_def by auto
then have "cl({x})⊆{x}" by auto
then have "cl({x})={x}" using xG cl_contains_set G_def by blast
then have "{x}{is closed in}T" using Top_3_L8 xG G_def by auto
then have "(⋃T)-{x}∈T" using IsClosed_def by auto moreover
from dis zG G_def have "z∈((⋃T)-{x}) ∧ x∉((⋃T)-{x})" by auto
ultimately have "∃V∈T. z∈V∧x∉V" by(safe,auto)
then show "T{is T⇩1}" using isT1_def by auto
theorem (in topgroup) T0_imp_neu_closed:
assumes "T{is T⇩0}"
shows "{𝟬}{is closed in}T"
fix x assume "x∈cl({𝟬})" and "x≠𝟬"
have "cl({𝟬})=(⋂H∈𝒩⇩0. 𝟬\<ltr>H)" using cl_point zero_in_tgroup by auto
fix H assume "H∈𝒩⇩0"
then have "H⊆G" unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
then have "𝟬\<ltr>H=H" using image_id_same group0.trans_neutral(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup unfolding gzero_def ltrans_def
by auto
with ‹H∈𝒩⇩0› have "𝟬\<ltr>H∈𝒩⇩0" "H∈{𝟬\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}" by auto
then have "{𝟬\<ltr>H. H∈𝒩⇩0}=𝒩⇩0" by blast
ultimately have "cl({𝟬})=(⋂𝒩⇩0)" by auto
from ‹x≠𝟬› and ‹x∈cl({𝟬})› obtain U where "U∈T" and "(x∉U∧𝟬∈U)∨(𝟬∉U∧x∈U)" using assms Top_3_L11(1)
zero_in_tgroup unfolding isT0_def G_def by blast moreover
assume "𝟬∈U"
with ‹U∈T› have "U∈𝒩⇩0" using zerohoods_def G_def Top_2_L3 by auto
with ‹x∈cl({𝟬})› and ‹cl({𝟬})=(⋂𝒩⇩0)› have "x∈U" by auto
ultimately have "𝟬∉U" and "x∈U" by auto
with ‹U∈T› ‹x∈cl({𝟬})› have "False" using cl_inter_neigh zero_in_tgroup unfolding G_def by blast
then have "cl({𝟬})⊆{𝟬}" by auto
then have "cl({𝟬})={𝟬}" using zero_in_tgroup cl_contains_set G_def by blast
then show ?thesis using Top_3_L8 zero_in_tgroup unfolding G_def by auto
subsection‹Existence of nice neighbourhoods.›
theorem(in topgroup) exists_sym_zerohood:
assumes "U∈𝒩⇩0"
shows "∃V∈𝒩⇩0. (V⊆U∧ (\<sm>V)=V)"
let ?V="U∩(\<sm>U)"
have "U⊆G" using assms unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
then have "?V⊆G" by auto
have invg:" GroupInv(G, f) ∈ G → G" using group0_2_T2 Ggroup by auto
have invb:"GroupInv(G, f) ∈bij(G,G)" using group0.group_inv_bij(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
have "(\<sm>?V)=GroupInv(G,f)-``?V" unfolding setninv_def using group0.inv_image_vimage group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
also have "…=(GroupInv(G,f)-``U)∩(GroupInv(G,f)-``(\<sm>U))" using invim_inter_inter_invim invg by auto
also have "…=(\<sm>U)∩(GroupInv(G,f)-``(GroupInv(G,f)``U))" unfolding setninv_def using group0.inv_image_vimage group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
also with ‹U⊆G› have "…=(\<sm>U)∩U" using inj_vimage_image invb unfolding bij_def
by auto
finally have "(\<sm>?V)=?V" by auto
then show "?V ⊆ U ∧ (\<sm> ?V) = ?V" by auto
from assms have "(\<sm>U)∈𝒩⇩0" using neg_neigh_neigh by auto
with assms have "𝟬∈int(U)∩int(\<sm>U)" unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
have "int(U)∩int(\<sm>U)∈T" using Top_2_L3 IsATopology_def topSpaceAssum Top_2_L4 by auto
then have int:"int(int(U)∩int(\<sm>U))=int(U)∩int(\<sm>U)" using Top_2_L3 by auto
have "int(U)∩int(\<sm>U)⊆?V" using Top_2_L1 by auto
from interior_mono[OF this] int have "int(U)∩int(\<sm>U)⊆int(?V)" by auto
ultimately have "𝟬∈int(?V)" by auto
with ‹?V⊆G› show "?V∈𝒩⇩0" using zerohoods_def by auto
theorem(in topgroup) exists_procls_zerohood:
assumes "U∈𝒩⇩0"
shows "∃V∈𝒩⇩0. (V⊆U∧ (V\<sad>V)⊆U ∧ (\<sm>V)=V)"
have "int(U)∈T" using Top_2_L2 by auto
then have "f-``(int(U))∈τ" using fcon IsContinuous_def by auto
have fne:"f ` ⟨𝟬, 𝟬⟩ = 𝟬" using group0.group0_2_L2 group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
have "𝟬∈int(U)" using assms unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
then have "f -`` {𝟬}⊆f-``(int(U))" using func1_1_L8 vimage_def by auto
then have "GroupInv(G,f)⊆f-``(int(U))" using group0.group0_2_T3 group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
then have "⟨𝟬,𝟬⟩∈f-``(int(U))" using fne zero_in_tgroup unfolding GroupInv_def
by auto
ultimately obtain W V where wop:"W∈T" and vop:"V∈T" and cartsub:"W×V⊆f-``(int(U))" and zerhood:"⟨𝟬,𝟬⟩∈W×V" using prod_top_point_neighb topSpaceAssum
unfolding prodtop_def by force
then have "𝟬∈W" and "𝟬∈V" by auto
then have "𝟬∈W∩V" by auto
have sub:"W∩V⊆G" using wop vop G_def by auto
have assoc:"f∈G×G→G" using group0.group_oper_assocA group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
fix t s assume "t∈W∩V" and "s∈W∩V"
then have "t∈W" and "s∈V" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∈W×V" by auto
then have "⟨t,s⟩∈f-``(int(U))" using cartsub by auto
then have "f`⟨t,s⟩∈int(U)" using func1_1_L15 assoc by auto
then have "{f`⟨t,s⟩. ⟨t,s⟩∈(W∩V)×(W∩V)}⊆int(U)" by auto
then have "(W∩V)\<sad>(W∩V)⊆int(U)" unfolding setadd_def using lift_subsets_explained(4) assoc sub
by auto
then have "(W∩V)\<sad>(W∩V)⊆U" using Top_2_L1 by auto
from topSpaceAssum have "W∩V∈T" using vop wop unfolding IsATopology_def by auto
then have "int(W∩V)=W∩V" using Top_2_L3 by auto
with sub ‹𝟬∈W∩V› have "W∩V∈𝒩⇩0" unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
then obtain Q where "Q∈𝒩⇩0" and "Q⊆W∩V" and "(\<sm>Q)=Q" using exists_sym_zerohood by blast
then have "Q×Q⊆(W∩V)×(W∩V)" by auto
moreover from ‹Q⊆W∩V› have "W∩V⊆G" and "Q⊆G" using vop wop unfolding G_def by auto
ultimately have "Q\<sad>Q⊆(W∩V)\<sad>(W∩V)" using interval_add(2) func1_1_L8 by auto
with ‹(W∩V)\<sad>(W∩V)⊆U› have "Q\<sad>Q⊆U" by auto
from ‹Q∈𝒩⇩0› have "𝟬∈Q" unfolding zerohoods_def using Top_2_L1 by auto
with ‹Q\<sad>Q⊆U› ‹Q⊆G› have "𝟬\<ltr>Q⊆U" using interval_add(3) by auto
with ‹Q⊆G› have "Q⊆U" unfolding ltrans_def using group0.trans_neutral(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup
unfolding gzero_def using image_id_same by auto
with ‹Q∈𝒩⇩0› ‹Q\<sad>Q⊆U› ‹(\<sm>Q)=Q› show ?thesis by auto
lemma (in topgroup) exist_basehoods_closed:
assumes "U∈𝒩⇩0"
shows "∃V∈𝒩⇩0. cl(V)⊆U"
from assms obtain V where "V∈𝒩⇩0" "V⊆U" "(V\<sad>V)⊆U" "(\<sm>V)=V" using exists_procls_zerohood by blast
have inv_fun:"GroupInv(G,f)∈G→G" using group0_2_T2 Ggroup by auto
have f_fun:"f∈G×G→G" using group0.group_oper_assocA group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
fix x assume "x∈cl(V)"
with ‹V∈𝒩⇩0› have "x∈⋃T" "V⊆⋃T" using Top_3_L11(1) unfolding zerohoods_def G_def by blast+
with ‹V∈𝒩⇩0› have "x∈int(x\<ltr>V)" using elem_in_int_trans G_def by auto
with ‹V⊆⋃T›‹x∈cl(V)› have "int(x\<ltr>V)∩V≠0" using cl_inter_neigh Top_2_L2 by blast
then have "(x\<ltr>V)∩V≠0" using Top_2_L1 by blast
then obtain q where "q∈(x\<ltr>V)" and "q∈V" by blast
with ‹V⊆⋃T›‹x∈⋃T› obtain v where "q=x\<ra>v" "v∈V" unfolding ltrans_def grop_def using group0.ltrans_image
group0_valid_in_tgroup unfolding G_def by auto
from ‹V⊆⋃T› ‹v∈V›‹q∈V› have "v∈⋃T" "q∈⋃T" by auto
with ‹q=x\<ra>v›‹x∈⋃T› have "q\<rs>v=x" using group0.group0_2_L18(1) group0_valid_in_tgroup unfolding G_def
unfolding grsub_def grinv_def grop_def by auto moreover
from ‹v∈V› have "(\<rm>v)∈(\<sm>V)" unfolding setninv_def grinv_def using func_imagedef inv_fun ‹V⊆⋃T› G_def by auto
then have "(\<rm>v)∈V" using ‹(\<sm>V)=V› by auto
with ‹q∈V› have "⟨q,\<rm>v⟩∈V×V" by auto
then have "f`⟨q,\<rm>v⟩∈V\<sad>V" using lift_subset_suff f_fun ‹V⊆⋃T› unfolding setadd_def by auto
with ‹V\<sad>V⊆U› have "q\<rs>v∈U" unfolding grsub_def grop_def by auto
with ‹q\<rs>v=x› have "x∈U" by auto
then have "cl(V)⊆U" by auto
with ‹V∈𝒩⇩0› show ?thesis by auto
subsection‹Rest of separation axioms›
theorem(in topgroup) T1_imp_T2:
assumes "T{is T⇩1}"
shows "T{is T⇩2}"
fix x y assume ass:"x∈⋃T" "y∈⋃T" "x≠y"
assume "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x=𝟬"
with ass(1,2) have "y=x" using group0.group0_2_L11[where a="y" and b="x"] group0_valid_in_tgroup by auto
with ass(3) have "False" by auto
then have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x≠𝟬" by auto
then have "𝟬≠(\<rm>y)\<ra>x" by auto
from ‹y∈⋃T› have "(\<rm>y)∈⋃T" using neg_in_tgroup G_def by auto
with ‹x∈⋃T› have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∈⋃T" using group0.group_op_closed[where a="\<rm>y" and b="x"] group0_valid_in_tgroup unfolding
G_def by auto
with assms ‹𝟬≠(\<rm>y)\<ra>x› obtain U where "U∈T" and "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∉U" and "𝟬∈U" unfolding isT1_def using zero_in_tgroup
by auto
then have "U∈𝒩⇩0" unfolding zerohoods_def G_def using Top_2_L3 by auto
then obtain Q where "Q∈𝒩⇩0" "Q⊆U" "(Q\<sad>Q)⊆U" "(\<sm>Q)=Q" using exists_procls_zerohood by blast
with ‹(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∉U› have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∉Q" by auto
from ‹Q∈𝒩⇩0› have "Q⊆G" unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
assume "x∈y\<ltr>Q"
with ‹Q⊆G› ‹y∈⋃T› obtain u where "u∈Q" and "x=y\<ra>u" unfolding ltrans_def grop_def using group0.ltrans_image group0_valid_in_tgroup
unfolding G_def by auto
with ‹Q⊆G› have "u∈⋃T" unfolding G_def by auto
with ‹x=y\<ra>u› ‹y∈⋃T› ‹x∈⋃T› ‹Q⊆G› have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x=u" using group0.group0_2_L18(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup unfolding G_def
unfolding grsub_def grinv_def grop_def by auto
with ‹u∈Q› have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∈Q" by auto
then have "False" using ‹(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∉Q› by auto
then have "x∉y\<ltr>Q" by auto moreover
assume "y∈x\<ltr>Q"
with ‹Q⊆G› ‹x∈⋃T› obtain u where "u∈Q" and "y=x\<ra>u" unfolding ltrans_def grop_def using group0.ltrans_image group0_valid_in_tgroup
unfolding G_def by auto
with ‹Q⊆G› have "u∈⋃T" unfolding G_def by auto
with ‹y=x\<ra>u› ‹y∈⋃T› ‹x∈⋃T› ‹Q⊆G› have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>y=u" using group0.group0_2_L18(2) group0_valid_in_tgroup unfolding G_def
unfolding grsub_def grinv_def grop_def by auto
with ‹u∈Q› have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x=\<rm>u" using group0.group_inv_of_two[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup group0.inverse_in_group[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup,of x],of y]
using ‹x∈⋃T› ‹y∈⋃T› using group0.group_inv_of_inv[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup] unfolding G_def grinv_def grop_def by auto
moreover from ‹u∈Q› have "(\<rm>u)∈(\<sm>Q)" unfolding setninv_def grinv_def using func_imagedef[OF group0_2_T2[OF Ggroup] ‹Q⊆G›] by auto
ultimately have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∈Q" using ‹(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∉Q› ‹(\<sm>Q)=Q› unfolding setninv_def grinv_def by auto
then have "False" using ‹(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∉Q› by auto
then have "y∉x\<ltr>Q" by auto moreover
fix t
assume "t∈(x\<ltr>Q)∩(y\<ltr>Q)"
then have "t∈(x\<ltr>Q)" "t∈(y\<ltr>Q)" by auto
with ‹Q⊆G› ‹x∈⋃T› ‹y∈⋃T› obtain u v where "u∈Q" "v∈Q" and "t=x\<ra>u" "t=y\<ra>v" unfolding ltrans_def grop_def using group0.ltrans_image[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup]
unfolding G_def by auto
then have "x\<ra>u=y\<ra>v" by auto
moreover from ‹u∈Q› ‹v∈Q› ‹Q⊆G› have "u∈⋃T" "v∈⋃T" unfolding G_def by auto
moreover note ‹x∈⋃T› ‹y∈⋃T›
ultimately have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>(x\<ra>u)=v" using group0.group0_2_L18(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup, of y v "x\<ra>u"] group0.group_op_closed[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup, of x u] unfolding G_def
unfolding grsub_def grinv_def grop_def by auto
then have "((\<rm>y)\<ra>x)\<ra>u=v" using group0.group_oper_assoc[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup]
unfolding grop_def using ‹x∈⋃T› ‹y∈⋃T› ‹u∈⋃T› using group0.inverse_in_group[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup] unfolding G_def
by auto
then have "((\<rm>y)\<ra>x)=v\<rs>u" using group0.group0_2_L18(1)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup,of "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x" u v]
using ‹(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∈⋃T› ‹u∈⋃T› ‹v∈⋃T› unfolding G_def grsub_def grinv_def grop_def by force
from ‹u∈Q› have "(\<rm>u)∈(\<sm>Q)" unfolding setninv_def grinv_def using func_imagedef[OF group0_2_T2[OF Ggroup] ‹Q⊆G›] by auto
then have "(\<rm>u)∈Q" using ‹(\<sm>Q)=Q› by auto
with ‹v∈Q› have "⟨v,\<rm>u⟩∈Q×Q" by auto
then have "f`⟨v,\<rm>u⟩∈Q\<sad>Q" using lift_subset_suff[OF group0.group_oper_assocA[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup] ‹Q⊆G› ‹Q⊆G›]
unfolding setadd_def by auto
with ‹Q\<sad>Q⊆U› have "v\<rs>u∈U" unfolding grsub_def grop_def by auto
ultimately have "(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∈U" by auto
with ‹(\<rm>y)\<ra>x∉U› have "False" by auto
then have "(x\<ltr>Q)∩(y\<ltr>Q)=0" by auto
moreover have "x∈int(x\<ltr>Q)""y∈int(y\<ltr>Q)" using elem_in_int_trans ‹Q∈𝒩⇩0›
‹x∈⋃T› ‹y∈⋃T› unfolding G_def by auto moreover
have "int(x\<ltr>Q)⊆(x\<ltr>Q)""int(y\<ltr>Q)⊆(y\<ltr>Q)" using Top_2_L1 by auto
moreover have "int(x\<ltr>Q)∈T" "int(y\<ltr>Q)∈T" using Top_2_L2 by auto
ultimately have "int(x\<ltr>Q)∈T ∧ int(y\<ltr>Q)∈T ∧ x ∈ int(x\<ltr>Q) ∧ y ∈ int(y\<ltr>Q) ∧ int(x\<ltr>Q) ∩ int(y\<ltr>Q) = 0"
by blast
then have "∃U∈T. ∃V∈T. x∈U∧y∈V∧U∩V=0" by auto
then show ?thesis using isT2_def by auto
text‹Here follow some auxiliary lemmas.›
lemma (in topgroup) trans_closure:
assumes "x∈G" "A⊆G"
shows "cl(x\<ltr>A)=x\<ltr>cl(A)"
have "⋃T-(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=(x\<ltr>A)" unfolding ltrans_def using group0.group0_5_L1(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)]
unfolding image_def range_def domain_def converse_def Pi_def by auto
then have "cl(x\<ltr>A)=⋃T-int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))" using Top_3_L11(2)[of "⋃T-(x\<ltr>A)"] by auto moreover
have "x\<ltr>G=G" using surj_image_eq group0.trans_bij(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)] bij_def by auto
then have "⋃T-(x\<ltr>A)=x\<ltr>(⋃T-A)" using inj_image_dif[of "LeftTranslation(G, f, x)""G""G", OF _ assms(2)]
unfolding ltrans_def G_def using group0.trans_bij(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)] bij_def by auto
then have "int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=int(x\<ltr>(⋃T-A))" by auto
then have "int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=x\<ltr>int(⋃T-A)" using trans_interior[OF assms(1),of "⋃T-A"] unfolding G_def by force
have "⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(⋃T-(⋃T-A))" using Top_3_L11(2)[of "⋃T-A"] by force
have "⋃T-(⋃T-A)=A" using assms(2) G_def by auto
with ‹⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(⋃T-(⋃T-A))› have "⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(A)" by auto
have "⋃T-(⋃T-int(⋃T-A))=int(⋃T-A)" using Top_2_L2 by auto
with ‹⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(A)› have "int(⋃T-A)=⋃T-cl(A)" by auto
with ‹int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=x\<ltr>int(⋃T-A)› have "int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=x\<ltr>(⋃T-cl(A))" by auto
with ‹x\<ltr>G=G› have "int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=⋃T-(x\<ltr>cl(A))" using inj_image_dif[of "LeftTranslation(G, f, x)""G""G""cl(A)"]
unfolding ltrans_def using group0.trans_bij(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)] Top_3_L11(1) assms(2) unfolding bij_def G_def
by auto
then have "⋃T-int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=⋃T-(⋃T-(x\<ltr>cl(A)))" by auto
then have "⋃T-int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))=x\<ltr>cl(A)" unfolding ltrans_def using group0.group0_5_L1(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)]
unfolding image_def range_def domain_def converse_def Pi_def by auto
with ‹cl(x\<ltr>A)=⋃T-int(⋃T-(x\<ltr>A))› show ?thesis by auto
lemma (in topgroup) trans_interior2: assumes A1: "g∈G" and A2: "A⊆G"
shows "int(A)\<rtr>g = int(A\<rtr>g)"
proof -
from assms have "A ⊆ ⋃T" and "IsAhomeomorphism(T,T,RightTranslation(G,f,g))"
using tr_homeo by auto
then show ?thesis using int_top_invariant by simp
lemma (in topgroup) trans_closure2:
assumes "x∈G" "A⊆G"
shows "cl(A\<rtr>x)=cl(A)\<rtr>x"
have "⋃T-(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=(A\<rtr>x)" unfolding ltrans_def using group0.group0_5_L1(1)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)]
unfolding image_def range_def domain_def converse_def Pi_def by auto
then have "cl(A\<rtr>x)=⋃T-int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))" using Top_3_L11(2)[of "⋃T-(A\<rtr>x)"] by auto moreover
have "G\<rtr>x=G" using surj_image_eq group0.trans_bij(1)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)] bij_def by auto
then have "⋃T-(A\<rtr>x)=(⋃T-A)\<rtr>x" using inj_image_dif[of "RightTranslation(G, f, x)""G""G", OF _ assms(2)]
unfolding rtrans_def G_def using group0.trans_bij(1)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)] bij_def by auto
then have "int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=int((⋃T-A)\<rtr>x)" by auto
then have "int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=int(⋃T-A)\<rtr>x" using trans_interior2[OF assms(1),of "⋃T-A"] unfolding G_def by force
have "⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(⋃T-(⋃T-A))" using Top_3_L11(2)[of "⋃T-A"] by force
have "⋃T-(⋃T-A)=A" using assms(2) G_def by auto
with ‹⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(⋃T-(⋃T-A))› have "⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(A)" by auto
have "⋃T-(⋃T-int(⋃T-A))=int(⋃T-A)" using Top_2_L2 by auto
with ‹⋃T-int(⋃T-A)=cl(A)› have "int(⋃T-A)=⋃T-cl(A)" by auto
with ‹int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=int(⋃T-A)\<rtr>x› have "int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=(⋃T-cl(A))\<rtr>x" by auto
with ‹G\<rtr>x=G› have "int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=⋃T-(cl(A)\<rtr>x)" using inj_image_dif[of "RightTranslation(G, f, x)""G""G""cl(A)"]
unfolding rtrans_def using group0.trans_bij(1)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)] Top_3_L11(1) assms(2) unfolding bij_def G_def
by auto
then have "⋃T-int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=⋃T-(⋃T-(cl(A)\<rtr>x))" by auto
then have "⋃T-int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))=cl(A)\<rtr>x" unfolding ltrans_def using group0.group0_5_L1(1)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup assms(1)]
unfolding image_def range_def domain_def converse_def Pi_def by auto
with ‹cl(A\<rtr>x)=⋃T-int(⋃T-(A\<rtr>x))› show ?thesis by auto
lemma (in topgroup) trans_subset:
assumes "A⊆((\<rm>x)\<ltr>B)""x∈G""A⊆G""B⊆G"
shows "x\<ltr>A⊆B"
fix t assume "t∈x\<ltr>A"
with ‹x∈G› ‹A⊆G› obtain u where "u∈A" "t=x\<ra>u" unfolding ltrans_def grop_def using group0.ltrans_image[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup]
unfolding G_def by auto
with ‹x∈G› ‹A⊆G› ‹u∈A› have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>t=u" using group0.group0_2_L18(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup, of "x""u""t"]
group0.group_op_closed[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup,of x u] unfolding grop_def grinv_def by auto
with ‹u∈A› have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>t∈A" by auto
with ‹A⊆(\<rm>x)\<ltr>B› have "(\<rm>x)\<ra>t∈(\<rm>x)\<ltr>B" by auto
with ‹B⊆G› obtain v where "(\<rm>x)\<ra>t=(\<rm>x)\<ra>v" "v∈B" unfolding ltrans_def grop_def using neg_in_tgroup[OF ‹x∈G›] group0.ltrans_image[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup]
unfolding G_def by auto
have "LeftTranslation(G,f,\<rm>x)∈inj(G,G)" using group0.trans_bij(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup neg_in_tgroup[OF ‹x∈G›]] bij_def by auto
then have eq:"∀A∈G. ∀B∈G. LeftTranslation(G,f,\<rm>x)`A=LeftTranslation(G,f,\<rm>x)`B ⟶ A=B" unfolding inj_def by auto
fix A B assume "A∈G""B∈G"
assume "f`⟨\<rm>x,A⟩=f`⟨\<rm>x,B⟩"
then have "LeftTranslation(G,f,\<rm>x)`A=LeftTranslation(G,f,\<rm>x)`B" using group0.group0_5_L2(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup neg_in_tgroup[OF ‹x∈G›]]
‹A∈G›‹B∈G› by auto
with eq ‹A∈G›‹B∈G› have "A=B" by auto
then have eq1:"∀A∈G. ∀B∈G. f`⟨\<rm>x,A⟩=f`⟨\<rm>x,B⟩ ⟶ A=B" by auto
from ‹A⊆G› ‹u∈A› have "u∈G" by auto
with ‹v∈B› ‹B⊆G› ‹t=x\<ra>u› have "t∈G" "v∈G" using group0.group_op_closed[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup ‹x∈G›,of u] unfolding grop_def
by auto
with eq1 ‹(\<rm>x)\<ra>t=(\<rm>x)\<ra>v› have "t=v" unfolding grop_def by auto
with ‹v∈B› have "t∈B" by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
text‹Every topological group is regular, and hence $T_3$. The proof is in the next
section, since it uses local properties.›
subsection‹Local properties›
text‹In a topological group, all local properties depend only on the neighbourhoods
of the neutral element; when considering topological properties. The next result
of regularity, will use this idea, since translations preserve closed sets.›
lemma (in topgroup) local_iff_neutral:
assumes "∀U∈T∩𝒩⇩0. ∃N∈𝒩⇩0. N⊆U∧ P(N,T)" "∀N∈Pow(G). ∀x∈G. P(N,T) ⟶ P(x\<ltr>N,T)"
shows "T{is locally}P"
fix x U assume "x∈⋃T""U∈T""x∈U"
then have "(\<rm>x)\<ltr>U∈T∩𝒩⇩0" using open_tr_open(1) open_trans_neigh neg_in_tgroup unfolding G_def
by auto
with assms(1) obtain N where "N⊆((\<rm>x)\<ltr>U)""P(N,T)""N∈𝒩⇩0" by auto
note ‹x∈⋃T›‹N⊆((\<rm>x)\<ltr>U)› moreover
from ‹U∈T› have "U⊆⋃T" by auto moreover
from ‹N∈𝒩⇩0› have "N⊆G" unfolding zerohoods_def by auto
ultimately have "(x\<ltr>N)⊆U" using trans_subset unfolding G_def by auto moreover
from ‹N⊆G›‹x∈⋃T› assms(2) ‹P(N,T)› have "P((x\<ltr>N),T)" unfolding G_def by auto moreover
from ‹N∈𝒩⇩0›‹x∈⋃T› have "x∈int(x\<ltr>N)" using elem_in_int_trans unfolding G_def by auto
ultimately have "∃N∈Pow(U). x∈int(N)∧P(N,T)" by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding IsLocally_def[OF topSpaceAssum] by auto
lemma (in topgroup) trans_closed:
assumes "A{is closed in}T""x∈G"
shows "(x\<ltr>A){is closed in}T"
from assms(1) have "cl(A)=A" using Top_3_L8 unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
then have "x\<ltr>cl(A)=x\<ltr>A" by auto
then have "cl(x\<ltr>A)=x\<ltr>A" using trans_closure assms unfolding IsClosed_def by auto
moreover have "x\<ltr>A⊆G" unfolding ltrans_def using group0.group0_5_L1(2)[OF group0_valid_in_tgroup ‹x∈G›]
unfolding image_def range_def domain_def converse_def Pi_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using Top_3_L8 unfolding G_def by auto
text‹As it is written in the previous section, every topological group is regular.›
theorem (in topgroup) topgroup_reg:
shows "T{is regular}"
fix U assume "U∈T∩𝒩⇩0"
then obtain V where "cl(V)⊆U""V∈𝒩⇩0" using exist_basehoods_closed by blast
then have "V⊆cl(V)" using cl_contains_set unfolding zerohoods_def G_def by auto
then have "int(V)⊆int(cl(V))" using interior_mono by auto
with ‹V∈𝒩⇩0› have "cl(V)∈𝒩⇩0" unfolding zerohoods_def G_def using Top_3_L11(1) by auto
from ‹V∈𝒩⇩0› have "cl(V){is closed in}T" using cl_is_closed unfolding zerohoods_def G_def by auto
with ‹cl(V)∈𝒩⇩0›‹cl(V)⊆U› have "∃N∈𝒩⇩0. N⊆U∧N{is closed in}T" by auto
then have "∀U∈T∩𝒩⇩0. ∃N∈𝒩⇩0. N⊆U∧N{is closed in}T" by auto moreover
have "∀N∈Pow(G).( ∀x∈G. (N{is closed in}T⟶(x\<ltr>N){is closed in}T))" using trans_closed by auto
ultimately have "T{is locally-closed}" using local_iff_neutral unfolding IsLocallyClosed_def by auto
then show "T{is regular}" using regular_locally_closed by auto
text‹The promised corollary follows:›
corollary (in topgroup) T2_imp_T3:
assumes "T{is T⇩2}"
shows "T{is T⇩3}" using T2_is_T1 topgroup_reg isT3_def assms by auto